Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 145 - 97 | A diffirent Spider

From the inside, the X-Mansion was even bigger than what Max expected. It wasn't his first time entering such a grand settings, but one could hardly believe that it was a school. The woodwork, furnished tiles, the glittering chandeliers screamed luxury and elegance.

But Max's awe-struck moment only lasted for a while, as multiple children from different races greeted him. Well, not him, but the whole group that fought against the brotherhood of mutants. And some how it included Max.

The flock of children were of ten years of age, but it was hard to tell as some had physical mutations. And mostly all of the children were avoiding Max, he was stranger to them, so they kept their distance. Except for one brave little boy.

"Wow, that was sooo COOL." Half screamed a small-boy of African origin. He was a loud one for a ten year old, and was shorter then the rest of kids. "You're sooo tall?!" And, for some odd reason the little boy decided, it was good decision to climb up to Max.

And in moments the boy crawled up to Max like it was a tree, perched on Max's shoulder.

"Wow, you're like a mini-spider-man. That's amazing." Max said.

The boy seemed happy at the comment. "You really think so…"

"Yup, is that your gift?"

"Gift?" the boy tilted his head.

"I mean your powers that is."

The boy nodded his head, "Though it's not good as others." He said in a low voice.

"Nah, you're amazing. What do you want be growing up?" Max said, smiling.

"Um, I want be a super-hero. Just like Spider-man." He cheered, fisting the air.

"Now, now, Miles, don't go disturbing guests like that." Colossus said in his big-brotherly tone, "He didn't make you uncomfortable, did he?"

"No, I don't mind." Max then looked at the boy again. "By the way, I think you should leave, the rest of your friends seems to be going somewhere." He said pointing at the other kids that were his age, they were leaving with Storm.

The boy nodded. And jumped from Max's shoulder, doing a flip, trying to land on the ground. But the boy for some weird reason hovered in air. Miles frowned, then looked back and saw back tendril-like things that were stuck to him.

"You could have hurt your self." Max said, the boy gave him an apologetic look. "Always be careful in using your gift."

"I'm sorry." The boy said, as Max just ruffled his curly hair.

"It's okay but do be careful." Max said humming, before saying, "I didn't get your name though."

"Well, names Miles Morales, what's your mister." As the boy joined the group with the other children.

Max smiled hearing the name. "You can call me Max. I think Miss Storm over there is calling for you." He said, as the boy left.

Who could have know that in this universe Miles was a mutant. Though, it was a wonder as to how he will become Spider-man. As far as he checked, Miles only had advances relaxes and wall-sticking powers. How he will get the powers or not depends on the future.

As the flock of children left, the professor called Max to his office. Cyclops and Nightcrawler followed them.

Max was curious as to know how the mutant group knew about him. But then again mutants were a thing in this universe for a long time, so they might have found ways to gathering informations.

But if that was the case, then Max needed to improve his security measures. Going along he noticed one particular thing. A very familiar smell, which seemed odd, until he searched his memories for it.

It was the scent of Wolverine aka James Howlett. When Max was bonded with Sabertooth and saw Shuri dead body, he had gone through a massive transformation. And to sustain that massive shadowy dragon form he needed energy.

And so his symbiotic nature complied, eating away Sabertooth's body at rapid rate. Even if he had rapid-regeneration his body couldn't keep up. And Sabertooth was fully consumed by Max.

When Max knew about what happened, he was half saddened. Sabertooth was great tool for mining Adamantium, but it also gave Max a boost in maintaining his body without a host.

Now looking at it, he had also gained some of Sabertooth's memories.

But for some odd reason Wolverine wasn't showing up. He really wanted to meet the guy. 'I mean who wouldn't want to meet Hugh Jackman Wolverine?'

Charles wheeled his way to a room, which seemed to be his personal office. The group of four entered it. Charles, Nightcrawler, Cyclops and Max.

Max was the first one to break the ice. "Now, I really need to know, why you guys are giving me the cold shoulders." He said. "It's really bugging me as to how the laser-boy is looking at me." Max finished thumbing Cyclops who was behind him.

"Well, I don't trust you." Cyclops said taking a step forward. "Not after what you did."

Max raised an eyebrow. "What I did? Please elaborate, What I did."

"You think we don't know, what happened at the restaurant?" he said, walking right infront of Max. "You killed almost an hundred people."

"Oh, that." Max rolled his eyes. "I thought you are going to say about the time I nuked a country.

"You what?"

"Don't worry if it rocks your boat, all of them were killers, so killing them was easy as taking the trash out." Max shrugged, taking a step back. There was no reason to get angry, he was just getting his anger under control.

"Scott, please, I told you…" the wheelchair-professor sighed. "Just don't create any problems. And Max thank you for back there. But could you give the chip back."

The symbiotic-man looked at him before handing him the disk size chip. "It's not like I was going to keep it or anything." Max said. "But what's in it?"

"That's classified info." Scott was about to take the disk back when Max disappeared from the spot. Everyone was shocked to see a six-foot man disappear like that.

"I'm sorry. Did I say I was going to give it back now?"

------- (A/N) --------- [Sorry guys, I am having some writing issues. i.e. Writer's Block. So I will stop uploading for 3 days. And will be back in full time uploading. The new Story will also be delayed. I apologize again. I haven't been reading much, maybe reading new books may spark few ideas. Don't get worried, I won't drop any of my stories, I just need to find some better ideas for them. ????]

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And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4, Rito, Reticulum and GildedCloud for proofreading my old(WebNovel) and new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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