Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 125 - [78.2]

But she didn't speak.

"I am not a human anymore, I used to be. And I am not a mutant either." He said, his body morphing, melting into a blob of goo. Two comma-shaped eyes and a horizontal mouth appeared.

For the longest time, she didn't say anything, and Max was getting anxious. What if she rejected him.

But then she spoke. "I don't get it?" she said. "At least, your powers are cool. So, you can shapeshift?" she asked, with curiosity rather than anything.

He smiled in his slime-symbiotic form, before transforming back to his human form. "Much more, but shapeshifting is one of them." He said, sighing in relief. "I thought you weren't going to accept me. Thank you."

"Welcome I guess," she said, pondering and humming. "You know you can steal a lot of things with that useful power."

His smile dropped before he broke into a laughter. She was being serious, my god, he wanted to spend his life with her. "Well, I did steal your heart."

Oops! He went too far, but when he looked at her. Was she blushing? He couldn't see her face, as she was trying to hide it. And she didn't deny it. Meaning, he was right, she did like her.

And then she asked him if he could really fix her powers. In a way, he could, though it wasn't a permanent solution.

But he would rather let Thanos kill that man than to ask him for help. Yes, he was holding a grudge. That f.u.c.k.i.n.g man sent him to hell. What else do you expect from him?

He wasn't a shonen-character, who would go around, raining down talk-no-jutsus and forgive every character. Heck no!

And if nothing works he would take his help. Even though Max hated Steven Strange, he cared for Felicia even more. But that was the last call, before that he could at least try himself.

Then he asked her for permission if he could bond with her. The girl squeaked a response. That was weird. The others didn't do that? But he just shrugged it off.

Max had experimented with mutant genes before. With Sabertooth's no less. And that was the time when he was still grasping on to his new powers. Now he could do much more.

Every mutant's powers came from the X-gene. Unlike Spider-Man or the Black Panther, they depended on their X-gene.

When he wanted to kill Sabertooth, he tried to burn the X-gene off him. But it was difficult. But his healing factor was on an absurd level and would regrow the X-gene right away.

But for mutants who didn't have a healing factor, it could be done. It was only a theory then, but now was the best time to try it. Though it won't take away their powers permanently, rather it was a temporary solution.

But Max's musing was cut off when he heard Felicia's run of thoughts.

'He's inside me.' She said in her mind. "Inside me. And it's not just 'his thing', he's literally inside me.'

His thing?… wait she isn't talking about that, is she…

'Woow… didn't think in that way. But it's nothing intimate, you dirty cat.' He said in a teasing voice.

'What are you doing there, anyway. My body isn't a bar to hang around in.' she said, trying to hide her embarrassment. But Max was already laughing.

Man, it was epic teasing her. But he needed to focus, clearing his thoughts, he peered into her cells, into her DNA.

And with some heat, he could burn the X-gene off. But doing that around her body at the same time would cause her unimaginable pain. And he didn't want that.

Boosting and controlling her adrenalin level, he made her calm, yet tense. Then he cut her pain receptors. Off and went to business.

And believe it or not, burning off the X-gene off, wasn't the hard part. All it needed was a little heat and the pesky little shit was gone.

The hard part was keeping her from feeling any pain. She had suffered enough, and he wasn't going to be the reason for one of her sufferings.

Then he separated, telling her that he fixed her power issues temporarily. But she cut him midway, sealing his lips. And he enjoyed the kiss, it was warm and smoky. Just the thing he needed.

"Please, don't say it's a dream." She mumbled.

And he might have pinched her bum, she squeaked. Separating, looking at him with a frown.

"What?" he said, playing innocent. "I pinched you, now you know that it isn't a dream."

Well in his defense he did. Though he really did want to do that for a long time, and god, those b.u.t.t cheeks are soft. And he regretted nothing.

But it wasn't the time for that, he picked her up. As gentle as possible. Her legs were around his h.i.p.s and he grabbed her by the hip, not letting her fall.

And he took her to her bedroom. It was the first time he went in there. Her room smelt of sun-flowers and lemons. And it was a good thing that everything was clean. He liked it clean, mind you.

He put her on the bed, separating. Even though, his instincts screamed to devour her. Have her, take her. He resisted. He didn't want to be the second Ryman in her story.

------- (A/N) --------- [Guys, this story is dying. And I need Powerstones. I haven't been active lately, sorry for that. I will try to upload more frequently from now on. And another 3 chapters.]

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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