Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 127 - [80]

With a bit of bickering, both Max and Felicia agreed that they would marry a month later. It wasn't that both of them weren't ready, they were.

But things were happening too fast. And also as Felicia's mother was still in the hospital, recovering. It would be problematic for Felicia to break the ice and introduce Max to her.

With a beaming smile, Max excited Felicia's apartment. He could wait a month, right? It wasn't that long. He hoped…

Felicia made a cat-ish grin before she licked her lips, but she was sure to hide it from Max.

She promised herself to make Max's life a living hell in the upcoming month. She didn't know why, but she liked to tease Max and see his embarrassed face, it looked cute on him. And she knew just how to make him fl.u.s.tered and embarrassed.

Max exited the apartment, not knowing how troublesome the upcoming days would be for him.

With a cat-ish grin, Felicia broke into a hysterical laughter. Just the thought of teasing Max, made her bones shiver in excitement.

But first, she needed to go shopping.

On the other hand, Max didn't realize what trouble he was in. But he was too happy go lucky of a guy to care about it, right now.

He was getting married and finally was going to have a family. Even, he couldn't believe it.

So, now he had to wait. Waiting couldn't be that hard? Could it? It was only a month. Thirty days. A few hundred hours. Yeah, not that long... He nodded half convincing to himself.

The sun was already drowning in the horizon, as the sky was bleeding red. It was a beautiful day indeed. Heck to Max, even the trash-bin looked beautiful today. He was overflowing with Joy.

Webbing to one, swinging in massive arcs and doing acrobatics before webbing to another building, he rinsed and repeated this process, swinging through the concrete jungle of New York. Even though Max had wings, there was a different set of intensity and excitement swinging from building to building.

Flying and fun and all, but swinging was better. It may also have to do with his obsession with swinging when he was little.

The wind blowing through, hitting his face, the moment when you feel weightless, all were too familiar feelings that Max enjoyed. But today was special.

And why wouldn't he, this was the best day of his life. He was engaged now and soon he was going to get married. What more could he ask for.

Max was finding it hard to keep his massive grin off of his face and was shouting if not screaming in excitement, while swinging from building to building. Luckily he was invisible, so people on the streets couldn't see him, though they did question where the sudden bold cheers were coming from.


Wakanda, The western mountains

Unlike them, he was willing to seek help and corporate with the people below the mountains, from the other tribes of Wakanda. He wanted his tribe to prosper and live a peaceful life.

But every man has his flaws, he had as well. He was too trusting of a guy; he happened to trust the wrong person. And now he was paying dearly.

He screamed in pain, but that too was muffed by the gag that was on his mouth. He was in pure agony and pain. Rage and helplessness were the only things he felt right now.

His skin burned from inside and out, he felt his every muscle being torn apart and rebuilt. But the most excreting pain was from his head. He felt as if thousands of sirens were running in his ears, while someone is pouring molten lava on it.

Tears, sweat, blood, and other fluids were gushing out of his eyes, nose, and ears. His throat was dry and his voice was weak by the time one of the processors was done.

With pure rage-filled white eyes, he looked at the perpetrator. How could someone betray his own kin? His own family. His own uncle.

"Now, now. Little imp, that's not nice to look at your elders, that way. Haven't I taught you better?" The man said, his voice oozed with sarcasm.

The said uncle of his, pushed another syringe needle into his unnaturally pale skin, drawing out blood. After that, he went out from his view. M'Baku could hear him speak. But he couldn't make out the words.

His headache was killing him.

M'Baku wasn't surprised anymore. This wasn't the first time. How many hours if now days had passed here. Being locked up like a prisoner, experimented on like a lab rat. He didn't know.

The giant mechanical hands above him started moving above him yet again, pushing those needles in his bodies. He couldn't move, as he was strapped tightly on to the medical bed.

The needles were connected with transparent tubes, that soon poured a liquid, red substance into M'Baku's body. And he started screaming in pain again, his body shaking, as his muscles bulged and throbbed.

He gasped for air when the neon blue substance was pushed by the mechanical syringe directly into his lungs. He felt his lungs burning, and the world spinning, before passing out.

Jaku clicked his tongue. "He passed out again? Didn't he?" he spat.

The other researchers reluctantly nodded. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5B80%5D_52369467811880120 for visiting.

"How much rejection are we seeing?" He rubbed his temples, grumbling.

"40% sir."

Jaku nodded, "We don't have enough time to waste. Give him Dixolarin (Artificial Adrenalin) and bring him back. We don't need the procedure to fully be compatible with him. Just enough to make his body look natural." Jaku said, with a cruel smile plastered on his face.

M'Baku looked more like a white ape, rather than a human now. His dark skin was now layered with a coat of thick white fur. His eyes had no pupil in it, and his hands and feet had claw-like features to them. He looked more taller and animalistic.

This procedure would not only make his body stronger than the Black Panther. But also give him mystical abilities. And the most important part was, Jaku will be the one controlling him.

Jaku, once commander and head researcher of the tribe, would be now controlling the Jabari Chief from the shadows. And if M'Baku as a test subject could be in a presentable state.

He could convince more willing youth to join his experiments and build his personal armies of super soldiers.

With a few mechanical clicks on the keyboard, another translucent white liquid was pushed into M'Baku's spinal cord. And he was jolted awake, as his eyes opened wide. But one could see the barest form of his pupil returning.

And with this, the procedure continued, much to the suffering of the M'Baku.

------- (A/N) --------- [Guys, this story is dying. Please donate Powerstones to cheer me up. I haven't been active lately, sorry for that. I will try to upload more frequently from now on.]

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Currently due to some issues the chapters maybe less.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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