Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 160 - 112 | Accident

The red hulking beast had thrown Spider-man sideways, where the wall-crawler crashed into a bus, denting it, shattering the windows. Spider-man g.r.o.a.n.e.d holding his head. "That was unexpected. I really need to add some cushioning in the back end of the suit."

He heard a thud, as his spider-sense fired up. By instinct, he jumped forward, as the red creature slammed down from air, onto the bus. Completely crushing it, as the vehicle exploded, setting aflame.

"That was a close call." Peter sighed gulping. The red beast gave out an ear-piercing roar as it came out of the flames uninjured. "Wow, you seriously got some anger issues. I would recommend Dr. Banner, he is an expert in dealing with this." Peter gave out a small laugh before jumping sideways, dodging the black tire that was thrown at him.

But before the tire was too far, he caught it with his web, spinning and sending it back towards the red monstrosity. The tire hit the creature right on his head, making it take a few steps back, before he roared in anger. It roared running furiously towards the wall-crawler.

"Not now." The boost that he got from the suit had already worn off, and it would take a minute to recharge. Now seeing the monstrosity coming towards him, he would need to handle himself in the meantime. "Well, two can play that game, big guy." He said, running towards him.

In few steps, Spider-man met the red monstrosity, both prepared for a fistfight. The monstrosity while being strong, lacked coordination, his attacks were predictable and could be countered easily. Peter used the opportunity to send blows after blows towards it while using his spider-sense to avoid getting hit. But even the wind pressure from the punches were enough to make Spider-man cautious by every second.

Ducking a wide sweep from the beast, Peter kicked the beast on the side of its leg, making him bend. As he sent a powerful upper-cut to the creature's chin, lifting the creature off the ground. The creature tried to steady itself.

But Spiderman didn't give him any, using his web-shooters to web up and pull the legs from the creature, making it fall. Before the creature could move, he started spraying advanced webbings that were stronger than normal on it.

"This should do it. Now be a good boy and stay down." Spider-man said dusting off his hands. Then he was surprised to hear cheer behind him, moving his head he saw that there was a crowd that was watching the fight from afar. Ned and Harry were in that. "What are you guys doing here…"

He heard the creature roar, filled with anger, fury. struggling to get out of the web. Peter heard a cracking noise as he almost lost his footing. Spider-man became wide-eyed seeing the red monstrosity going big and pulling himself out of the webbing.

For a moment even Peter was shocked at the display of unusualness.

Peter quickly tapped in his comms, "Caren, is there any ways to make that thing shut off."

The A.I in his suit started scanning for any and all weakness it could find. "The subject seems almost immune to pain. Even as you were striking the weak points of the creatures it didn't budge. I think you should fire off an electric discharge, a powerful one to stop it." The A.I. said.

"Let's hope that won't kill the big guy," Peter mumbled, jumping a few steps back, readying himself, as the red bulking beast grew inhumane muscles ripping the webs off. Red steam could be seen coming out of his body, and now looking at it. It looked more like an ape than a humane.

The beast breathed in a full lung of air before it screamed with all of its might towards the superhero. Shattering the road in front as glasses on the building shattered due to high pitch sound waves.

Even Peter had to use his ability to stick to the ground so as not get knocked off. "Is it me or did that thing get stronger," Peter said, slapping his ears. His eardrums would have burst if not for the vibranium suit, still his ears hummed due to the noise.

But due to the sonic boom, Spiderman's vibranium suit was now beaming with energy, just enough to pull of a powerful discharge. "Well, thanks for the energy I guess."

Spider-man ran forward, using the suit's function to boost his strength and speed. He only had ten seconds before it would wear off. As the webs on the suit glowed red, filling him with energy, he leaped forward dodging the massive fist mid-air that came towards him.

He slipped behind the creature, before latching on it's back, using his wall-crawling ability to stick to it. "Here goes nothing." He said, pushing his hands forward. And he set of an electric discharge right on the beast's neck.

The beast roared in pain and agony, as it tried to pull Spider-man off its back. Failing miserably in doing so, having way too much muscles also had it's bad effects.

The beast started to lose it's consciousness.

As it struggled less and less. Peter almost sighed in relief, but it was too early.

The red creature was still growing bigger in size, now was almost fifteen feet tall, packed with muscle. And it fully didn't loose conscious, but it did, however, loose it's thinking capacity.

Using pure natural instincts it started running towards the open plaza where the comic con was held.

Now seeing the mad red beast make its way towards them, the crowd broke into a panic. Running and pushing off anyone that was near, some even tripped in doing so. It was a mess.

------- (A/N) ---------

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