Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 152 - 104 | Being polite

"No this will." Max shot another piece of web towards the boy's face. And for some reason, the boy's glowing body and hair returned normal. Even his hair turned black. "If I am not wrong, you need to collect energy or radiation from the air, and only then can you use your fire. That's a pretty useful ability…

"Don't worry I have put a significant gap so that you won't choke to death," Max said as he walked in front of them. The boy wanted to gather air, to collect some radiation so that his fire could work. But it would take much time before he could do that.

Because the web that was binding him was a web that was the best counter to radiation, a normal plain spiderweb. Peter came up with this web, which was highly stable and would dissolve after a few hours. But if the boy wouldn't be able to take in the radiation, the web would be able to stop it. The boy struggled with muffed screams, wanting to get free.

"What do you want from us." The girl roared, trying to free herself from the web. "Did the Jester sent you?" The girl's cocoon of the web was made out of metallic webbing. She had super strength but this would suffice to trap her in place for some time.

"Nope. Don't know who you are talking about." Max shook his head, putting his hand over her shoulder in a gentle manner. "I just came here to save you. Also, where are the others or is it just you two?"

The girl wasn't going to answer, but her mouth moved on her own. "No, it's only us. The rest of them were taken in the moving day." Seeing the girl talk, the boy was protesting even more to break out from his imprisonment.

Max frowned, "Moving day… what's moving day?"

And then the girl started explaining, using telepathy to force a confession wasn't the best way to gain trust. But Max needed to know what was happening around here. It was a good thing he uploaded his A.I. here, now he would be able to know where they took the other kids.

But Max's chain of thought was broken when he heard the sound of metal smashing as if someone was breaking his way through the upper floors. He stood tall, frowning, and looked in the direction where the sound was coming from. There shouldn't be any other mutants here. Then where was the source of the noise?

"Walter, could you check out the sound source?" Max asked while glancing at the kids. They wouldn't be moving from there any time soon.

"Sir, the commanding officer from the ground floors sent a group of gen two sentinels towards your current location, along with a gen three," Walter said. "Also they have rigged the base. If anyone were to come out of the main elevator they were to be eliminated, so no soldiers are allowed to get out unless the threats are subjugated."

"Good to know," Max said but wasn't that too much property damage. "What about Wolverine?"

"He's currently hiding inside the facility, but can't find his way underground because of the guards." The A.I. showed a picture of Wolverine, well it was a security feed of a soldier, but if looked closely you could make out Wolverine's face.

"Well, that's good. Tell Wolverine to stay put…" before Max could finish his sentence, he saw a giant robotic hand smash into Wolverine. "Holy shit… why is the sentinel attacking?"

"Sir that's a gen two sentinel and it has X-gene detection," Walter spoke.

Max was a little worried about Wolverine, but the man should be alive. But then again, taking on a whole army base along with giant robots would overwhelm most men. "Wait if that's the case can't you reprogram it? I have given you the latest sentinel data, didn't I?"

"Sorry, sir, the data which I have stored only can take control over gen two sentinels. That's a gen three and it would at least take half an hour to break into its system." The A.I. said, as he showed the third-gen sentinel, that was almost ten feet long, crouching through the hole they made earlier. It didn't wait to see if Wolverine was alive or not. "Also someone had already commanded the gen two and three sentinels to start hunting all X-gene-based life form."

"Well, that's bad. Walter if you can hack into any machinery, automatic vehicles, rocket launchers, anything to help Wolverine." Max said, before turning towards the imprisoned kids. "We, unfortunately, have to cooperate. And this isn't a request… this is an order. Otherwise, I will kill you myself." Max said the last words slowly as his eyes elongated, canine teeth replaced his maw and even his voice was echoing.

Max's face turned back to normal. He wanted the kids to be free, but he wasn't in the mood to school them about manners. He needed to help out Wolverine. He would have loved to use his teleportation ability right now. But he didn't want to give away any unnecessary information.

The kids stopped their struggling, and looked at him with fright and horror, they didn't dare to move their eyes off Max. Afraid of what might come next. Max didn't want to do this, but there wasn't any other way.

"I am going to free you now. And when I do, I suggest not doing anything irrational." Max extended his hand as the black goo-like structure extended and wrapped around them. The webbing around the kids dissolved at a rapid rate until they were free.

The boy timidly pointed at his face, the web was still covering his mouth. The black goo extended to his face taking the webbing away.

Max was half expecting them to start another fight, but they were too exhausted and afraid to continue.

------- (A/N) --------- [My new story is out in my Patre0n, only a few chapters that is. You can also search up The Legend of Leandros, in the Fan-fiction category WebNovel.

Or visit my Author profile in WebNovel and you will find the story, add it to your collection. I will start uploading new chapter there.]

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