Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 163 - 115 | Hidden secrets

Peter stood on the top of the empire state building, in his spider-man suit. He looked over the horizon over New York city. Today was a cold night. Peter looked down towards his open hands, clenching them into a fist.

He needed time to think. And make himself busy. He took in some fresh air to gather himself. He was slow, just like the time with Uncle Ben.

Peter shook his head. He didn't want to think about that.

Rather he should be thinking about something else. He killed someone. Peter was pretty sure that like other hybrid beasts that should also be a human.

He looked at his fists again. These were responsible! But at that time that was the only way. But thinking again. He should have acted carefully.

But even then, Harry got hurt, because of his carelessness. Now he was fighting for his life. It was assuring to hear Mr. Norman said his condition was stable. If not… then… If only Max was there…

Peter couldn't finish his thought when his comms beeped. It was Max, he was calling back. With a jumble of thought racing through his mind, he received the call.

"Yo, Peter sorry for not receiving your call. I was visiting Felicia's mother in the hospital." Max said. "Did something happen?"

Peter opened his mouth to speak. But no words came. What should he say? That he killed someone and now because of his stupidness his friend's life was in danger. His words choked down in his throat. He was a disappointment.

"Nothing. I just had a rough day." Peter said, with a rough empty voice. "I will call you later."

"I…" Max couldn't finish his sentence and he was cut off. On the other side Max frowned, did something happen. He shook his head, he would call him up later.

Peter slammed at the wall, before sighing deeply. He really needed to think things off.

He pulled over his mask, before jumping off from the state building, falling in a free-fall with arms stretched. 'I need time to cope with things.' Peter thought, as he pushed off a string of web from his web shooter before swinging away.


"You moron!" A man shouted, over his phone. "Didn't I say not to get public attention. What part of that, don't you understand!"

"Sir, I-I was ordered to…" the person on the other side said, nervously stumbling in his words.

"Don't tell me… did Ross tell you to do that!?" The man shouted again. The man was none other than the former head researcher of the Jabari tribe, Jaku. "That fool!"

"Well, sir…" before the man could finish, the old man threw the phone on the ground, smashing it. He rubbed his temple, anger wasn't good at this age for him. But then again what could he do.

A broadcast from the local news, showing a red monstrosity fighting the hero Spider-man. But what particularly caught his attention was the form of the red creature. It looked way too similar to his own creations, the white ape hybrids.

The old man became wide-eyed seeing that, and his anger flared up. Knowing who did it. So, he immediately called the head researcher, who was working with General Ross.

And now he was fuming with anger. The similarities between the red monstrosity and his own research were too similar to just shrug off. Even he noticed it and the Black Panther would have to be blind not to notice.

He haughtily sat on his chair, slamming on his dining table. He should have known this would happen. "Stupid underdeveloped mongrels." He cursed, before standing up.

All the effort he put into faking his death, making sure no one knew about his research was all for none. He should have kept the research information to himself. Now he would have to change cities if not countries.

He walked forward towards his living room, stopping just in front of a painting. He pushed his hands on to the frame.

At the same side of the wall, something unexpected started happening. As the bead of lights started shifting making out a door.

The old man pulled it open, before he stomped his way down the satires. Going sideways, switching on the lights to his lab.

He walked towards the last part of his lab, grumbling and cursing General Ross as he did. He stopped in front of a stretcher, before waving his hand as a holographic screen showed itself, typing out some data.

He smiled wickedly at the laid body of his new experiment. It was a body of a hybrid ape-man, white in color. It was shackled to the table. It would have struggled if it was conscious.

"It's progressing at a far better rate than expected." He said, as he flipped through the holograph.

It wouldn't take much time to perfect the serum. Now the only thing he needed was more test results. Even fleeing from Wakanda pained him a lot. But there were few things that were hard to get by. And one of those was human test subjects.

His grin broadened when he thought about regaining his position in Wakanda. And be its ruler.

------- (A/N) ---------

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