Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 161 - 133 | Accident

Peter became wide-eyed, seeing the situation, how was it still moving when high volts of electricity was going through his body, he didn't know. He grabbed the beast around it's neck, interlocking his arms trying to choke him down with all of his strength.

The creature's neck was wide as a tree trunk and was stronger than steel. He started choking it, hoping this would stop the beast in its track. But it didn't work, the creature grabbed a nearby car.

Peter became wide seeing it, as he pulled on the beast's neck backward, trying to make it fall. But it was too late as it threw the car towards the crowd. The car bounced off the floor, towards a group of running people. One was unfortunate enough to just be in it's way, when another pushed him off, sacrificing himself for it.

Peter looked from the creature's neck, seeing a person get stuck under the car, another trying to pull him out of it. And Peter knew them, they were his friends. And Harry was under the car.

In moments something came over Peter, as he heard a loud snap. The beast fell on the ground on his knees making gurgling sounds.

Peter's eyes widened, only now seeing what he did. He quickly got off the red humanoid beast as it fell to the ground. Lifeless.

He didn't know what to do. Until he heard Ned's scream, as he was trying to lift the four-wheeler off Harry. Peter didn't hesitate anymore, running over to help his friends.

He lifted the car up before the oil tank could catch fire. There he saw Harry's body, it was filled with cuts and bruises, glasses could be seen on his body, as blood was everywhere. Peter unconsciously took a step back. Not knowing what to do.

He was traumatized and was afraid of what was coming next. The world was buzzing with noise, Peter was getting dizzy he stumbled in his steps. How could he let that happen?

"Hey, we have to do something. He's still breathing." Ned cried out, holding his friend's bloodied body.

Peter's body moved on its own, gently taking hold of his friend's body. He moved with haste, using his webbing to stop the bleeding. Before he carried him over his shoulders, spinning webs, swinging from one building to another. Carrying him to the hospital.

Time passed far to slowly for Peter, as he monitored his friend's ragged breathing while swinging from building to building. Before long he was in a hospital, shouting for the doctors to come.

He still remembered what happed to Uncle Ben. He was late then, so was he now. He could feel the chill of his own sweat, running down his face. As he saw his friend being taken to the emergency room.

He prayed and hoped whoever was watching over them. To just keep his fried alive. He snapped out when he saw other people in the hospital staring at him. He was still in his Spider-man costume.

He quickly went outside, changing into his basic clothes. Wiping away the tears that were streaming down his face.

Why was he crying again? Scenes of horror, Uncle Ben on his l.a.p.s started playing out.

His phone buzzed in baggy pants, before he pulled it out. Ned was calling him. He answered with a broken voice, at which hospital and what floor he was.

He needed to do something. He couldn't just be here and watch. Then something clicked. Maybe Max could help him.

He didn't wait one moment. Dialing in his number.

"The number you have dialed is…" Peter cursed his bad luck. He tried again and again. Gripping his phone. Where was he, when you damn need him to be?

Tapping on his earpiece he contacted his A.I. "Caren, call Max's A.I. and tell him to send an SOS."

"Affirmative. Calling Walter A.I."

Peter snapped his head back when he heard someone calling his name. It was Ned. He looked equally as bad as him. Drenched in sweat, huffing for air.

"Ho-How's he?" Ned said in between his breathing, he looked pale, almost afraid to hear the answer.

"I-I…" Peter stumbled in his words. "He is bad…"

Ned walked towards the Emergency Room, looking through the door window. Doctors could be seen running up to one another.

"I am sorry. Mr. Osborn, I wasn't there…" Peter looked back. It was Harry's driver that was on his phone. "North Shore Hospital… Yes, I am here…"

Peter again moved his attention back towards the door window. Observing what the doctors were doing. Max would have known what to do. He always did. Unlike him.

Peter sighed in distress, as his shoulders slouched down. Time went on, in it he never moved from his spot. All the time Peter was blaming himself.

Moments later, a medical staff, excused herself into the Emergency room, telling something that was inaudible to him. The doctor's stopped what they were doing, as they started to operate on him differently. As if readying him for something.

"Please move away from the door." The nurse said as the stretcher was pulled out.

Peter's heart sank. It couldn't be.

He wanted to ask, but Ned beat him to it. "Is he?…"

A doctor pulled off his mask, shaking his head. "He is alive, but he suffered a serious injury to the back section of his head and lost quite a bit of blood. It was a good thing that he was brought when he was… But…" The doctor stopped mid-way when a nurse called him towards Harry. "Please excuse me…"

"Then where are they taking him?" Peter asked, but the doctor was already away.

The driver was the one to reply, "Mr. Osborn will be escorted to Oscorp tower. Sir, has ordered me to accompany him there."

Peter almost forgot. Wasn't Oscorp also funding some advanced medical projects. They might have something to stabilize his condition. Peter felt hope after the longest time.

It didn't take long for Harry to be sent to Oscorp. An ambulance was already readied for him. Peter and Ned followed him with the driver in the car.

They exited the vehicle going into the Oscorp tower. It brought back memory, of how he got his powers.

But he didn't have the time to think about that. Peter followed the stretcher as it went towards the medical bay.

So yeah, I am back. I was hit by a massive writers block, and am still recovering. I have much to write but I am not sure if I can update regularly. Have a good day...

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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