Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 123 - [77]

[A/N: Three chapters all at once. Thanks for waiting.]


"Um, Felicia… I want to confess something as well…" he said, separating from her.

He looked at her with hesitance. Standing up from the sofa.

"I" -her eyes went wide, was he proposing?- "I" -wait, wasn't he listening? She can't have a relationship with him- "I am not a human." He finished.

She frowned, that was a new one, but she didn't speak. She let him continue.

"I am not a human anymore, I used to be. And I am not a mutant either." He said, his body morphing, melting into a blob of goo. Two comma shaped eyes and a horizontal mouth appeared.

For the longest time, she didn't say anything. Well, she didn't find any difference, mutant or not, he was more humane than most people she knew. And he was getting worried, from what she could read, it was hard to read a black slime. "I don't get it?" she said. "At least, your powers are nice. So, you can shapeshift?"

The blob of black-goo smiled, transforming back to his human form. "Much more, but shapeshifting is one of them." He said, sighing in relief. "I thought you weren't going to accept me. Thank you."

"Welcome I guess," she said, pondering. "You know you can steal a lot of things with that useful power." And she was being honest, even if she was a mutant. She couldn't do anything fancy. It was just Bad Luck.

His smile dropped, before he broke into a laughter. "Well, I did steal your heart."

She didn't say anything, her eyes blinked a few times, and her face started to feel hot. Was she blushing? And It was true. But there was still a wall separating them. "But Max, that doesn't fix my problem."

"No actually it does." He said. "First, I am too hard to kill. Second, I think I can fix your problem."

She heard it wrong, there was no possible way he could fix her 'Bad Luck'.

"There are many ways to fix your so-called Bad luck powers." He said, "Can I bond with you?"

She blinked, was that a proposal?. "Yes." She squeaked.

And he was happy, he held her hand, and then he started to bond with her. Literally, she saw him crawling into her skin. But even then she didn't panic. She trusted him, and knew whatever he did, it wouldn't harm her.

But then it hit her. 'He's inside me. Inside me. And it's not just 'his thing', he's literally inside me.' She thought.

'Wow didn't think it that way, but it's nothing intimate, you dirty cat.' She heard Max's shrill voice inside her head. It made sense he was inside her,and she felt her face burning again.

'What are you doing there, anyway. My body isn't a bar to hang around in.' she said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

He heard Max's laugh. Black symbiotic goo started pouring out of her hand, before reshaping it to Max.

"And done." He said, smiling.

She tilted her head. "What is?"

"I switched off your power." He said, as if it wasn't a big deal.

And he was right, the humming behind her head stopped. How did he do it? She threw herself onto him, holding him into a tight hug. "Please, don't say it's a dream." She mumbled.

And she felt a prick on her bum, she squeaked. Separating, looking at him with a frown.

"What?" he said, playing innocent. "I pinched you, now you know that, it isn't a dream."

Her lips curled up, he always played it easy. But… "Max, are you sure?"

He shook his head. "No, I just burned out your X-gene from your DNA for the time being. It's not a permanent solution, but you are free of bad luck for a few months or so. Until your blood fully---"

She held him in a tight hug again and refused to let him go. For the longest time, they stayed that way.

Then Max picked her up, she felt like a Koala clinging on to a tree. But even then, when he stood up. He was gentle and she felt like a baby again.

And then, he took her into the bedroom, her heart was thumping. They were going to do it. She gulped, but she wasn't ready, she had to take a bath and…

Shoot that, she wasn't sure that she could have an intimate relationship all together. Even now she was still traumatized. And was he like him, was he going to give her space.

She was cut off when her lips were sealed and a tongue invaded her mouth. She was wide eyed, but she fought back. Her head spun, the world was foggy. And before she knew it, they were in bed. He was on the top and she was at the bottom.

Her heart was beating faster than a train. It was bamboozled, things were going too fast. But she had to stop him. And…

He separated, laying her into the bed. "Now get some shut-eye, you didn't sleep the whole night did you… I can see the bags under your eyes and if I don't stop, we will get too far."

She felt a little disappointment, but then relieved, he didn't invade her privacy. He was willing to wait for her and it made her heart melt.

"I wouldn't mind…" But he shushed her, with a figure over her lips. Did she just really ask for it. She did? But why was he refusing.

"No," he rejected, shaking his head. "Stop forcing yourself. And let's get married first." He said, sliding his finger off.

"Yeah, figures." Then her eyes went wide and she jerked up on her bed. "Did you just propose to me…"

"Err… Yeah, I guess. I mean, you want commitment and…" She pushed him back in anger. She didn't want it this way.

"No!… you are supposed to propose with a ring over a dinner or something…" she said huffing, "And yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes, I will marry you. You happy, you big slimy oaf." She crossed her arms, looking away. Why were her cheeks burning again? Only then did she realize, she was marrying a person only after dating a few weeks. Weren't things going too fast.

Then she felt him, taking her hands. "What…" her words died on her mouth. She saw the prettiest Black-Diamond ring over her finger. The ring was made out of a cold blue metal and it held a decent sized Black-Diamond.

"Will this do?" he said. "Black color kinda suits you…"

And they were back to smooching again, this time she took the lead. After a fierce battle of tongues and saliva, they rested panting. He creased her hair gently over her eyes and she looked up.

"Tomorrow is a good date to get married? No?"

Felica, looked at him. Was he being serious, wasn't it going too fast? At least she would have to introduce him to her mother.

"I know it might be too fast. But this way, you will have something to sue me if I mess things up. Though I will have to get an ID for that…" he said. "Anyways I have seen many relations go on and on for years before getting married, only to file for divorce in a year or two. And I want it to make it right to you. So, let's get married." He said, giving one of his goofy smiles.

She couldn't argue with that, he was right. And it was the only way to test relations these days. This way, both sides would be committed to their duties.

And what was marriage anyways, just some vows exchange. But it felt right that way. Wait what was she thinking. Wasn't she getting ahead of herself. And wasn't she too young to get married?

But then she looked at him, if she refused then he wouldn't press on the subject anymore. He was a gentleman or whether gentle-creature he was. And most relations were a leap of faith anyways, so why not here.

But then she frowned, she looked at him, almost glaring. "Listen here mister." Jabbing her fingers towards him. "Don't you ever betray me, Max! Ever!" He nodded, but she didn't stop. "And don't even think about cheating on me. If I ever suspect you building a harem-dream or something like that. If I ever see you having any relation with other girls… I will hurt you. And that's a promise."

Max gulped, nodding. She was dead serious. But then he questioned, "But why would I have a Harem…" but his sentence died down in self realization from what she could tell.

Even she didn't know why she pointed out that fact. But she wasn't a girl keen on sharing to begin with.

And that's how her absurd life went marrying a space monster.

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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