Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 150 - 102 | X-23

Wolverine nodded, "Let's go inside…" But his speech was cut of when a pillar of emerald fire rose up from the ground, just in front of where Wolverine was standing.

The mutant jumped back immediately. The fire was so hot that the front of his costume caught fire, just being near it. He had to rip the front off, to not get his skin burned.

"What was that?" Wolverine asked, pushing his Adamantium claws out, looking at Max. "Is that part of the plan?"

"No," Max said frowning, spreading his white wings. "I will go check. I think we should throw away the stealth approach."

Wolverine was about to ask why, when Max took off. He was left alone, before the door in front opened and a group of soldiers came with guns pointing. The mutant gruffed, slouching reading himself. "At least I will stick to what I am best at." He growled grinning, letting his animistic instincts kick in.

The soldiers saw him and opened fire, some wanted to call for backup, but somehow communication was blocked. Wolverine gave out an animistic roar as he dodging while coming near, jumping towards them.

Max strolled in air, wings out as he camouflaged himself. From above looked at the three stories building. It was wide and long. But there were also underground floors hidden inside.

Wolverine was fighting a group of soldiers, and more soldiers were gathering, running inside the building. But they weren't going towards the roof, they were actually standing by the ground floor, and were readying themselves for something.

Even Max was intrigued as to who did that. His spider-sense went haywire when he saw the flames. Whatever those flames were, they were bad news for Max.

But he still went inside the facility while staying invisible. The place was well kept for the most part, with white walls, mosaic floors, and well-kept furniture. But the soldiers had made a barricade around the lift that connected them to the ground floor.

Another group was looking down from where the fire came. The hole was big enough for a man to get in, but no one dared to go through it. One could even see the half-melted ground around the hole, it had some odd greenish substance mixed in it.

At least eighty soldiers were inside and occupying the place, guns pointing at the two-place. They even were ready to bombard the place.

The place had pin-drop silence. But even after five minutes, nothing came.

"Requesting backup from the east side. Requesting back up from the east side. We have lost contact with the underground floors. I repeat we have lost contact with the underground floors." One of the soldiers spoke, from behind the barricade. But from his different attire alone, one could guess that he was a high-ranking soldier. "Yes, send the gen two and gen three sentinels to the building... This might be an escape attempt."

Max had a frowned expression as he walked along, seamlessly avoiding the soldiers. They couldn't see him in this form unless of course, they had their thermal on. But they were too busy pointing weapons at the hole and the elevator shaft. They were going even so far and set explosives around it.

He looked inside the hole the pillar of green fire came from. If he was right, then the mutants on the underground floors were making an escape attempt. If so why not help them.

So he jumped through the hole, as he was falling he kept a thin layer of vibranium on his skin. That green fire was dangerous, and he wasn't in the mood to get cooked today.

He came down seven floors before he came to a stop, landing in a crouch without any sounds. He looked around, the place inside was a mess, bodies everywhere. Blood and broken bodies scattered around, walls broken, lamps flickering.

It was a horrifying scene for someone who wasn't experienced. But for Max it was just sad. These soldiers had it coming, no question about that. But still death at this scale was just sad. And the worst part was that some of them were even still alive, Max could hear them, they would eventually bleed out.

Though if Max was in the same position, things would have turned out much worse. Still, maybe not all of the soldiers were bad, maybe they deserved a quick death. Should he...

No, he was getting off track, he needed to focus. He shook his head. Why was he thinking about Shuri, again? After that incident, Max had gotten a bit onto the softer side of things, granting criminals quick death.

Max closed his eyes listing to any sounds he could pick up. It took him a while to pick up any sounds that weren't related to soldiers crying or groaning in pain. And he heard it.

It was the sound of metal clashing with each other, as if it was a battle. He looked up, it was coming from three floors above.

But before going towards the location Max touched a security camera, finding the nearest control panel. He wasn't going to go in under-prepared. Whoever was running the facility had data he could use later. Maybe even track down who was funding them.

"Walter, follow the trail and hack into the underground floor servers. This place might get destroyed. So if you can, copy any and all data you can gain access to, and if you can map out the entire facility." Max said, as threw two small bead-like object, silver in color. One transformed into a fly while the other transformed into a mechanical spider.

After getting an affirmative answer, Max went along from where the sound of battle was coming form. Even as he went there, he was careful. The hallway was flooded with blood, almost every one of the soldiers had deep cut marks on them.

Max peeked into the wide room where the sound was coming from. It was a storage room of some sort.

Peeking around the corner he found three silver sentinels that were fighting amongst each other. No the sentinels weren't fighting each other, there was a blue blur in between that was jumping from one body to another.

And the sentinels were getting pushed back. The blue blur threw herself towards one of the sentinel's head, destroying it.

"Well, that's fast work." Max nodded. It was X-23, the mutant girl they were looking for. And she seemed eager to break free on her own.

The girl dealt with the other two in just the same manner. The last sentinel tripped backwards, before its head was separated by the wild girl.

------- (A/N) --------- [My new story is out in my Patre0n, only a few chapters that is. You can also search up The Legend of Leandros, in the Fan-fiction category WebNovel.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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