Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 133 - 86 | The Sacrifice

Max grabbed Zuke's dead body with a few of his tendrils, lifting it. A black thunder cloud-like structure stretched in front, making a portal. He slid the dead body in, before glancing to Bayak.

"Get in." He said, his voice distorting. He didn't mean it a bad way, but he was furious. At the ape and at himself, if only he had visited Wakanda recently. He could have set up a portal here. But he didn't, now someone else was paying the price.

The panther complied, not daring to look him in the eyes. Max didn't need his telepathy to read the feeling of uselessness Bayak was emitting. You aren't the only one, buddy.

Max didn't know, but his aura was getting more menacing by the minute. His negative emotions were almost driving him crazy. It also made him think more slowly.

The primal instinct to let loose was there. Stronger than ever. But he suppressed it… as much as he could.

He still stood on the wreckage of the smaller aircraft. He didn't know where to search. The Jabari tribe lived in a snowy mountain and it was a rather big place and going and searching there would take a lot of time. By then she would be… No.

Max think. You are good at it. Think damn it.

He gritted his teeth, before sighing. So, what did he know about the perpetrator?

That thing wasn't a human for starters. It was an ape. Cousin of bigfoot or something. He didn't know.

But what he did know was that the creature had similarities to the best that he saw T'Challa fighting.

But even that creature looked humanish… But the one that took Shuri wasn't.

And the best part was. Wizard. It was a freaking wizard. Max should make a bucket list goal to wipe them out of existence… No time for petty grudges Max. Think.

The ape made a portal. It was like what Strange makes. But with whiter color. And he knew for one, to do that one needed a sling ring.

But Max didn't have any. And even if he did, he wasn't confident enough to use it.

'This magic shit is making my head hurt… Wait, magic?… Max you fool.'

Activating his Mana-sense in his eyes. The whole world turned gray. He picked up the traces immediately. A faint silhouette of white was there. And the best part was it was connected. The white wisps of energy flew in the air, like translucent clouds.

Spreading his wings, he followed it. He was invisible, with no point in helping the enemy.

The location was rather odd. As it wasn't the Jabari tribe mountains, it was near the mountain. The Pits to be exact. The old mountain that Max went to regularly when he stayed in Wakanda.

The Pits was a mountain-like structure, that had cracks everywhere trailing to the ground. It was an old Vibranium mine. That had all its vibranium taken. But what made Max curse was the fact that he couldn't make out the white glow anymore.

It was mixed in with a large amount of blue glows. Natural Vibranium radiation that Max hated. It overloaded his Mana-sense But at least he could start somewhere.

He flew into the cracks, and caves, every small alley he came across. But he couldn't find it.

"Where is it!" He growled, he was losing patience. This was the second time he when he rounded the whole place. The Pits weren't that large, only a few kilometers, and Max had checked everywhere.

He needed to be fast. What if he was too late. What if she was already…

Max felt a pit form on his stomach. He didn't want to lose her. She was like a sister. Where…

He enhanced his senses, smell for blood, eyesight for looking, and sound to pick up anything odd. He even tried telepathy, to pick up any thoughts that weren't animalistic. But he still couldn't find any clues.

A small knock in his senses. It was almost ignorable.

His spider-sense was tickling him, which was odd. But thinking again didn't it help when Felicia was in trouble.

Prying to one above all. He used it. Concentrating all thoughts on Shuri. And sure enough. His spider-sense came roaring. Guiding the path.

Max didn't even care for the thing called stealth. With how much his Spider-sense was pushing him. He knew it, something bad was happening to her.

And like a bullet, he started going down, digging faster than any earth mole. Making his hands and claws larger he dug the ground, spraying dirt everywhere. He needed to be fast. Energy surging to his hands, to his claws, his hands and claws began to vibrate with energy.

His form didn't look human anymore. And he didn't care. With every swing, he could feel Shuri closer. Like a madman, he worked his way down. Only after digging several miles down did he stop.

Before he hit a vibranium wall, it was too well-formed to be washed up as natural. But under his claws, even vibranium broke.

He ripped in. And he was inside. The place was huge, the ceiling was at least twenty meter high. This was an underground tomb. As it had blue and golden circuits running through the walls and painting and carvings similar to the pyramids.

The place had a strong smell of sulfur and ash, Max was well aware of it. The same creepy smell was from when he was teleported to the Fire-dimension/Hell-dimension by Strange.

Using his keen eyesight he looked for Shuri, and he found her. But not the way he liked it. She was lifeless, n.a.k.e.d, her limbs spread out on the floor, where a big red pentagon was. He could see her suit, ripped apart along the drawing.

But what scared Max was the pale sense of her skin. It was a pale shade of black, almost gray. Her chocolate skin was no more and was replaced with the lifeless gray. And her hair was white as well. She wasn't Shuri, she couldn't be… But it was her.

He still held hope. He dashed there, picking her up. Gently, his symbiotic body spreading around her. Any signs of life… wasn't there. He was late, he wasn't strong, he wasn't fast. He was useless.

But he wasn't going to give up, he used his symbolic powers to give her blood. Pump her heart, shock her brains. Anything and everything. But still, the results were the same.

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The dark red room was suddenly dawned with massive white light. But Max didn't care.

He heard a hefty laugh. But he didn't care.

All he cared about was the lifeless body of his friend. The first one that he could truly call a friend in both of his life. He had failed her.

------- (A/N) ---------

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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