Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 134 - [87] The rise

The dark red room was suddenly lit up with a massive white light. But Max didn't care.

He heard a hefty laugh mocking him. But he didn't care.

All he cared about was the lifeless body of his friend. The first one that he could truly call a friend in both of his lives. He had failed her.

He could see her smile again. But it was only his vivid imagination. She was gone, just like that. Even as her heart trumped due to Max's power, there was no life in it.

No that, couldn't be right. How… How could he lose her. No, he would make it right. He refused to believe that his friend was dead. He had enough knowledge of human anatomy to know how every cells worked. He could do something…

Even before a minute passed he tired everything, changing her DNA, giving her regeneration, forcefully activating her brain. He didn't care about morality at that point…

His body was shaking, anger spite rage was dreaming and roaring to be let loose. This time he didn't stop it. And then it happened…

"Don't worry, humans. At least her sacrifice wasn't in vain. Now you can watch the new king rise…" The voice was cut off when Max looked up to him. As if the words were swallowed by the glare.

It was the white-monkey-man. He had a large white ring behind him, levitating, as he walked, as if following him. The white ring was like a miniature sun casting light in the dim environment.

Max's now pupiless, rage-filled eyes peered into him. And he was going to make him suffer.

There ring with white light, shining, giving Max a massive shadow in the large tomb.

With light came darkness it was nature's way of balancing things out. The shadow that was cast from Max's feet started bending, twisting, taking shapes as if coming to life.

The shadows behind Max started emitting Fog. Black Fog, thick enough to get lost in. Taking shapes of people that were screaming without noise, trying to get out. Clawing into the light, before getting burned off, and getting dragged into the shadows again. It was happening in a constant loop.

"Wh-What are you?" the Vanayan asked. But Max didn't answer. He wasn't in the mind to. He had lost her, and the reason was in front of him. And he needed to make him suffer.

The shadows then followed Max's will, coming forward, like a wave, crashing down, onto Max. And his body started to change with the darkness.

The Vanyan ape-man unconsciously took a step back, he saw the shadows ripping apart Max's body, before replacing it with dense shadows making him grow big. Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click #%5B87%5D-the-rise_52671393795469708 for visiting.

Comma shaped eyes growing large, getting thinned down, stretching across his long skull. While his maw got wider, holding sword like teeth, and a long red tough that bathed in blood. If looked down the throat, one could see the depths of hell. As yellow radiating energy glowed from inside his mouth and the screaming silhouette of people could be seen swimming and throbbing in lava.

The circular mark behind his back hummed with crimson light as if feeding on blood l.u.s.t.

"Im-Impossible, what is one of your kind doing here…" The Vanya's words were cut off when a large tendril of darkness came smashing down onto him.

But the Vanyan was smart. He shot backwards going through a white portal. And came out above the ground. And luckily he did as in seconds the underground tomb would be no more.

The Vanyan couldn't leave the area. He just opened the gates of Originators. He still needed to stabilize his connection, the white ring behind his back was the proof of that and to do so he needed to stay in the area. His blood sacrifice was enough to open the doors, but to stabilize it, he needed time.

But then loud thumbs could be heard, as the earth itself started to shake. The ground came bulging up, as a massive silhouette of darkness raised from the ground.

With one hand out, came another, then came the head, then the full body. The creature in question looked like the ancient dragons. With attached wings to its arms. Massive maw covered with teeth and body size that of a building.

The Vanayan felt scared for the first time in centuries. "How's that possible. Yo-You can't be one of them. They…"

But his words stopped when the dragonish creature looked down on the small white ape.

Another sound came, as the draconic creature roared with might. The clouds separated, scared of getting caught between the crossfire. As the moon shone brightly above the black-dragon.

Almost as if they were prisoners that starved for freedom.

What scared the Vanayan even more was the roar had shaken the gates. And now it was starting to crack, even the white ring behind him was shrunken. "How's that possible?!" He asked, making hand signs, as his eyes started to glow white.

Then he saw it, a massive wave of darkness was spreading outside, consuming everything. Even the portal to the Originators was being consumed. And the source of the darkness was the massive Shadow dragon.

"I need to stop that thing." The Vanyan said, gritting his teeth. Using different hand signs. The white ring behind made a bubble like structure that went to the side and stretched wide, like a portal.

As creatures with snake bodies at the end with six arms came through in massive numbers. They stood big, each three meters in size, but in front of the massive dragonic beast, they fell short.

From another portal came humanoid spiders, also in massive numbers. They were wider than a car and had spider-like legs, eight in numbers.

Another portal was about to open when it was stomped by the dragon's claws. The shadowy creature didn't seem to be happy seeing the new audience. But for some reason it didn't move that much, almost as if it didn't have any control over his actions.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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