Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 159 - 111 | Unforseen Danger

"Tickets to what exactly?" Ned asked.

Harry grinned wide, "Comic-con, of course."

"Dude, how did you…" Ned stopped mid-way. "Oh, forgot multi-millionaire dad."

"Ouch! That hurt. I even had to beg him for these." Harry knocked back his head laughing, as he swayed the tickets.

"Ahem… anyways, I'm free. But I don't know when Mr. Tony…" Peter was cut midway when Ned nudged him.

Ned came closer to Peter whispering, "Come on, it's not like something bad gonna happen. And there are other superheroes anyways. Right?"

Peter gave a wary laugh as looked at MJ. "I mean… I have to go with MJ…"

"I can't go with you, sorry, Peter. I have some stuff to do with Lizz. So you guys enjoy." She smiled going off.

"Now…" Harry smiled widely looking at Peter putting his hand over his shoulder, who sighed in disappointment.

He didn't know why, but he was getting a bad feeling about this. But then again it's not like, every day something big was going to happen in New York. What's the worst that could happen.

Peter shrugged, as the three high-schoolers went on. Harry had his driver drop them at Comic-con. Peter was in a tough position as being a part-time superhero.

Because of his late-night crusaders, he was getting less and less sleep every day. He was also commuting less and less with his peers. It was almost a shock as to why his friends didn't dump him. Mainly, Harry, he was his best friend from elementary. And still was, even not knowing his secret.

Peter felt himself lucky, having these close bonds. But he felt bad at the same time, hiding things from him and MJ.

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination. The place was crowded. And for nerds like Peter and Ned, this place was bliss. Harry was on the other hand having a blast with female cosplayers.

It was almost two hours in Comic-con when Peter's phone rang. Pulling it out, he frowned. It was Caren, why was his suit's A.I. calling him. He forgot to put in his earpiece, he hastily received the call. Something must have happened.

"Peter, evacuate the place as fast as you can," Caren said.

"Why…" Peter wasn't able to finish the sentence when the top of the complex broke down. As an inhuman red-figure crashed in, screaming and smashing.

The figure was ten feet in height, packed with muscles almost Hulk-like. He had red fur in a few patches of his skin, while the other parts had scales in them. Even though the red creature was humanoid, he looked more like a bulky-wild-man-ape.

Peter moved his head towards his friends, specifically at Ned who just dropped his bag of popcorn.

"Guys we have to go," Peter said as he started taking a few steps back. Looking at the situation and contemplating what he should do.

"Yeah, no shit Sherlock," Harry said. He too was anxious.

People around them were panicking, and running towards the exit. Stalls were overthrown as they ran, even the exit was getting crowded.

Peter quickly put on his earpiece, following Caren's advice. He dragged his friends towards another side, inside a small comic shop. People were also hiding there.

"Guys stay here and put your head down. I am gonna check if I can help anyone." Peter said, looking sharply at the red hulking beast. Harry was about to refute, but Peter was already off.

"We have to stop him," Harry said looking at Ned.

"Ah…" the boy blinked a few times. "Oh, look Spider-Man is here." He pointed as the red-consumed hero, swung towards the red monstrosity.

"Wow, look who's here in Comic-con. A real hero and a hulk wannabee. Sorry to say, you got the colors wrong." Peter said as he jumped forward rolling. Tossing a flipped table towards the red hulking beast.

The beast roared in anger and fury, as it started running towards Spider-man.

"Come one come all, before your very eyes the world's largest… what are you again? Never mind, just follow me, big guy." Spider-man swung towards the side that had the least amount of people. "Move away, spider service coming through."

Peter was constantly communicating with Caren. While the A.I. was routing them towards the least crowded place. Along the way, he saved people that tripped and were about to get injured by the red beast, with his webs.

He should have known that something like that would happen. There is no free time for a so-called superhero. Speaking of free time, both Cloak and Dagger were out of town for some reason. Huh, it's nice to be them. Next time he was going to appoint himself a vacation.

Peter's spider-sense went haywire as he heard the crunch of glass breaking, he looked back. Only to see a rain of glass. He wasn't worried about himself, but by the standards that were still near.

Peter stopped spinning back as he webbed in a spreading manner, catching any glass shards that he could find, pulling them into a bag of web. But in doing so, he was sent flying by the red beast's punch.

The spider boy blanked out for a second, as he was thrown into the road. Luckily the road was free from any vehicles. So he wouldn't have to think about civilians.

Even though the vibranium suit took and stored most of the damage, Peter still felt his insides twisting. "That was…" Peter became wide-eyed, when he saw the red beast jump on him, with the web bag of glass that Peter had saved.

The wall-crawler webbed forward on the road pulling, saving himself in just the nick of time. He looked back at the red raging monster.

Now looking at him up close made Peter horrified. He was more the abomination than the Hulk. Even the Lizard looked less cruel.

The red monster ape hybrid roared, slamming his hands over his c.h.e.s.t, as he ran forward.

Peter didn't have time to move away, as they both interlocked each other in a battle of strength.

The beast had the advantage in height, as it was pushing down on spider-man. Making him almost bend his legs.

Peter gritted his teeth, using every ounce of his strength to push the red beast back. "Maximum strength output." He went as far as to activate the emergency power booster in his suit, to not get crushed.

Peter's suit symbol glowed red, as his strength peaked, squeezing out every bit of power his muscles provided, along with the energetic properties of the suit. Even the red beast was shocked, as one of his hands cracked, due to the tight grip.

But the beast swayed him sideways, catching the wall-crawler off guard as he was thrown several meters away.

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