Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 140 - [92]

At time of the attack on Wakanda, J'Bari tribe hidden lab,

Jaku of the J'Bari tribe, a middle aged man, famously known as the chief general of the tribe and a well-known scientist, one of the best one might add. He was well respected, but those who knew his true face would scoff at him, if they were alive to that is.

He was the second in command in leading the attack against Wakanda. Even though he resented working for that monster called Vanyan, he had to.

It brought results, yes, but it also made things harder. You see, in no way would the old general would share Wakanda with a white ape. He had always strived for it. So, he had plans to overthrow the ape.

When the Vanyan gave him his blood to research on and make super-soldiers for the Jabari tribe. He researched its effect on animals, then on humans, almost perfecting it, he planned to take one himself later. He wasn't keen on being old, and he wanted to live. And rule his new kingdom.

But that white ape, always pushed for results, even he had a hard time with it, by the time the J'Bari tribe along with the help of the Border tribe attacked, they had a hundred soldiers strong force. Each one having inhuman strength and speed equipped with the best Vibranium gear he could make. They were superior to the Black Panther in every way, but were very unstable. But they were just canon folders, to cause mayhem and chaos, the main player was another one.

His nephew M'Baku would be leading the attack, strong and well-built man in peak physical condition. Unlike the others, Jaku spent time perfecting his transformation and had ways of controlling him.

His final work made the boy into a white, beast-like hybrid. After going through the inhuman transformation, he would stand eight feet tall, muscles densely packed, shoulders wide and arms thick as logs, white fur would cover his body and his pupils would turn bloody-red, he looked like a furious beast ready to attack. Even though he couldn't finish working on his nephew —due to unforeseen circ.u.mstances— he did however make the semi-perfect formula for the beastly super-soldier, he just needed to test it. Alas, he didn't have much time.

If someone looked at him, they would see just a well-built man, but when he gave him the command, using sorcery he would transform into the eight feet hulking white beast, and he could fully control him.

He had some knowledge over the hidden arts, and also the Vanayan had gifted him a spell that worked wonders on M'Baku.

He was strong in that transformation, enough to destroy any modern weaponry with ease, M'Baku in his white beast form would resemble a white, furry monstrosity. He could even take down tanks with ease. The old man would even compared him to the green monster known as Hulk.

But the problem lied in not having time, he couldn't perfect M'Baku's form. Jaku pleaded to the Vanyan to not attack Wakanda, give him time to perfect his weapons. If only he had time, the problem wouldn't have happened, and the Black Panther would have been dead.

But it didn't happen. You see was M'Baku's beastly form was strong, even stronger then the hundred soldiers. But he also had various flaws. One of the most annoying flaws was that M'Baku would sometimes do things on his own, would try to break free of his control.

It was baffling, how someone still resist under these circ.u.mstances, Jaku had to respect his nephew for this brave struggle. You don't find mind controlling spells getting overpowered every so often. But wouldn't matter, or so he thought.

At the start of the attack,M'Baku didn't resist his control, it was a good start. But the moment he found the Black Panther, he started to act sloppy. He started to act like a wild beast, throwing random punches at the Black Panther. Which would be easily predictable.

Jaku didn't care at first, he wasn't concentrating in controlling him. Until he noticed something, that spoiled brat was actually fighting against his control. Just before a punch would land on the Black Panther, he would angle his fist so that the panther could dodge.

By the time he noticed it, the Black Panther had already taken a leap of faith, jumping on M'Baku's white bestial form. Ripping his throat out.

M'Baku did throw the Black Panther off the ten stories building, but T'Challa would hardly take any harm in that, unless he fell n.a.k.e.d without his vibranium suit.

Jaku cursed as M'Baku gurgled to death, holding his throat, grasping for air. 'That spoiled brat deserved it, he dared to resist.'

Even if the Black Panther survived, if the Vanyan had succeed with his plans it wouldn't matter. And by the looks of it, he had already captured the girl, Shuri was her name. Jaku hated that girl's guts.

His scientific glory was always outshined by that brat. Even now from the aircrafts that Shuri destroyed, the old man saw her new invention. It was a marvelous peace of work, and it only made him furious.

He gritted his teeth as he saw the flying suit taking out the aircrafts he sent. The Vanyan had to intervene personally. He wanted her dead, it was a good thing the Vanyan was willing to get rid of her.

The Vanyan then took the girl to the sacrificial alter, to summon some beasts. The old man couldn't get his drones into the underground alter. But he knew what would happen, he had visited the place once. Even though the white ape didn't tell him, Jaku guessed it by looking at the hexagon formations. It had similarities to the summoning formations. But he still wasn't sure. A formation that big would need a lot of sacrifice and the creature that would be summoned would also be big.

A few moments later, he saw a black dragon coming out of the alter. 'What the f.u.c.k was that.' He flabbergasted. With that massive beast they could take down an entire country if they wanted. But Jaku was also afraid of that.

If that beast was under the control of the Vanyan, Jaku would never get the power he wanted. He wouldn't be able to overthrow the Vanyan with that beast around.

But the beast for some wild reason was against the Vanyan.

But what scared Jaku even more was the circular shape formation that was floating behind the Vanyan. 'He couldn't have. Could he?' he asked himself horrified. That ape was planning to free the originators, even he didn't knew much about them. But he was sure they would be bad.

There were a few camouflaged drones around the area, and Jaku could clearly see the battle taking place. It wasn't a battle per se, it was massacre.

------- (A/N) ---------

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