Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 158 - 110 | A normal day

Max could be seen working in his lab on various test tubes. His tendrils were holding several of them in place. From time to time, he would separate a white liquid from the tip of his tendril, before shutting the test tubes. After that, he would neatly place the test tubes back, into the cold storage.

It was a wise decision to take help from the X-men. Finding X-23 would have taken days if not weeks, he looked for her using Wakanda tech. There are some things that only experts are good at.

But going to the X-mansion was also a win-win situation for him. Not only did he build a good impression on them. He also collected almost all of their X-genes.

X-men are powerful and comparable enough to the Avengers. So when the Mad Titan would come, having them around as a helping hand would benefit everyone.

But what made Max's day were the X-genes he collected. And there were pretty powerful ones. Iceman's Ice ability, Magneto's Magnet ability, Storm's lightning, and weather controlling ability, just to name a few.

And that wasn't even mentioning Mystique's X-gene ability. If he was not wrong, the next-gen sentinels that could copy and use powers had abilities similar to Mystique's. Also, Crypto's green fire ability was no joke. His flames were as strong as Ghost Riders.

Max really wanted to add a new ability to his body. But doing that would make his body unstable for a week or so. Sadly he didn't have the luxury to pull that off.

When he was on the astral plane with Lady Bast and Madam Web. Max requested knowledge of Mystique arts. Mainly Necromancy, at the incident Max could still remember what happened.

The pure rage forming, twisting, and turning, creating a form out of spite and darkness. His transformation was similar yet different to the symbiote Grendel. At that stage, Max felt lost, almost insane from the silence. He felt a deep connection to the dead then.

That was why he was interested in Necromancy. Better to have one's limitations beforehand. Even though Bast's necromancy wasn't a complete resurrection, it could help him find his way.

While Bast did promise knowledge to Max, he would have to learn it like others. So having his body stable was the first priority in learning dangerous things.

Also, Max was interested in the mystic arts for another reason. He didn't need power, there were better and easier ways to gain powers than to learn sorcery.

"Now, I should check on Dr Kurt…" Max's sentence stopped midway when his phone ranged. He received the call.

Max looked sharply at the calendar. How could he forget, and he was late. "Babe, I am so so sorry…"

Getting up from his desk, he started walking. As a black cloud stretched in front, opening up a portal, that Max walked through.

The portal was connected to Felicia's room, where she was looking at him with a frown. Felicia wore a black one-piece dress, and light makeup, a green necklace that shined like her eyes. She looked gorgeous, but she also looked angry.

"I can explain…" Max was cut mid-way.

"Zip it, Mister." She jabbed her finger at him. "You are already an hour late. Now handle the situation."

Max gulped, he should have told Walter to set a reminder.


"Wake up… Wake up… Petts"

Peter lazily opened his eyes, half-yawning, only to meet beautiful emerald eyes, looking at him with concern. "Beautiful…" he blurted out, still half asleep.

Which made the green-eyed girl stop, as her cheeks flushed.

"Yes, Mr. Peter. We all think Mis. MJ is beautiful. Now please come here and take your result sheet." Said a toneless voice, devoid of emotion.

Hearing the voice, made Peter stand up from his desk, breaking his sleep. He was taking a nap again in class, wasn't he? Peter gulped his sleep down.

"Mr. Peter I have better things to do. Come and take your paper." The teacher said. The man was in his mid-forties, being a high-school teacher for him was now a punishment for him.

"Ah-Yes," Peter hasted while the others in the class laughed. It was almost common to see Peter mess up.

"You're lucky, that you are you." The teacher said, looking at him, expressionless almost zombie-like. He had big eyes, that screamed of sleep deprivation."Aceing my test is one thing, but being attentive is another thing. If it was anyone else, you would have tight detention at my office after school."

The spider boy gulped, he didn't know why, but he was more afraid of detention than fighting mechanical Rhinos. And he did that a lot.

"How's that fair, why the special treatment for the nerd," Flash spoke, standing up.

The teacher lazily eyed the boy. "You tell me. Straight A-s since the beginning of the year. No hiccups, if you exclude his time sleeping in class and flirting with the redhead. So yeah…"

"The main story short, life isn't fair. Just deal with it." The teacher ended. Just in the nick of time, as the bell rang. "I have assigned your assignments. Mr. Peter, I hope that you won't sleep through the whole class the next day."

Peter nodded getting on to his desk, ignoring and avoiding the rubber shot that Flash threw at him.

"You know you got lucky. Mister Joe was in a good mood today." Mary Jane said, walking up to his desk. "What do you do at night anyways…"

"Oh, you clearly don't want to know. Nasty stuff, but I'm pretty sure, a good chunk of it is spent thinking about you." Harry joked, rolling his shoulder.

Making the couple turn beat red. Only Ned laughed. The others in the classroom were already out.

"Anyways, Peter. I hope you are free today. Cause I haven't been around with you guys in ages." Harry said. "And before you reject, I bought your tickets."

"Tickets to what exactly?" Ned asked. The couple was still embarrassed about what had happened.

Harry grinned wide, "Comic-con, of course."

------- (A/N) ---------

Change the '0' to 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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