Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 165 - 117 | Start of a Carnage

Eve walked near Gwen's table with two cups of coffee on hand. "You know you should really take the day off." She said, seeing her friend's condition, placing one of the coffee cups on the table. She placed her hand over Gwen's shoulder. "You don't look so good."

But Gwen ignored her, taking the coffee mug, chugging it down her throat. Not caring for the extreme heat that it had.

"Hey easy there…" But before Eve could finish Gwen placed the cup back on the table. Completely empty. "Wha…" Eve was completely flabbergasted. That was supposed to be hot.

"Ah… I really needed that Eve. Thanks." Gwen said, giving her a smile. She stood up from her desk, as she started walking outside. "I will go and check on the lab reports."

Gwen made her way outside of the main lab room. She needed some fresh air. Even though her headache lessened, it was still there, lingering. She knew the reason for her headache.

After the lizard incident, she took apart some of Dr. Kurt Conners's data. She didn't have that much interest at first. But then as time went on, and the attacks of super-villains increased in New York.

She started to worry and started to do her own research regarding the Lizard serum. And to her surprise, the captured white rat that Gwen was taking care of showed some wild mutations.

It was growing red fur in some areas. She at the time thought that Dr. Kurt might have been using the creature as a lab rat. So she started monitoring it in her own apartment. She had set up a small lab there.

She was having some issues trusting Oscorp. After the cover-up of the Lizard incident, she wasn't sure about Norman Osborn.

But then a few days ago the rat, started changing rapidly. Growing in size and the whole body was now covered with red fur. And unlucky enough the rat bit her when she tried to examine its mutation.

And that is when her headaches started occurring. And what was even worse was the rat died a few hours after biting her.

She immediately went to the doctor for treatment. But all the tests came out negative. But even then she felt the rat-bite was the reason for her headache.

She breathed out her stress, the headache wasn't going to go away any time soon. He pulled up her sleeve looking at her left hand, she was bitten at the wrist. And it was a nasty bite, almost taking away a chunk of the skin. Yet her skin showed no signs of infection.

Heck one wouldn't know if there was any cut either. It healed in two days, not leaving any marks behind.

She was a bit worried. So, she wanted to ask for help, maybe the scientist in Oscorp would be able to her. But then she stopped herself, how was she going to explain the situation?

She was hiding a key part of Oscorp's research for herself. And it may lead to legal issues as the experiment was linked to Dr. Kurt Conners. She sighed, leaning on the window.

Maybe she should take the day off. She gave a small smile before going back towards the lab.


Gwen walked along the alleyway of New York. She really missed her car.

"This day couldn't get any worse," she said, massaging her temples. Her headaches were getting worse. The uber she was on, had to cancel the trip mid-way. Now she had to walk home.

Gwen wasn't paying attention to know that a man following her since she left the cab. Black hoodie, and jeans, he wore. A cigarette in his mouth, creating a puff of smoke from time to time. Walking a few feet away from her. Keeping his hands in his hoodie pocket.

Gwen's headache started buzzing even more, and she felt a sense of dread. A shiver ran down her spine as if warning of something.

She looked around only to realize that she was in an empty ally. But someone was behind her. She could feel it and hear the clear sound of footsteps from behind, it was an odd and frightening feeling.

Gwen didn't wait a minute and pulled out her phone. She had her father on speed dial. But her phone was dead, she forgot to charge it before leaving. She gave a silent curse, still putting the phone over her ear.

Hoping that this way her pursuer would go away. But at that moment her sandals broke. Making her stumble and drop her phone.

The pursuer seeing that called out, "Hey, you there stop." he said with a demanding voice. Taking out a pocket knife hastening his steps towards her.

Gwen looked back with wide eyes seeing her pursuer give chase he was fast. She kicked away her sandals, running with n.a.k.e.d feet towards a side alleyway, hoping to outrun him. And to her horror, it was a dead end.

She looked back at the approaching thug, who had a nasty grin on his face. "Oh, so you want to be in private," he said, a few feet away from her, tossing his knife from one hand to another, skillfully.

Gwen stumbled back, falling on her bum. Heart racing, she was having a hard time breathing. "You-you don't want to do this," she said, stumbling on her words, eyes tearing up. "I-I will shout…"

"Oh, I dare you to shout," he said, with cold eyes and a smug face. "You will have a slit right on your throat before you can..." he said, lazily walking towards her.

But then something odd happened. As a sense of gloom and dread, befell.

And the thug's face twisted in horror and fear from what he saw, "Hey, stop. What are you… No, stay back..." he said, stepping backward, he held his pocket knife high with shacky hands.

From far one would only see the lights twisting, bending as darkness itself started to crawl towards the thug.

Outside the alleyway, the scream of the thugs ranged. A pleading for life was heard before it too was silenced.

------- (A/N) ---------

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