Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 153 - 105 | Plan maker

The kids didn't attack. Which was good, he didn't want to carry around whining kids. And bonding with them was not an option right now.

"Good, I will take you upwards. But stay close with me, don't try to do anything funny." Max said. "And also they are sending one of the updated version of the sentinels if you want to survive. The best thing you should do is stick together, meaning with me."

"Wait, how do we know that you don't have bad intention?" the Boy asked.

Max looked at him, "What's your name boy?"

"Crypto," the boy answered.

"And you?"

"Laura… Laura Kinney." The girl said with a cold voice.

Max nodded, "Well you don't… also its best that you don't use your abilities… that way if things go haywire you can hide. Which is unlikely… Main point, just leave the rest to me." Max said. He really didn't like Crypto's flames. They were just as deadly as the Ghost Rider's hellfire. And avoiding them in close range would be a though call.

But at the same time Max was listing to their thoughts with the help of telepathy. If they were to make any rash decisions he would know.

"Now… well, this is bad." Max mumbled the last words.

Laura frowned hearing his words, unlike Crypto she had super hearing abilities. "What happened?"

Max didn't answer. "You two." He looked at them, taking out two small bead like devices and handing it to them. "Keep them in your ear."

A large metallic sound could be heard from the corridors. The ground shook as the sound got near.

"Go! What are you waiting for?!" Max said. As the kids put the comms to their ear. They were about to leave, but oddly enough the sound of sentinel's footsteps got quieter until he couldn't be heard. And suddenly Max felt a pulse of energy as all the lights around flickered before turning off.

Max's eyes adjusted immediately to the darkness. He could see the kids, they were also standing still, reading themselves for the unknown.

"Sir, the new sentinel has activated a small-scale EMP, and has rendered all security in the nearby vicinity immobile." Walter showed an image of security feeds getting cut. "I can only contact you from the ground floor, the whole underground floor is now out of my control."

"Can you locate the sentinel's location?" Max asked even with super hearing he couldn't pick up any metallic noise.

"Sorry, sir. But he is most likely tracking down X-gene signatures." Walter said. "Sir, the kids are more likely to get attacked." Max moved near them immediately.

"What?! Why?" he didn't know why but his spider-sense was warning him of some danger. He morphed his hands to elongated claws, just to be safe. If worse comes to worst he would use his teleportation ability to transfer the kids to a different location. But he didn't want to show all of his powers right away.

"Sir, your X-gene reading is to messy, almost foreign for the sentinel. So it's most likely, they are going to be attacked. I have already told them to be careful. But you should be on guard, just in case." Walter spoke. The place lit up with green luminance.

"Hey don't light up your fire." Max said to the boy, who grunted squeezing his fire out. This way his sight could always stay sharp, his cat like eyes glowed in darkness, eying anything that moved. "Okay Walter can you give me any information on the sentinel?" Max asked looking around the facility.

"Sorry sir. The sentinels in this facilities are immensely different from the data I have." Max could communicate with technology due to his techno-organic virus. So within seconds he could have a long conversation with his A.I.

Walter showed the differences between sentinels in this facility and in others. Normal sentinels would be purple in color, but the sentinels in this base were silver. And that wasn't the only visible difference.

Max was just ignoring them, but now seeing Walter breaking them apart, made Max think otherwise.

The purple sentinel's picture enlarged, "They are referred to as Mark type Sentinel, we have only found up to Mark IV." Then the silver sentinel's pictures were enlarged, "They are referred to as Gen type Sentinel, and even though all of them are mostly same. The programming is vastly different. Also they seem to have the main power core made from a different company, Ess.e.x corp."

"Shit…" Max could only utter those words before a hand grabbed the boy's leg from underground and pulled him down wards, the boy screamed activating his powers. Max morphed his arms to make a scythe, smashed slashing at the hand that came from underground.

Max produced several tendrils from his other arm, grabbing the girl. Both shadowy hands disappeared at the same time.

One thing was clear, whoever or whatever that thing was. It had abilities. A teleportation ability of some sorts.

"Where is it?!" Laura growled, drawing out her claws. Even if she couldn't see in the pitch-black darkness, she could smell and hear stuff.

Crypto also breathed in, as his hair started glowing green, illuminating the area. With two balls of neon green fire in each hand, he was ready. Even as the fire burned green, lighting the area. It was a long hallway, bodies, some burnt some missing limbs, were scattered on the floor, blood flooding everywhere, there was a musky stench to it.

Max didn't say anything. He was contemplating his decision to come here. Sure, he wanted to save the kids, be a hero, and whatnot. But making Ess.e.x an enemy was no joke.

That man was shit crazy, and going against him could lead to a bad outcome. He would never forget what happened to Shuri, it all happened because he was late. And if Ess.e.x wanted, he could trace his way back to Max.

------- (A/N) --------- [Man, had a rough day. My neighbor got robbed, by a hypnotist no less. And yeah, I am not lying, it's Ramadan. So, I'm kinda spooked out right now. Anyway, have a nice day, and be safe. Weird things happen in lock-downs.]

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