Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 128 - [81]

"So, you're leaving," Max asked. "Take care then." He looked around the rooftop. Most of the members were boarding the Aircraft. From what he knew only Nakia would be staying behind.

"Um, yeah. It's a sudden call from the Jabari tribe and the elders. They are still not happy about our decision." She sighed. "So, a sudden meeting between the chiefs was announced."

"Oww… You gonna miss me. I'm Blushing!"

"Yeah, yeah. No ones gonna miss you." She snorted. "But I will miss Ecstasy. Sure hope she doesn't get too mad for bailing out on her." Shuri said, looking down.

After bonding with the yellow Symbiote Ecstasy, Shuri and the symbiote quickly developed a good symbiotic relationship to the point Ecstasy wouldn't bond with any other host.

And while staying here Shuri spent most of her time in the warehouse with the symbiote, trying out new things. The symbiote was close to a little sister to Shuri. So, leaving the symbiote was a little hard for her. And the fact that she was studying symbiotic biology to implement on her tech and come up with new ideas also had its benefits.

"Aha… Don't worry about it." Max said waving his handoff. " I will come back to Wakanda in the next week or so, I just have to wrap things around here. I will bring the symbiotes then" Max said, smiling. "In the meantime, keep yourself out of trouble."

They stood a few meters away from the Firefly Aircraft. The aircraft itself was bigger than a private jet, even while its wings were folded. It had enough space for thirty people or so.

Looking at it, Max was the only outsider that was on the roof. While the rest of them were native Wakanda people.

Though most of them knew Max as the person who came with Shuri from time to time. They were still a little worried about him. They didn't disrespect him in any way, but they didn't show any signs of friendsh.i.p.s either.

"I know, I know." She grumbled. "Just don't hurt or do anything stupid with Ecstasy. She hates being locked up, you know. And even more so now that she can bond with me."

But he knew better. Symbiotes were monsters in their own ways, even Max himself who was once a human had trouble controlling his emotions. And he wasn't going to give unwanted responsibilities to Shuri right now.

"Can't I take her with me? Brother and the others will be flying with me, so nothing will happen." She said, but the words came out as a plea.

"Shuri we have been over this. And…" he started to whisper keeping his voice down. "I am not sure how they will react if you go full form with Ecstasy in front of them. They still don't fully trust me you know."

Shuri's shoulder slouched down. She couldn't argue with that. Even while T'Challa was indebted to Max, he was rather skeptical of him. And who wouldn't be? He was not only a foreigner but also happened to be a man-eating alien.

Max felt lucky, they didn't try to capture him and do experiments on his body to know more.

"Just come back as soon as you can. Stupid tribe meetings. By Bast I hate them." She cursed, crossing her arms. But then as if remembering something she looked back. "By the way, tell Ned and Peter to not tinker with my stuff. I will fry them if I find my stuff missing." She said, even knowing it would take a while before she came back to New York.

Max chuckled at the comment. Shuri, Peter and Ned had built some-kind of nerd group of sorts in the warehouse.

Max had to renovate a few unused rooms so that the group could work. Now the warehouse looked bad on the outside and good on the inside, just like what he wanted. It was his own Bat-Cave in a way. Even though it was a cheap and dirty one.

During the last week the nerd group almost set the place on fire with their so called experiments. Though the funny part was that, Dr. Connors, who was working a few floors below their workshop was frightened to the core.

"I still can't believe you are getting married." She suddenly said. "But good luck. Anyways, if you do tend to do a grand function of sorts, do it in Wakanda. It's the best place you will ever get."

"Thank you. But we are going to keep it simple. We both don't have time for something grand and big right now. Maybe later… On one of our anniversaries, maybe." Max shrugged.

It had already been a week or so since Max and Felicia decided to get married. And those days were eventful.

Shuri nodded. "But I sure will miss Ecstasy. And I was just getting to spin webs."

"Shuri… I suggest you don't talk about her in front of Bayak. He isn't very fond of her." Max said leaning closer. The panther was a few feet away from them and was curiously looking down from the roof.

It was true, Bayak for one was a little aggressive towards the Yellow symbiote when Shuri started spending most of her time with her. And the fact that the symbiote didn't like the panther also made things worse.

Shuri just rolled her eyes but didn't refute. She knew Bayak was a little competitive with Ecstasy. And most of the time she made fun of the adorable fluff ball of a cat for doing so.

Unlike Max, Ecstasy was still childish. So, she's not liking Bayak for petty reasons and vice versa- It was a little irritating.

"Shuri, we will leave in five," Okoye called out, gaining both of their attentions. The Firefly was getting started, as the engines hummed and blue lights were coming out from the jets.

Max saw as the Firefly fully took off from the ground in flashing blue lights and zoomed through the sky.

Though Max didn't say it. He was going to miss the girl, she was one of his close friends that he trusted. And coupled with the symbiote research that she was helping with also helped. So, he will need to speed up things and return to Wakanda.

He would have returned to Wakanda if he wasn't having problems with the Hell Fire Club.

Most would think he stayed here due to Felicia, but it was wrong. Even if Max stayed in Wakanda. With his powers, he could teleport to her anytime he wanted.

Thinking about the Hell Fire club made Max a little worried. On one hand, he had the power to fully take over by force. On the other hand, he was worried to do so. There were certain players in that club that even Max didn't want to challenge right now.

He wasn't scared per se. But he would rather not make unwanted enemies. And not while his said enemies could use magic.

------- (A/N) --------- [Guys, this story is dying. Please donate Powerstones to cheer me up. I haven't been active lately, sorry for that. I will try to upload more frequently from now on.] Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5B81%5D_52394236888275895 for visiting.

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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