Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 135 - [88] The fall

Even the wild creatures of the Originators were tamed for a second due to fear. Until the Vanyan took control of them. He needed to work fast, or the gate would be broken and consumed. And all of his life's work would be finished.

The Vanyan controlled the massive numbers of snake and spider-like creatures like puppets. They moved like zombies yet they were fast on their legs. He sent the monstrous creatures like waves of footsoldiers to attack the shadowy beast.

The snake-like creatures held the dragon with their six arms before biting it, trying to poison it. And the eight-legged creature started crawling onto the dragon's body.

Only to get stuck, as if someone had caught them.

Looking down they saw humanoid creatures of darkness sprout out of the dragon's large body grabbing the opponents that dared to get close to the dragon's body. The shadowy constructs of humanoids grabbed the monstrous creatures —while these monstrous creatures struggled to get loose, only to fail miserably— clawing them, sinking them into the dragon's shadowy body.

The Vanyan cursed his misery, he didn't know physical attacks were useless against it. Heck he wasn't sure what he was fighting right now. Also, his planned seemed to have the opposite effect as tendrils of darkness spread across, sinking the monstrous creatures in one by one, and the shadowy dragon itself was growing bigger.

"What the heck are you?!" He barked in anger.

Before long his massive army would be gone. He needed to act fast. Doing different hand signs he called upon his ancestors for power. As his eyes glowed white. As his hands started to glow, he shot the gathered concentrated energy forward, like a white energy blast.

Trees got uprooted, destroyed, as the ground cracked. People could hear the beast's roar from miles away. The dragon started moving it's massive body for the first time, as it took it's step, the ground beneath shook before cracking.

But it was slower now, then the dragon started losing it shape. As if it was melting.

The ape-like creature smirked. Before teleporting a little distance away, and keeping an invisible spell in hand, just to be safe.

The spell he used was one of the ancient spells. Created to bend the darkness itself. Natural counter for a shadowy beast like this. And he had ideas: if the spell worked, maybe he could control the massive dragon. That would be even better than the monstrous creatures he had summoned.

But the dragon-like creature in question didn't care. He didn't even bat an eye as he started to shrink, he looked around as if not remembering what he was doing. Uprooted trees, broken ground, dead snakes and spider-like creatures, but the dragon -who was half of its size now- ignored them.

Until it's eyes fell upon the ape-like creature, the Vanyan. His smirking figure made the dragon step forward again, even with massive weights sapping its energy, he sprinted towards him.

The Vanyan became wide eyed seeing the shadowy dragon sprint towards him, as it's size was reducing. "How is it even moving? And can he see me?!" It was a stupid question, and he wasn't going to take any chances, he wasn't a fighter. He tried to teleport but was taken aback when it didn't work.

So he flew back, he was in the air. Using a levitating spell, he ran away, he didn't care about The Gate anymore, until several strands of darkness stabbed through his body.

The Vanyan had a wide eyed impression before, he too was consumed to the darkness. The Vanyan had suffered and survived in the harshest winter —that made even bones freeze— and the hottest summer —that made skin melt— but even then what he was experiencing now, was the greatest agony he ever felt.

Even as he sunk into the darkness, he suffered. And he would suffer eternity.

The dragon now stood 3 meters tall. His size reducing each passing moment. But he didn't care. He was empty.

Max was empty. Until he felt the smallest amount of light from Shuri's body. She was clinically dead. His symbiotic sense told so, but he was bonded to her. He felt it.

He didn't know if it was just his imagination. And he didn't care. He flapped his arms, as his wings were still attached, and flew to the city of dead. To the garden of Heart shaped herb.

He would get her back somehow, even if it meant making a deal with the devil.

Entering the garden, he grabbed the nearest Heart Shaped herd, forcefully feeding it to her. From what he knew after one had consumed the herb, they needed to be buried.

Only then would they be reborn.

Max did just that, but he was still bonded to her. And he refused to leave her, leaving may cause her to die permanently.

As he used his tendrils to bury himself as he was bonded to Shuri. His previous host, Sabertooth long gone, lost in the darkness. But he didn't know, he didn't care.

And then it happened.

Suddenly his consciousness was yanked away and he woke up in an unfamiliar plane.

Long field of barren land, patches of greenery stretched across the horizon, while purple blue clouds fluttered in the sky. It would have been a mesmerizing scene if not for the fact that it was lifeless, unusually so.

------- (A/N) --------- [Discussion about the New Story.]

So, I was thinking about some ideas for my new story.[It will have Asgardian, Olympian, and Ancient Egyptian Pantheons. Dungeons and Magic all the fantasy stuff. So for most of the Novel, it won't have any Marvel heroes in it.]

Should I post it as an Original Novel, rather than a Fan-Fiction one?

Cause the thing is some Ideas won't make sense with how the Marvel Universe is Set up. Like there aren't many good comics regarding Mythology in Marvel.

So Should I post it as an original story? But the problem with that is, I need to have to create a separate world. New Magic System, Fantasy elements to make sense. And I actually have a made-up plot for it.

But if I want to write a Marvel Fanfic, I might have to push some concept out of the window to make the story feel real.

So should I post it as an Original Novel, rather than a Fan-Fiction one?

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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