Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 139 - [91]

After Max had left the ancestral plane, Bast looked at Madame Web. She was curious. Usually —from what she knew— Madam Web didn't intervene with affairs, even if it is regarding her champions.

"Now Madam Web, I am curious," Bast said. "He didn't seem to know that he was your champion. It's none of my business or anything, but…"

"Lady Bast, even I know little about him." The lady wearing the red spider dress said. "But what I do know is, he shouldn't be underestimated. You must be wondering as to why I came here."

The Panther Deity nodded.

"We call them symbiotes. Mostly bonds with the Spider-Mans of different universes, he becomes a part of the Web of Life. But usually we still don't consider symbiotes a part of it. They are not the stablest bunch."

Remembering how Max lost control of himself in anger the Panther Goddess nodded.

"So when he went on and lost control of himself, the entire Web of Life shook." She said in a worried voice. "Which doesn't happen, unless, someone who has extraordinary powers or the Web deem them worthy of attention. I still don't know for sure why the web shook. But what I do know is his energy is much more darker and leans towards the chaos side of things."

The Panther goddess hummed, "So if I made him my champion, you are afraid that my dark energy may trigger a chain reaction and cause problems?"

Madam Web nodded, she came to similar conclusions. Though she was sure that Max was somehow closely related to Knull. He was a symbiote, the transformation and the mark on his back had many similarities. But she wasn't sure, and she wasn't going to bail him out without investigating.

On the other hand the Panther Goddess was thinking about something else. She was very much satisfied with her new champion, T'Challa, he did a very good job in handling the situation, with minimal casualties she should add. He still had a long way to go. But this was fine for now. And he certainly deserved a reward.


People change in near death situations, Max knew that. He met people who did, heck even he, everytime he came back from a tough situation, had changed. Even now he could remember those sleepless nights.

And Shuri, wasn't just in a near death situation, she was already dead. Only because of Bast did she return. Though Max wasn't that much thankful to the panther goddess then he let on.

How could someone with so much power just watch, as her people were being slaughtered. One could give several ideas as to why but he didn't care.

He had to bargain for Shuri's life, that's sickening. Didn't the so-called goddess have any remorse. Max was too good in hiding emotions, even while speaking to the Panther goddess, he didn't let his personal emotions slip. That would only make matters worse.

But now, he could. He was angry.

But it didn't matter what he was feeling, he was more worried about Shuri. He knew from experience, she would suffer... Random chills and goosebumps, the sleepless nights, Max could imagine all of it.

Many people changed in those instances. He could only hope that she changed for the better. And Max wasn't going to leave her friend in it alone.


The coup had already ended by the time they returned, T'Challa had taken back the capital. Wakanda was a nation, but the main power it held was in the capital, where various advanced weaponry was kept. If one were to take over it, and gain access to the weapons, it would only take hours to take the other tribes down.

It had four tribal cities, excluding the J'Bari tribe, each in a direction. The J'Bari with the help of the Border tribe had attacked. Trying to overpower the rule of Black Panther. Which they miserably failed.

Prisoners were made of whom had attacked, and later on they would be brought in trial. During the coup, many lives were lost, many critically injured, all around the city was a thick layer of tension. For now the people of Wakanda needed support, justice could be served later.

"People of Wakanda." T'Challa started, in his Black Panther suit, on top of a three story building. The flames behind him certainly gave him the spotlight in the dawn breaking night.

"We have been divided, let's work together so that we can uphold our values. Many of our brothers gave their lives in protecting our city. We should honor their cause and help each other, we can't stay divided, only this way can we honor them. So, I as your king say we work together and show kindness, like how it always has been. Justice would be served to those that have wronged us."

By the time he finished, the sky had already turned orange as the sun went up the horizon. The people of Wakanda would remember this dark night, but seeing their new king handling the situation quickly, eased the subjects' mind. The dark night was over, but it would leave behind deep scars.

T'Challa crossed his arms over his c.h.e.s.t, "Wakanda Forever!" he shouted.

"Wakanda Forever!!!" the general public shouted back.


After coming back, Shuri started helping the people, many have been injured. Many lives were lost, and she wasn't going to let it be. She was going to help them.

She needed to help the people, she couldn't just stand by.

Her white hair was getting noticed by the people, some didn't even recognize her, at first not even her mother. Before the incident her hair was jet black, but now it was white and lifeless. And the dark gleam behind her eyes. It was a reminder as to what had happened.

Max had suggested several times to change her hair, but she refused, saying that it wasn't important. She felt terrible for what happened. She felt weak.

Zuke was no more, she died for her. She was almost like a family for her, her passing hit her hard. Bayak was almost killed while trying to save her. This would act as a reminder to what happened.

She helped, guiding people in the medical wards, helping the injured or the elderly, anything she could do, she did. She didn't know why, but she felt guilty for the whole situation. Maybe if they left earlier the situation could have been handled better.

She had regrets, guilt but most of all she felt weak. And she promised herself to not be the same anymore , she would change. It was time to grow up, like how Zuke always said.

And she was going to grow up. Not for herself, but for the people she cared about.

------- (A/N) ---------

Guys I have decided to postpone the new story. So I will upload it in the middle of the month.

I still have some issues developing a new Magic system.

BUT I will try to regularly upload this story in the mean time.

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n.

Change the '0' to 'o'

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

You could long press and copy the link or just type ( drjVZt8H3g ) in Add server, Discord.

Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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