Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 131 - [84] Misery

"No, what are you doing…" Zuke asked, looking at Shuri. Who donned her Iron-Panther suit.

"Listen, they are most likely to chase me if I show myself," Shuri said. "And I can outrun them with my suit. And if I am not wrong this suit has more firepower than all of them."

Zuke looked horrified. "But…"

Shuri looked at Bayak. The panther was worried as well. She sighed, she had to do it. She wasn't going to be a liability again.

"Just listen to me. I got this." She said as the suit covered her face. Opening the door, she got out, before spreading her wings flying up.

She kept herself invisible while scouting the enemy airsh.i.p.s. There were four of them. Going by the design, they haven't caught up with main Wakandan Royal technology. The air-crafts were a lot bulkier and larger than the Firefly. With gray metal, they looked rather outdated for Shuri's taste.

Shuri could outrun them while in her sleep. But it also got her worried. The Jabari tribe wasn't that technologically advanced enough to start a civil war. Heck, even the four tribes weren't that advanced.

Most of the things she had built were kept secret and used only by the Royal Family. And she didn't know how those Monkey Tribe members could bypass her security and attack the city and the Royal palace as well.

The air-crafts locked down on the smaller vessel and were charging up their cannons.

Shuri had to act fast. She held her palms forward, canceling her camouflage. The air-sh.i.p.s now changed their target and now were aiming at her.

"Just great." She grumbled. But she didn't move, she stayed in place. Her hands morphing into cannon like structures, humming with power and glowing neon purple. "And shoot." Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5B84%5D-misery_52531933808216287 for visiting.

A sonic screech went off. The double shooters from Shuri hit one of the aircrafts going through it. Destroying it with ease.

Even she was surprised. "You guys live under a rock or something." She asked, surprised. Surely vibranium aircraft should be able tank more damage. Or did she underestimate her firepower? Well Max did say it was overpowering.

What she didn't know was that, coupled with the shortage of technological advancement in the Jabari tribe and with Shuri's high power cannon blast, it was easy to go through.

Even though with an arc-reactor she had almost unlimited energy she didn't want to waste it. After a couple of minutes of aerial combat, the sh.i.p.s were down on the ground as gray smoke was coming from them, fluttering in the night-sky.

Shuri couldn't help but admire her own work. She saw the mini-vessel ship up in the air. Shuri flew there, going into the main com's server…

Shuri saw Zuke's picture in her helmet. "You could do that?" Zuke asked with an admiring tone. "Never mind. Get in, we should change locations."

As the doors opened Shuri got in. Bayak greeted her first, then Zuke.

"That thing has a lot of firepower!" Zuke said making Shuri grin. She was surprised herself. Maybe Max's upgrade also helped.

Shuri was about to suggest that they should help T'Challa in taking the capital back.

But all her musing had to come to an end when she saw white sparks forming in the air in front of them.

"Uh… what's that?" Bayak was the first one to ask.

"Wizards!," Zuke called out, worried. "But be on guard, they may not be from our side." She held her vibranium spear, taking on a defensive position.

The sparks soon formed into a circle as a person walked out. Said person didn't look like a human at all. He stood tall enough to touch the ceiling and had a thin frame. But what surprised the group was the man's build.

The man didn't look humane at all. White fur covered him and he had black skin underneath, along with blood-red eyes, that you only see in horror movies and nightmares. The creature oozed a venomous aura and smelled like rotten sulfur.

"Oh… You can't leave things to others these days." The white ape-like person said, sighing. His voice could be described as gentle, but that didn't stop the dread emanating aura. Shuri didn't know why but she felt scared all of a sudden. Even Zuke couldn't move it was as if they were frozen by their intimidating aura. "You have to do everything yourself." He shook his head.

The white ape-like creature pushed one of his palms forward as a pulse of white energy went off. And Shuri's suit powered down along with Zuke's spear. Even the vessel ship started shaking.

Magical EMP?

"Come girl. I don't want any unwanted hassles." He said in a monotonous tone, but it was demand nonetheless.

Bayak was the first one to attack. Unlike them, he was used to powerful opponents and his aura was frightening yes. But not as much as Max's. Though even Bayak was worried about the opponent.

Roaring Bayak brought out its claws, sprinting, before jumping on the ape-like person.

The thing shook its head, swiping his hand, and a white energy construct formed in front of it. "Foolish…" But before he could finish, the panther broke the energy construct like glass with its claws.

In the last moment, the ape shielded himself with one of his arms. But that too was bitten by the Panther's Jaw.

The ape-like creature screamed, he kicked off the Panther throwing it away with its overpowering strength. The panther slammed into the metallic wall, creating a dent. It wanted to move aside. But there wasn't any space to dodge in the first place.

As the white ape-like creature moved his hands in unfamiliar gestures, it shot out white energy beams at the black cat.

The panther whimpered as it got burned but the ape didn't stop until the panther's body was fully cut in half.

Midway Zuke attacked with the deactivated spear, but with only a wave of its hand. The white beam of energy shot her as well. In the shoulder. Shuri only saw blood and a detached arm before Zuke was slammed to her side.

"No…" Shuri screamed. She didn't have the suit's power anymore. But she didn't care. She charged first but the ape-like creature, but he didn't give her time.

And attacked her as well. The last thing she saw was the laying body of Bayak. The panther was brutally cut off from the middle. She could see the pain and suffering in the creature's eyes.

Zuke tried to fight back again even with one arm missing, but she too was sent back. Flying.

The ape-like creature held Shuri by the hair, dragging her into the portal. Shuri struggled to keep herself conscious, but the oozing death aura seeped into her skin the moment she got past the portal, knocking her out.

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Currently, due to some issues the chapters maybe less.

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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