Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 151 - 103 | Green Flames

The sentinels were getting pushed back. The blue blur threw herself towards one of the sentinel's head, destroying it. And she dealt with the other two in just the same manner. The last sentinel tripped backward before its head was separated by the wild girl.

Max wanted to clap at the wild show. This was some high level of agility, she clearly had training. Only Peter could pull that off if he tried hard enough that is.

And what was amusing was the fact that this was X-23 or Laura, the same girl that they were looking for. Now all they had to do was take her and other mutants (if they were here) and get out of the place.

X-23 or Laura Kinney was four feet tall. Maybe thirteen or fourteen years of age. She had a compact build, for an underaged girl. Unkept hair and a wild look. Two bone claws were protruding from her fists and one claw out of her toe. Huffing for air, she was clearly exhausted.

She was wearing a half-torn blue gown and baggy blue pajamas. The same thing that patients were in the hospital.

But before Max could say or do anything. The girl started sniffing and looked directly at where Max was. And by instincts, she threw herself towards him, with a war cry and claws out.

Max canceled his ability before grabbing the girl by the hand. Subduing her immediately and pushing her against the nearest wall with one hand. "Hey-hey, false alarm! I am here to help."

"Get away from her." Max heard a voice from behind as his spider-sense went off.

While grabbing the girl, he jumped towards the side, he didn't know if the new person was a friend or foe. "Wait, I am not here to fight?" Max said, looking at the newcomer. It was a boy.

He had wild green hair that was fluttering in the air, almost glowing with energy. Sharp emerald eyes and a five-foot-tall body. He was also wearing blue pajamas similar to the girl.

He was scrawny compared to Laura, as you could see the malnutrition on him, cheekbones showing. He was almost a bag of bones until he took a deep breath and got a little buffer. Almost having the compact build of a gymnast.

"Yeah, that's what they all say." The boy threw out a wave of green flames towards them. And Max was certain he saw the boy's figure deflating. And you could almost see his cheekbones again. His powers were strong but weird at the same time.

"Oh, come on," Max grunted, as he extended his hand forward and made an organic vibranium wall to protect them.

But the protection wasn't that well received by the girl, as she was struggling to get out. But Max had no time for this.

But what surprised Max was the fact that his vibranium shield was getting melted by the fire. The reason why the fire was green was because it was highly radioactive. And it was eating away the vibranium. Which didn't make any sense, until he used his energy absorption ability.

The green flames were highly destructive and were composed of dense radiation, because of this Max channeled energy to his shield. The radiation was countered and the shield stopped melting.

"Could we talk?" Max shouted from behind his shield. "I really don't want to hurt you. I know this sounds stupid, but I am actually here to help you. See I am not even doing anything to her."

"Release her then." The boy shouted.

"Okay just stop flaming my b.u.t.t, and I will."

And the supply of green flames stopped. Max freed the girl, as she flipped backward gaining distance from Max.

"Now," the girl shouted.

Max was about to say something when his spider-sense went off, yet again. And he saw another wave of green flames coming towards him. "Why am I even surprised?"

Seeing the pillar of green flames, Max jumped sideways avoiding it with some effort. The fire moved faster and hotter than Max anticipated. Still avoiding it was no problem.

"Hey, that's not fair. I freed your little girlfriend over there." Max said. "Can we speak like normal people now?"

"My what?" the boy asked. "She isn't…" and the boy started throwing compact green balls of fire towards Max.

"Oh for the love of…" Max sighed, as another fire pillar was thrown at him, which he nimbly avoided. "Take a breather will ya. If you go on like this, you won't be able to do anything against me. I can see that you are already at your limits."

Max didn't know how the boy's power worked. But it had to be something related to his breathing. As with each deep breath the boy's body would turn to a normal build, from his skeletal form. And with each attack, his body would deflate to his skinny form.

Also, the boy's hair would turn into a glowing bulb every time he took a breather and turn dim when using his fire, so that was a big indicator.

The moment Max finished his sentence, the girl came screaming from the sides with claws out. Seeing the girl run near Max, the boy followed from the other side with a fire burning in each hand.

The fire-boy and claw-girl attacked at the same time from a close distance. Max didn't have to put much effort to avoid their attack.

Even though it was a good idea to attack together, their attacks were uncoordinated and disordered, he didn't even need to rely on his spider-sense to avoid them. Additionally, they would sometimes comically attack each other.

"Okay, this is dragging on too long." Max backflipped away, spinning in the air, shooting web towards both of them.

Both of them were now, trapped in a cocoon of webs. The girl was trapped in a cocoon of silver webs while the boy was trapped in gray webs.

"You think that will stop me." The boy's body started glowing green from inside the web.

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