Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 149 - 101 | Chaos

"Shit," the boy cursed underneath his breath. His stable breathing was no more, it was now ragged. He huffed and puffed for air, the last attack had drained a lot out of him, even his hair was dimly lit with green. And now seeing these sentinels. He wasn't sure if he could make out alive.

There were eight sets of glowing yellow eyes, meaning four sentinels.

Then, before he could do anything, a blur passed by and with an angry roar a figure launched towards the eight feet tall sentinel that was near them. The first sentinel took a few steps back but it was too late, as it's head was sent flying, and it's heart core was destroyed. And it started falling to the back.

And before the other sentinel could lock on to the new target, the figure jumped off the first and to the nearest sentinel.

"Don't just look there, help me you fool." Shouted the girl, who was dangling from the eight feet sentinel's body. She dragged down her fist towards the core as two deep cuts were formed.

The boy shook his head, taking a deep breath, calming himself down. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. As his breathing steadied, his light green hair started to glow even more. He separated his arms at two sides, taking one step forward, kneeling before pushing them forward.

A horizontal slash of emerald flames was swayed towards them, destroying their footing, melting them in place. Making it easier for the girl to take down the next one.

The last sentinel took a step back, as it dropped to the ground, it's legs were stuck to the melted floor underneath.

But it was still on, so it logged onto the most dangerous target and took a shot.

And the shot hit the boy's shoulder. A crack could be heard with chunks of flesh flying, as blood painted the metal walls. The boy gave out a shriek cry.

The girl jumped from the third sentinel to the last one, giving it a roundhouse kick, pushing her feet into the metal robot's c.h.e.s.t ,dragging her kick towards the head. And oddly enough a slash was formed from the sentinel's core and separated the head.

The girl did a backflip, as the sentinel shut down. She stood at the portion of the floor that was not melted, if looked closely, you could see one spike-like claws from each foot popping out.

"You okay?" the girl kneeled near the boy.

The boy was taking long breaths after another, and at a rapid speed the wound started to heal. He nodded, but never stopped his rhythmic breathing.

"Sorry I couldn't come earlier. My hands and feet took longer to reattach then I expected." She said, putting her hand on the boy's shoulder.

Even while healing you could see the pain and suffering from the boy's face. He didn't look well at all.

With Max,

Max waited seeing the holographic screen, the mechanical fly that he sent had already infiltrated the base's main security system. It had also uploaded a virus that was linked with Max's A.I. Walter.

"Walter, do you have full control over the base." Max asked.

"Negative sir, sadly I can only gain access to the upper floors. The underground floors have a different line. Fully separate." Walter, the A.I. spoke. Wolverine had almost popped out his claws hearing another voice. It was quite comical to see that.

"Well, that's bad." Max said. "Can you somehow gain any information on the lower levels?"

"Yes" Walter said. Then there was a brief pause.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get down there and extract the kid..." Wolverine said. You could see really want in his eyes. It wasn't rage, but concern.

Max sighed with disappointment. "I am sorry, it's taking so long. But we need to scout out the area first. That way we won't waste time there."

Wolverine didn't say anything, he just looked from the Blackbird's window.

After a minute or two Walter spoke again, "Sir from what I have gathered there should be around ten floors underground. But the soldiers above are not sure… they aren't authorized to go down. And those who are underground aren't authorized to stay on the upper floors. Also there are rumors that there are advanced sentinels on the underground floors." Walter ,after a few minutes hacked any and all devices he could find, and ran an algorithm scan on them. Analyzing any ongoing calls, massages and any saved data.

"Well, that's a lot of security." Max mumbled, crossing his arms. "Let's…"

"Sir, I have received a distress signal from the underground floors. The soldiers underground are asking for backup. And they are planning to send down a group of sentinels to the underground floors." Walter suddenly spoke.

Max's eyes sharpened, "Walter, disable all aerial security measures." Pulling out an earcom he placed it in his ear, as he walked towards the eject door. "And James, don't make any noise."

Wolverine nodded, as he smashed on the eject switch. And the door opened up, a storming chilly wind greeted them. Wolverine was the first one to jump, and Max followed.

Max spread his wings, this time he changed the colors to white. He didn't want the soldiers underground to notice.

He dived down, grabbing the falling mutant by the shoulders, Wolverine looked up in surprise. "I can fly you know, no need to smash your bones while landing."

Unless he needed to, Max didn't want to show all of his powers to Wolverine. Paranoia was always there when it came to trusting new people. And it was a good thing that Wolverine was semi-immortal. That meant that he could take some punishment and come back alive. More reason to keep most of his powers hidden.

"Walter, create a diversion to send as much of the soldiers in the south camp." Max said though his comms.

"Sir, should I be worried about collateral damage." Walter asked.

"Sure, go for it. Just make it seem like equipment fails."

And Max didn't know what Walter did, but a huge portion of the marching soldiers went towards the south side. Giving them just the place to land, and that was on top of the roof.

But there were still a few soldiers that were on the roof. And they had unluckily spotted them.

They were about to open fire, when small bead like objects punctured them. Before they blew up, chunks of body parts scattered everywhere. But there were two odd things, first no sound came from the explosive bullets and no back up came after the unusual thing happening.

Wolverine stood on the roof looking at the dead soldiers. "What are your powers exactly?"

"Well, I can control my body parts to many things such as create objects from them, through stuff from them. Even grow different limbs. Oh I can heal from small wounds" Max answered, saying half-truths.

Wolverine nodded, "Let's go inside…" But his speech was cut off when a pillar of emerald fire rose up from the ground, just in front of where Wolverine was standing.

The mutant jumped off immediately. The fire was so hot that the front of Wolverine's costume got burned just being near it.

------- (A/N) --------- [My new story is out in my Patre0n, only a few chapters that is. You can also serch up The Legend of Leandros, in the Fan-fiction category WebNovel.]

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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