Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 124 - [78.1]

Max's POV,

When Max went to Felicia's apartment, he was anxious and worried. He knew he liked her. Maybe even more… But looking at the situation. He could only sigh.

He knew that she was trying to break up. Even though Max couldn't read her thoughts with Telepathy, he wasn't blank. Even before having Emma's powers, he had a workaround to it.

It was Sabertooth's enhanced hearing that picked up the tiniest of details, even someone's heartbeat. Other than using it as a lie detector, he mostly ignored it. But now was the best time to use it.

When he painfully asked her the question of breaking up, he heard her heart pounding and roaring. He knew that rhythm, it was when someone was angry. So, he became scared, horrified even.

Why was she angry? She couldn't be angry at him, right? He didn't do anything yet.

So, he pressed on the matter. Constantly questioning her, as to why she was trying to break up. And every-time, he heard her heart squeak.

Why was she worried and angry?

A week or so ago, Max researched her background. He knew her back story or origin story as they liked to call it. But this universe was different.

In here (this universe), her father passed away when she was twelve. Or at least that's what the public report said. Then she moved with her mother to a new city.

She had a normal life before she had gone missing. At the age of eighteen, even though the official police complaint didn't have any useful info on it, he had a good guess as to what happened.

As she was a mutant in this universe, she obviously had powers. But she was normal as far he could tell.

No signs of super strength, agile? Yes, but not enough to categorize as an ability.Not that durable either. She was at the pinnacle of the human body due to her training. Then what was her power?

Then it hit him, in the comics, didn't she have Bad Luck. Was that her mutant ability? Yeah, that could be…

"Please, Felicia, at least tell me why we are breaking up. Don't you like me, am I not enough?" he asked in a pleading tone.

And she looked horrible, she wanted to refute. The facade on her face was slipping away and Max could see that from a mile away.

And he was right.

"Is that because of your powers?" He asked, after a minute or two.

And she became wide eyed. Bingo! So, he was right and could hear her heartbeat getting faster, a sign of telling a convincing lie or hiding something.

But then came another thought, was she… was she breaking up with him, because of his own safety. That made his heart melt and a goofy smile crept on his face.

She was looking at him with a frown. Oops! But in his defense, how can he not be happy that she was caring about him.

She cared for her! That meant she had feelings for him. And he was in high-heaven now.

"It's Bad Luck isn't it."

And she flinched. Man, if this was a guessing contest, he would be winning gold. He couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"I had a hunch that was the case." He said, standing up from the sofa, walking towards and sitting beside her. He held her hands, rubbing her thumb on the back of her hand, trying to make her relax. "Don't worry…"

But she took her hand away and started bickering. But he wasn't having any of that shit. If she really liked her, then he wanted to know her. The real her, not Black Cat but Felicia Hardy.

And so he asked, and she started sharing her story. The more she told, the more he felt bad. How could life be so cruel to her? But he stopped himself from showing any signs of pity because that would set her off.

She didn't need pity, she was strong. What she needed was support and a shoulder to lean on. And so he did, and before he knew it, she was on his c.h.e.s.t and sobbing.

Her cheeks were red, and her eyes were puffy. But even then, it had a tinge bit of cuteness to it.

He wanted to be like this for a little while, her body heat and the smell of her hair were intoxicating. And what better way to share more time, than to telling his own story. So he started.

His life wasn't really good either. And before he knew it, it came down to the part where he died. Or something along the line and he was flushed off into the world of Marvel.

Even though he trusted her, he wasn't going to tell her that. That would be putting a responsibility on her shoulder. What he was going to tell her was about her powers and him not being a human.

"Um, Felicia… I want to confess something as well…" he said, separating from her, pushing her back, getting a little distance from her in the double-sofa.

He looked at her with hesitance. Was it the right thing to do? She wouldn't hate her for hiding, would she? But it was a leap of faith. And he took it.

"I… I… I am not a human." He finished and he looked away, not before seeing a frown on her face.

------- (A/N) --------- [Guys, this story is dying. And I need Powerstones. I haven't been active lately, sorry for that. I will try to upload more frequently from now on. And another 3 chapters.]

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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