Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 164 - 116 | Things unfold

Norman Osborn sat by his son's bed, while the main doctor in charge Dr. Smith was taking his hourly check. "How is his report doctor?" he asked, without looking back at the doctor. They were back on the medical bay, Harry was being monitored here. The experimental serum had a significant effect on him, making the boy heal faster. But still, the doctors strapped him to the metal bed, because sometimes patients may get panic attacks.

A few days had already passed. And it would take a few days before the boy would wake up.

"His vitals were stable, and he is healing quickly…" The doctor said. "At an abnormal rate, actually." He muttered the last part. He didn't want to anger his boss right now, everyone in the Oscorp knew of his bad temper the last few days.

Norman nodded, with cold eyes looking at his son. "Well, that just means that our serum is ready for human trails." He looked back at the doctor, "Ready some volunteers for the experiments."

Dr. Smith opened his mouth to speak, but stopped himself. The man was crueler then he let on to be. How could he think this infront of his own son? "Yes, sir." The doctor said, looking away before he excused himself, leaving the medical bay.

Norman looked at his son, before sighing. "You were supposed to rule over New York. Now you are…" he didn't finish his sentence, rather he massaged in between his nose.

He looked at the side table, beside Harry's bed. There was a photo album there, of their family. He took it in his hand, wiping the dust off, looking at it. His hands started tightening around the frame, almost bending it. But he stopped himself, "What am I doing."

The photo was of Harry when he was a child, on his mother's l.a.p, while Norman was smiling beside them. It was a family photo, their family photo. "Fifteen years…" he muttered.

He let out a deep breath, before placing back the album. He looked at Harry one last time, before he pushed himself off the stool. The more he stayed here, the more he would have to remember those painful memories.

Norman started walking away, maybe keeping himself busy would clear out the thoughts. But then a sound of someone's grasp came from behind, Norman looked back immediately. And he became wide eyed seeing Harry move.

"Call the doctor." He said to the side nurse. The girl nodded.

Harry's body started shaking violently, almost trying to ripe away the metallic straps that binded him. The boy started shaking his head from side to side, almost dropping the oxygen mask.

Norman looked back seeing the nurse bring the doctors, missing the green vine like structure forming on his son's neck, before it disappeared.

The boy wasn't only shaking but now he was struggling, struggling to breath and free himself from the shackles. He was jerking his body from time to time. "What's the problem…" Norman said, looking at him.

As far as he knew Harry shouldn't be regaining his consciousness until a few more days. Until then he should be stable. But now seeing the boy keep struggling as if he was getting electrocuted, made Norman worry in horror.

It was a good thing that Harry was still strapped on to the metal bed, if not he would have already dropped from it and would be lying on the floor.

The doctor Smith came, standing by the boy's side, checking his condition. "Did something happen Mr. Osborn." He said, as he started to check on Harry and the equipment. The oxygen was running so he didn't know why the boy suddenly became unstable.

"No, he was stable until a second ago…" Norman couldn't finish, when Harry freed his arms from the shackle, tossing away the equipment on that side. The boy would have done even more damage, if the doctor didn't put him to a medical sleep.

Norman and Smith were on the opposite side so they didn't get injured in the situation.

Norman looked at Smith, "Is the serum's strength factor kicking in?"

"I-I am not sure, it should be... The equipment was made for the serum based superhuman patients in mind. But Harry just showed an unnatural amount of strength here." Dr. Smith said, taking out the syringe from Harry's neck. Making the boy stop and his condition stable.

"Run some tests on his blood. And see if anything is different." Norman said, touching his son's unconscious body.

The doctor nodded, drawing some of the boy's blood. Before going away, other than Norman, there were a few nurses standing beside the boy.


"Ah, my headache is killing me…" she mumbled, leaning on the table massaging her forehead.

"Gwen you alright? You should take the day off." One of her senior researchers said with concern. After the incident with the Lizard, Gwen skipped coming to Oscorp for a month or so. She was a little worried to come back after what had happened. But now she was back to work.

Gwen Stacy was a girl in her early twenties, blond, beautiful, blue eyed and had a deep passion for science. She looked up towards the person.

He was a boy who just graduated and was in because of his exceptional qualifications, he had a deep interest in bio-engineering. And also interest in her.

"Thank you, Joe. But no, I have to get the project done by tomorrow." She said, "I just need some coffee. I haven't had much sleep this week."

"Okay, but don't overwork yourself." He said, before excusing himself. Even though he was a senior researcher, they both knew each other for over a year, and were quite familiar with each other.

"You know you should just go on a date with him."

Gwen moved her head towards her colleague, "Not now Eve." She said, grumbling. "You can do something even better, and bring me a coffee."

Eve gasped, "I am not your…"

"Please…" Gwen pleaded.

"Fine but you owe me for this." Eve sat up from her desk going towards the coffee maker. Eve was one of Gwen's closest friends, both knew each other from childhood. She had black hair, fair skin and a straight forward attitude.

Gwen breathed out, sighing. But even then her headache was getting worse and worse. It was barely noticeable, but there was a certain redness in her eyes, as if something red was swinging in her light blue eyes.

------- (A/N) ---------

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