Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 126 - [79]

"I wouldn't mind…" she squabbled. But he shushed her, with a figure over her lips. She was forcing herself and he didn't want any of that. She was in heat, just like him, but he was going to have her. Yes, but when both of them mutually agreed on more clear terms.

"No," he rejected, shaking his head. "Stop forcing yourself. And let's get married first." He said, sliding his finger off. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5B79%5D_52347019628436272 for visiting.

Then he screamed into his mind. What was that? Was he stupid? Their relation just mended, and now he was spouting things. Though he really meant those words. If they married, it would fix her problems, he thought.

He always heard some girls didn't show themselves fully until they got married. Max didn't question Felicia's character. But he really did want to be with her. And this way she could trust her a bit more, even if it was only a tiny bit. He was willing to go to the next step. That should show how serious he was.

And he died once and didn't know if he would get a third chance in life.

And he always wanted to start a family. Then why not with her. He was taking the same advice that he gave to Peter, this hero-business didn't give too much time to think. And this way he wanted to make things right with her.

"Yeah, figures." Then her eyes went wide, and she jerked up on her bed, grabbing him by the collar. "Did you just propose to me…"

"Err… Yeah, I guess. I mean, you want commitment, and…" he stumbled on his words.

She started slamming her fists into his c.h.e.s.t. Was she angry? He knew this was a bad idea. Why mouth… why? Why did you have to spill those words?

'Oh,' he thought in his mind. She was worried about that.

"And yes." She said. He flinched.

"Yes what?" he asked, just to make sure.

"Yes, I will marry you. You happy, you big slimy oaf." She crossed her arms looking away, and he could see the faintest bit of red on her cheeks. Was she blushing?

But… she accepted. She f.u.c.k.i.n.g accepted his marriage proposal. Max's mind was dancing bananas. He was in a frenzy.

But he had to make things right. She wanted a ring, yes. Why not. Even though Max took Emma's powers. He didn't take them fully. He only took the telepath part.

Though, he still knew the X-gene sequence of her diamond body. So intriguing it, into a small section of his body. He made a black diamond. Though he would have preferred light color ones.

Then again, black suited her. And with a few adjustments and organic-vibranium as the metal, he made the ring.

He took her hand. "What…" her words died on her mouth when she saw the ring.

And they were back to smooching again, this time she took the lead. And he wasn't complaining. After a fierce battle of tongues and saliva, they rested panting. He creased her hair gently over her eyes and she looked up.

"Tomorrow is a good date to get married? No?" he asked. Heck, he would marry her now, If she agreed.

Just needed to kidnap a priest and blackmail a witness to do the promise part. And done, they would be married.

But then she frowned, she looked at him, almost glaring. Oh-uh, why was she glaring. He felt a bead of sweat in between his brows, though the temperature felt a bit too chilly for his liking.

"Listen here, Mister!" Jabbing her fingers towards him, right to his face... "Don't you ever betray me, Max! Ever!" He nodded, he wasn't going to anyway.

But she didn't stop. "And don't even think about cheating on me. If I ever suspect you building a harem-dream or something like that. If I ever see you have any relation with other girls… I will hurt you. And that's a promise."

Max gulped, nodding. She was dead serious, and he wasn't going to test it out. He was a sadist yes (only sometimes, when needed to torture enemies), but he wasn't a m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t.

But then he questioned, "But why would I have a Harem…" but his sentence died down in self-realization.

Heck, this is the part, where reincarnation-MC asked their girl if they would be willing to share. And his would-be wife was going to have none of those.

No, stop! What was he thinking? He was even planning on having kids now? Wasn't things moving too fast.

Then she asked, "By the way, Max." She said, bringing her back from his musing. "How did you get your powers? I mean you said you weren't a human."

He wanted to tell her, he really did. But that would be putting an unnecessary responsibility on her shoulder. So, he lied, twisting his words telling her that, "One day a meteor fell on me and I became this. It doesn't happen often… someone turning into a symbiote."

He was cursing his bad mouth. When was it when you needed it to work? That was the worst lie in history.

"Huh, that's weird." She said in an understanding tone, before shrugging.

And she actually believed it, not a bit of skepticism was shown on her face. And it made him feel worse for telling her a lie that was. But some things were better left unsaid.

------- (A/N) --------- [Guys, this story is dying. And I need Powerstones. I haven't been active lately, sorry for that. I will try to upload more frequently from now on. And another 3 chapters.]

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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