Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 157 - 109 | Unknown adversaries

In a red light-tinted room, an unusual man sat on his throne. Lazily leaning back on it as he raised his wine glass as a means to cheer. Opposite to him was a wide projector screen of what was showing him a live feed.

As soldiers tried to flee the island the sentinels shot them down. Water cracked and poured out of the ground, the island was sinking. If it was going to sink anyway, then there is no need to leave any proof. So soldiers screamed as they were getting shot at by mindless sentinels.

"There goes my thirty billion-dollar project." The man with pale complexion said, his voice was a deep casual tone. He took a sip from his golden cup before throwing it aside, metal clanked as it bounced on the floor. "Now who might you be?" He asked, leaning over his seat.

A picture of a man showed on the projector skin. As the video played, he was shown fighting with the third-gen sentinel. The man was wearing a black jacket over his light brown skin. He could somehow morph his body to make weapons out of it.

The pale-skinned man gave a wide grin looking at him. "Another mutant to play around with. And I shouldn't keep him waiting."

The man stood up from his seat. And finally, his full body could be seen. He had pale skin, paler than any albino, almost vampire-like. A red bead was on his forehead, while his hair was neatly combed behind. He was wearing some kind of black bodysuit that gave him a menacing look on his muscular and tall body.

He walked towards the screen, standing a few feet away. He waved his hand, as the screen showed four people. Wolverine, Crypto, X-23, and the last unknown man. He smiled menacingly as he watched the screen. Contemplating his next move.


In an another location, two people sat opposite each other on a medium-sized oval table. They were in an office some kind of office room.

One was wearing a green suit, an army general attire, he had a sharp glint over his eyes. The man was a white-skinned man, over the age of sixties.

While the other one was wearing gray loose clothes, he looked rather aged out of the two, as his hair was already a mix of gray. Yet, he had a compact build and a small smirk plastered over his face. A black African male well over seventy years of age, he sat in a straight manner, with an arched back.

The African man leaned over the table, "So…" he said. "This should be suffice for my retirement plan, right?"

The man with general attire had an expressionless face. But you could see the green l.u.s.t in his eyes. The l.u.s.t of power. He looked up, as he closed the silver briefcase. "About your retirement plan… that will have to wait."

The African old man leaned back on his chair, raising an eyebrow. "That wasn't the deal, anyhow I am homeless right now. So what can I do?" he shrugged. He said, in a rural African voice. But his tone was calm, for an old man. As if he wasn't worried at all.

The general nodded, finally giving a small smile, "It's good that I didn't have to pursue you…" he took out a device from his pocket, before sliding it over the table.

The old man caught it, tapping the device. He was familiar with it. The device showed a realistic holograph of a DNA sequence.

The old man looked at the general once again. "I thought giving you the location of Wakanda spies were enough? Now you want me to do this." He sighed. "Even if I had my lab, I can't do it…" he said with an even tone. But underneath was pure spite, aimed towards the general. He was able to hide it. He by no means wasn't going to share his secrets.

"Oh, you are getting the wrong impression." The general shook his head. "I just want you to monitor the process, you have a certain set of skills that the doctors in my lab could benefit from."

The old man nodded, "But don't forget our deal, Ross."

"Of course not." The general said, throwing a card-like object towards the old man. It was an identity card. A forged one, made to live in the states. "I wouldn't dare to take advantage of a senior citizen."

The old man snorted.

General Ross chuckled, "Actually, I have to ask…" his face turned serious, "What are our chances of winning. If we attacked with our weapons."

"Don't even bother, with your primitive toys it wouldn't be a battle. You will just get your soldiers slaughtered." The old man replied.

The old man was Jaku, one of the key figures that were involved in the last attack on Wakanda. When he helped the Vanyan attack, he wasn't aware of the monstrosity that the Wakanda Royal family had. That shadowy beast could easily take down a country in a matter of hours, and it wouldn't leave behind any witnesses. That was a genocidal machine. Just thinking about the shadowy dragon made his skin crawl.

"Well, that will be unfortunate." General Ross leaned back, "Can you help me make some weapons that could…"

"I have to stop you there, even if I gave you all the knowledge I have of Vibranium weaponry. You would still need to buy Vibranium officially from them. And they keep a close eye on their vibranium." Jaku shook his head. "And just building one air-ship won't help you in attacking Wakanda. What you need to aim for is much different."

"Which is?"

Jaku pulled out his phone from his pocket, setting it on his table. Tapping it, as a holograph of four individuals came to view. "Then there are the four mutants that attacked a few months back. They weren't able to do much damage with their abilities, but they did however get in without alarming anyone in the city.

"From what I know, Ross. You should have hands in the underground mutant trades. If you can buy a few mutants or hire them… also, they don't need to be powerful. Overpowering is a bad option I would say, chose mutant with abilities that can help you and your soldiers get in and out undetected."

General Ross leaned on the table with his fingers interlocked. "So you want me to send mutants to pull off a grand theft. Are you saying I should hire Hand ninjas?"


"Never mind. But you do have a point." He nodded his head. "I will think about it in my free time."

------- (A/N) ---------

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