Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 122 - [76]

Homeless at the age of eighteen, wasn't anything good. And a girl like her wasn't safe, though she did make anyone regret if they thought she was weak. But luckily or unluckily, she was found by her father's mentor. A British old man, living in the states.

He recognized her, when she tried to steal his wallet, well it wasn't a good start by any means. And he took her under his wing. The old man was like a grandfather to her. He taught her how to fight, how to steal, how to hide, how to escape and how to cover up her tracks.

And with her experience being a gymnast also helped her a lot.

He was the best of the best, and for a time, she forgot about her powers. She denied to believe that her powers could bring misfortune.

But, within one year of staying with the old man, he died.

It was a heart attack. And she refused to believe a man that could jump from one building to another, without batting an eye would die from it. Even the doctors were confused, no previous symptoms of any illness, as fit as an Olympic athlete, but then it hit her.

It was her powers, maybe she was the reason why it happened. And so she was alone again. She tried to control her powers, she really did. She wanted to have a normal life again, go back to her mother, have friends, maybe even go back to school. But it was her bad luck she couldn't.

Even her pet cats would die after a few weeks, if they stayed with her. So, she did the only thing she could. She stole, at least this way she could be free. Sure fleeing from one city to another wasn't the best experience, but it was freeing.

She wasn't a person who would give up on her life, she wasn't weak, she never was. Even if she was alone, she could enjoy her life, each moment at a time.

But then she went too deep, too soon into her criminal works and high members of the underworld were noticing her. She had joined KingPin, the man who ruled over New York. Thinking that it would guarantee her safety.

Yet she was betrayed by him, like all of them, she was black mailed to do her job. They had her mother and that wasn't the worst part. She was going to get sold to a black organization.

The Hand, one of the ancient organizations, that had mystical powers. Her teacher (the old man) had always said to avoid them, to run if she could and to never to join them. Because they did things that were far worse than death.

And so, she did, she tried to fight back her bad luck. But she failed, again. This time she had failed herself.

But then he came, her knight in shiny what-ever-that-was, thought the noticeable thing was his ragged beast like teeth, those were like daggers. Maybe it was her nightmare, that was saving her. It didn't make sense.

She didn't know what he was, or who he was, but had something in him that she wanted. And she, like the curious cat she was, wanted to know more. It wouldn't hurt socializing a little bit.

But she was wrong, horribly so.

When he asked her on a date, she didn't think much and agreed. It was a free dinner, even if it was a home cooked one. Her life was bad as it was, one date wouldn't do anything, bad. But she was wrong, Max was too good for her.

He genuinely cared about her and she didn't know when she started to care about him as well.

She felt a twist in her stomach, whenever he showed his genuine kindness towards her. She felt like in a pitfall, when she couldn't reach him one day, not contacting him one day, made her dreadful.

She wasn't naïve anymore; she knew what those feelings were. She knew what they meant.

But she had to stop him, she had to stop herself, it was two weeks in, if he stayed any longer he might... If she didn't break up, then he would… she didn't even want to imagine.

The constant humming behind her head was still there, lingering, her Bad-Luck.

She wanted him to be safe. At least this way he would be happy. If she stayed with him, it would only make his life worse.

So she brought him home to break up, with him then and there. But he wouldn't stop, asking her the reason.

"Please, Felica, at least tell me why we are breaking up. Don't you like me, am I not enough?" he asked in a pleading tone. He looked scared.

But she couldn't voice her thoughts, her throat was dry.

"Is that because of your powers." He asked, after a minute or two.

Her eyes went wide, he knew. No, he couldn't. "You-you don't know." Why did she stumble on her words, now he was going to press on the subject.

"It's Bad-Luck isn't it."

She flinched, not meeting his eyes, she was looking elsewhere and hoped that he would drop the subject. But she was curious as to how he found out.

"I knew it…" he said, smiling.

'Why was he smiling.' She thought. Though it wasn't a mocking smile, it was one of his goofy ones.

"I had a hunch that was the case." He said, standing up from the sofa, walking towards and sitting beside her. He held her hands, rubbing her thumb on the back of her hand. "Don't worry…"

She took away her hand, "You don't know. It will… it will kill you." She said with a shaky voice, her eyes welled up. Why was she crying? She honestly felt horrible showing those vulnerable emotions, again.

,.."Ah, sorry… please don't cry." He said, pancaking. He held her, and for some reason, she felt calm, her worries drifting away, as if a wave of coolness drowned on her, it was almost magical. Was it one of his powers? "I'm all ears… please tell me. I want to know the real you. Not Black Cat, but Felica Hardy."

And so she did. She always wanted someone to listen, someone to share her burden with. As she spoke he didn't say anything. Nodding from time to time, rubbing her back. And before she knew it, she was leaning on his c.h.e.s.t, sobbing.

And then in between, he shared his own life story. His life was just as messed up as he was. He also lived through the harshness of the society.

He started with how his parents died. How he found out about the killings, how he got revenge. Even though he said he killed high class targets, she wondered as to how she heard any of it.

Well, the world is a big place. And he wasn't lying. He was being honest, she could feel it, it was a part of her powers maybe. But then…

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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