Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 141 - [93]

There were a few camouflaged drones around the area, and Jaku could clearly see the battle taking place. It wasn't a battle per se, it was massacre.

He saw the Vanyan open a few portals, summoning some creatures from the other side.

He was right, he did open the gates of Originators. It was a large army, and just by looking at the creatures anatomy he could guess they were strong. But in front of the Black Dragon they were nothing.

The Black Dragon had consumed them, alive from it's flesh. It was so bizarre to look at. The Dragon's body had living shadowy people in it, and it somehow consumed the entire army. Only a few had survived, but was killed by it's large claws and tails. The entire forest was uprooted from the place, even the night raining sky was clear.

The general was awed at the beast. It was the embodiment of strength. And things were looking bad. Jaku started preparing immediately, he had always trusted his instincts. And his instincts told him to hide, run, do anything. Because what ever the creature was, it was bad news.

He already had a backup plan in case thins went bad. Like now.

He had already killed off his body double a few hours ago and put his body in an area that was easy to find. If things went bad like now, he would escape and no one would search for a presumed dead person.

And nobody except the Vanyan knew about his involvement on this attack. His eight lab assistances were already fed to the unstable soldiers that went on the program. They had served their propose and he left no loose ends.

And as he was preparing to leave he saw the Black Dragon shrinking and eating the Vanyan. From what it looked like, both monsters had killed each other. He couldn't investigate.

The Dragon had given a loud roar, destroying most of the drones that were near, he could even feel it from his lab. So he couldn't confirm. But now he didn't care. The Black Panther was alive and was taking down his hybrid soldiers one after another. And he wasn't going to wait.

All blame of the hybrid soldiers would fall on him, if he stayed. And even if it didn't, by some luck he did gain the position of the J'Bari tribe, he wouldn't stay.

He knew the rules, even though the Black Panther wouldn't do a mass genocide, he would heavily tax the tribes that were involved with the attack, and the soldiers would be enslaved. And no point in ruling a broken tribe. He would try his luck elsewhere.

"To the country of Freedom," he scoffed. If he couldn't rule Wakanda, he would make sure no one could. He just had to find the right people that would work for that cause.

The car sized aircraft flew, camouflaging in air as it left.


Current time, Wakanda.

'You should take some rest.' Max said, softly, using telepathy. Shuri looked horrible. She had been going around helping people more than twelve hours now.

Shuri gave a soft smile, looking at Max —who was now bonded with Bayak— 'I can still go on, besides, I have much more stamina now.' She said, flexing her biceps, trying to act cool.

Max sighed, 'Please, don't force yourself. You also need some rest, you experienced far worse than the people you are trying to help. You deserve some help too.' He begged.

'But, they are still people that need medical attention.' Shuri said.

Max wasn't going to let go. 'Stop blaming yourself. Damn it. Do you think Zuke would have liked that.'

Shuri's postured stiffened, 'She's dead. I-I…'

'No, please. I can only replenish your energy, you are mentally breaking down, I can't see you like this.' Max pleaded.

'Then help me.' Shuri shot back. 'With all that power, it wouldn't take an hour to help the people. We could save hundreds if not thousands.'

Max paused. 'You know I can't do that.' He said softly, disappoint drowned his voice. Max was going around using invisible tendrils to help the critical patients, but even with that he could hardly cover all are. Unless he showed himself.

'F.u.c.k the elders and their politics. If my brother doesn't put those old fossils in leash, I will kick him out.' She grumbled, squeezing her fist, making her knuckles white.

What made worried Max was the fact that, she wasn't joking. She's being serious. And he didn't need to use his powers to determine that. 'Shuri, he's doing everything as he can. Any more some people would start calling him a dictator. Even thought I hate it, there needs to be a council, unless you want more civil wars.' He sighed. He hated politics.

Shuri's posture softened, Max was right on this one. She was losing her mind. She needed to rest. But she was still unwilling to go.

'Hey, let me suggest you something.' Max said. 'Why don't you get some shut eye for a few hours and I take your place and help the people.'

This way he could help more people as he would have access to more resources posing as Shuri. Go around and use his powers to help people.

And Shuri couldn't argue with that. Her body was far stronger than it was used to --because of the heart shaped herb-- she had a lot of stamina. But that didn't mean she wasn't feeling the mental burden.

Even though Max tired his best to ease her mental stress, she was on her last leg. There were somethings that only natural sleep could fix. And she needed it badly. The anxiety, the guilt and responsibility was killing her.

'Okay, take Bayak with you.' Max said. 'I will cover your place. Don't worry and get some space.'

After a bit of convincing she left.

Max watched as Shuri left the medical ward towards the vibranium chamber. Luckily in the attack, only that was left undamaged. 'Maybe they wanted to secure the place, it had all the things they needed and destroying it would be foolish' And she had a room there, to sleep in.

The moment Shuri left the view, Max transformed to Shuri. Her white hair was hard to get used to. But Max had more important things to do. The patients had to wait.

------- (A/N) ---------

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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