Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 130 - [83] Getting Dark...

Max went into the warehouse, this was his secret layer so to speak. Walking down the scrap yard full of junk, pieces of machinery, and broken vehicles he stooped in front of a large wooden box, that was almost 3 meters tall, covered with a dirty green rag.

Pushing his hand onto the rag. The box-frame changed into a double door. Walking into it, Max pressed the keypad. As the elevator started going down.

This warehouse was transformed into a fully functional base now. Max had used some 'borrowed' tech from Wakanda to dig up the ground and build his lab.

This wasn't his secret base or anything. Almost all of the people that Max knew on a personal level knew this place. But he wasn't worried about anyone breaking in.

The best thing was its security. And he knew even magicians would have to play it careful, if they wanted to enter this place. And only the lower floors were locked from everyone but Max himself.

[Greetings, Sir] a male voice greeted him, with its British accent.

This was an AI that Max had crafted from analyzing the inner workings of Karen and Giriot (the Wakanda AI), Max needed one for his personal work. And he didn't want to use Giriot all the time.

"Hello, Walter," Max said. "Could you inform Dr. Connor not to disturb me today?"

[Sure. Would you be working on Project 13 today?] The AI called Walter responded.

"Yes. Could you prepare the lab, I want it cold." Max said, humming as the doors opened.

[Of course sir… Sir, we are receiving a call from Wakanda.]

Hearing that Max frowned. Only Shuri would call at this hour.

A few minutes earlier. In Wakanda.

The panther growled from pain. "It hurts." He said, l.i.c.k.i.n.g his paws. There was blood l.i.c.k.i.n.g out of the claws. But soon the blood stopped.

"Hmm, don't worry," Shuri said, looking with interest. "Max said you will get used to it soon. Just keep practicing."

The panther nodded, as it extended its front claws slashing the vibranium infused dummy. Leaving behind its claws marks.

Shuri was amazed. From what Max told her he had coated the panther's claws and teeth with Adamantium. She was still amazed at how he could do that.

And was eager to know the science behind it. If Max could do it, she could do it as well. But with science.

Shuri was still in the aircraft. It hadn't been long since they left New York, four hours maybe. This was one of the smaller rooms in the aircraft. The others were in the main control room. With how fast the aircraft was going they would reach Wakanda anytime soon.

She was eager to know more about the panther's powers when an alarm set off. She peaked her head from the room. And saw everyone's grave expression.

"Uh… what happened?" she asked.

Okoye stopped and looked back at her. "The city has been attacked!" she said much to Shuri's horror. "Your brother and I are going there, you stay with Zuke."

She didn't dare to question him, looking at the whole situation she felt anxious. Who could attack Wakanda? She wanted to ask someone. But her answer came from the video feed that was playing in the central room.

It showed the Jabari tribe attacking the main city. Civilians butchered, houses destroyed, the Royal Palace was in flames, her home was destroyed. Shuri hoped her mother was okay.

She saw Zuke in her uniform with a spear, she came standing beside Shuri. "We will stay here. They will take the aircraft "

Shuri nodded, she saw her brother ready one of the smaller vessel sh.i.p.s. Those smaller airsh.i.p.s could easily house three to four members.

"Shuri get in. We have to take the Firefly." T'Challa called out. He looked anxious and worried. Being the king wasn't an easy task.

Shuri quickly took Bayak and went into the smaller vessel ship with Zuke tailing behind.

Before the ship closed, she looked at T'Challa, "Be careful brother. May Bast be with you."

He nodded closing the ship door, "May Bast be with you." As the smaller ship detached itself, turning invisible and falling slowly to the ground. Shuri saw the Firefly aircraft as it zoomed into the night sky. She gripped the necklace, worried.

Several questions ran through her head. She tried to distract herself from the worry, but she wanted to know what was happening.

"What happened?" She asked, Zuke pressed down on the keyboard, and live feed showed up in the holographic monitors, there she saw a few gray aircrafts from above. They were blindly bombing at the jungle from above.

"Shit." Shuri cursed. She quickly called Max. He picked up within seconds. "Max Wakanda is under attack. How fast can you come here?"

She saw Max's eyes widen in the hologram. "One hour. Maybe even faster." He said with haste. "But who attack…" The line was cut off and a radio hiss could be heard.

"What the…"

She glanced back at the attacking aircraft from the monitors. They were all pointing at them. Shit! They analyzed the radio frequencies, now they knew their location.

She needed to act fast or the small-vessel ship would be gone.

Zuke was about to fly the ship when Shuri interrupted. "Don't we can't outrun them." She said.

The attacking air-crafts were not very up to date according to Wakanda standers. Still, they could chase the smaller vessel ship. And those sh.i.p.s had a good amount of firepower. They could easily shoot them down.

"Then what should we do?" Zuke asked, her voice was a bit shaky.

------- (A/N) --------- [Fufufu, remember the time I told you that I killed a main character in my story... Give me your powerstones and I might tell you.]

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Currently, due to some issues the chapters maybe less.

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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