Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 156 - 107 | More than meets the eye

A shadowy hand sprouted from the side, grabbed onto one of the boy's legs, pulling him. Max wasn't going to leave him now. So he along with the kids got teleported into the last underground floor. Hundreds of meters underground.

Max cursed his bad luck. He really wanted to go all out and be done with it. But it would only bring more harm than necessary. If Ess.e.x was involved, he needed to play his cards carefully.

The underground floor was a large place, having only metallic pillars to support it. Other than that it was an empty space. A battleground from what Walter said through the comms. The place was wide enough for a basketball field, and it was tall, almost fifteen foot tall. One could easily dodge and do air maneuvers here. Best place to train, best place to do battle in.

But it was hard to see without no lights, so when Crypto lit up his hair, Max didn't complain. They were kids after all, at least this way they could see each other.

The shadowy figure appeared in front of them. And Max was surprised to see who it was. He was half expecting a mutant or a ninja of some kind.

But rather it was a sentinel. A black metallic sentinel, it was shorter than the rest. Eight feet in size and had almost a human like body. If it wasn't for Max's keen senses one would have been fooled.

Was this facility creating terminators or something? But it wasn't the time to joke around as the sentinel started attacking. The robot extended its hands as they morphed into energy-based weapons.

And it started shooting. Max put on a vibranium shield, blocking them with ease. The attacks were stronger than the other sentinels, but it didn't matter to him. Still, he wasn't keen on always being on the defensive.

So he attacked. He jumped from his spot at an unimaginable speed, extending his claws as he did. He slashed them forward, only to hit air.

At the last moment, the machinery teleported near the kids. Max became wide eyed seeing that. He was ready to teleport himself…

Even in the dim light, the kids saw the eight-foot machinery coming. Crypto was the first one to attack. As the robot was close he didn't have time to control his breathing, but still he attacked.

After taking a deep breath, he blew wind ,letting it catch green fire and obliterated the robot's arm and upper body.

The robot would have been destroyed if it didn't flip backward and teleported back. Several meters back. It would have teleported elsewhere all together if not for the last attack that also damaged its teleportation function.

But the mechanical machine was mildly successful in its endeavor. Even though it couldn't take away the kids. It still got close to them, close enough to draw blood.

The third gen sentinel's mechanical body absorbed the blood sample it collected from one of the kids. But before the machine could showcase its powers, Max attacked it with a made-up vibranium blade.

Even though the sentinel moved away by teleporting away. It's left leg got separated from it. And disgustingly enough it drew blue blood from it. Max would have thought it was a living creature if not for the darkness of the blood.

Whatever the third gen sentinel was made out of. It was closely based on human anatomy. And for some reason it was growing back it's separated leg. It wasn't cut off, but was detached from its leg.

Max saw bones sprouting, silver bones. It is based on Adamantium. But Max didn't wait for the sentinel to heal. He jumped forward, extending his claws slashing at it. And a metallic pang was heard.

Max became wide eyed seeing his attack blocked by a metallic sword. No it wasn't a sword, it was a sword like structure, sprouted from the robot's arm. Another of its arms went backwards, before it stabbed into Max.

"Was that supposed to hurt me?" Max asked with a raised eyebrow, he held the sentinel's shoulder. Squeezing it, as he took back his head, giving it a loud headbutt. The sentinel's skull got dented in, along with its neck.

Max even heard its neck crack, he was about to attack again. When the sentinel teleported away.

The sentinel looked comical with a dented head and a bent down neck. And comically enough it pulled out its own neck, strengthening it in the process. It's left shoulder was also damaged, but the sentinel detached some of the muscle part of the build and new skin and muscles replaced it.

Now Max was half sure, it was more than a sentinel. If he was not wrong, then it somehow copied Laura's regeneration ability. Because it wasn't physically possible to sprout biomass without having X-gene based healing abilities.

As for Max, he relied on his innate regeneration abilities the most. As it was a lot quicker, he just needed to eat some dead bodies and it was easy to find them when he was handling a situation. But X-gene based powers were also fast. It just needed a lot of concentration to do.

But with a programmed and robotic mind, Max knew it was easy for the sentinel to pull it off. So the only option was to hit it with flat weapons. That way he could attack more surface area.

Max ran forward as he extended his arms sideways, and it turned into spiked maces. He smashed them forward towards the robot. The robot teleported away, just the way Max wanted.

Like a cannonball, Max shot the maces off his arms towards the robot, who appeared a few meters behind where it was. The sentinel was shot back going through several pillars.

Max came charging forward, he caught the sentinel's arm smashing it against the ceiling and then on the ground. And brought down another spike mace on it. He wanted to keep repeating it until the robot was not more.

But the robot's c.h.e.s.t core shone green, blasting at Max's face. Not having his energy absorption active had it's down side. But what shocked Max was the fact that it was the same fire Crypto used.

If the robot could copy one of the kid's powers then why not the second.

------- (A/N) --------- [My cold isn't getting better any time soon. So why not write. So yeah...]

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