Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 121 - [75]

Felicia's POV,

As long as Felicia remembered, her life was filled with Bad-Luck. She wasn't born in the shadiest part of society by any means. But they weren't well off either.

Her father was a thief. And, he wasn't the Robin Hood kind. He did steal from the rich, but kept it to himself, not that she was complaining; it paid the bills and they lived happily, even if it was at the expense of others, maybe she picked up his stealing habits. But even then, she loved him.

She still remembered the days when her father strolled around the park, carrying her like a princess. When he put her to sleep, reading out one of his absurd adventures. Even though at the time, she believed them as fairy tales. She couldn't fathom to believe that her father was a bad person. And she still didn't.

But it all changed when she was twelve, her father's body was found brutally mutilated in front of their apartment, right outside their door. It still haunted her whenever she remembered opening the door, seeing her father's lifeless, bloodstained, disfigured body.

Her father had stolen from someone wrong this time, or so the police told and they weren't that interested in investigating a burglars murder case.

So, she and her mother changed cities, it still felt dreadful leaving behind her once called home. Luckily her mother was a lawyer, or she had a lawyer degree. So, they could start a new life there. But life without her father was just... wasn't the same. She was close to him, so his death took a toll on her twelve year old self.

It wasn't that her mother didn't try and warm up to her, it was just hard to raise a child as a single mother. She would often come home late, tired but still trying her best to support her.

Every time Felicia returned home after school, she met an empty apartment. She felt alone and isolated. One time, her mother suggested picking up a hobby, to spend her alone time with.

And she was an athletic girl from the get go, so she became one of the rising gymnasts in her school. She even dreamt of going into the Olympics, shooting for the gold.

It was around that time, she started feeling a humm, from the back of her head. But she brushed it off. She must have been hearing things, she told herself.

Felica was in her late teens when another incident happened. She, like any other girl, was young, and naïve. She still believed the goodness in the world, and was afraid to look at the dark parts.

In her senior years, a guy that she liked for years proposed to her. It was a dream come true, but it was too good for her rotten luck.

Ryman was the guy that she was dating. He was the basketball champ, every girl wanted to date him. Maybe that was the reason why she liked him as well. She couldn't remember now.

At the time she was the best gymnast in her school and she had the perfect body of a teen actress, gaining her much attention. The basketball cap dating the school's most beautiful girl who also happened to be a gymnast, their love story was popular. She hoped that it stayed that way.

One month into their relationship, he started being aggressive. He wanted to get physical, but she wasn't ready. She needed some space and besides he was more inclined in getting attention than anything else. He didn't even try to know her for who she was. And then, one night, he spiked her drink and had her way with her.

Was it too hard to value her private space, she didn't know. But that incident scarred her for the rest of her life. Sadness, helplessness but most importantly anger was her key emotions at the time.

She was traumatized by the experience. And it left her heart broken, and insulated and isolated. She wanted to get back at him. Maybe even kill him. But even that was out of her luck. Ryman died a few days later in a car accident.

She felt useless, she couldn't even get her revenge and she was alone again. She didn't know why, she hid her relationship from her mother. And when the incident that night happened, she wasn't sure telling her would be any good. And he died anyways a few days later, so that was that.

It was the end of that chapter. After that she wanted many times to get into a relationship but it wasn't the same. She wanted something more, maybe a commitment?

None of her so called friends that really cared for her, most of them were from her body or popularity, everybody wanted to be with the popular girl in school. So, she felt isolated, surrounded by fake people all the time.

And the fact that people would bring up Ryman's death now and then, trying to sympathize with her. It made her life even worse and now she had to fake sadness.

For all she cared the boy could rot in hell.

But it got worse, when her powers awakened, she was mutant now. A guy wearing a red helmet with a red cape said so, though she questioned his outlandish costume sense. At first the guy wanted to take her in his band of nut jobs, to liberate the world they said, but she didn't want to leave her mother.

Her mutant ability was 'Bad Luck', a passive ability that she had no control over. And when the guy wearing the red helmet found it out, he left her. "I don't want to take a bad luck charm on my journey" he said.

Before leaving, a woman told her about her powers, more importantly warned her. The more time she spent with one person, be it good or bad. They will be affected. Maybe Ryman's death was, because of her bad luck, if so that would be satisfying.

And maybe the 'humm' she heard from the back of her head was the indicator for that power.

But then it hit her, was her mother's declining health her fault too? Even though her mother didn't spend that much time with her, but even so she was being affected. Even her classmates and teachers would sometimes get injured in absurd amounts of ways.

But unlike with them, she cared for her mother, she had to protect the last family she had, her mother. So, she left home.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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