Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 23 - Black Panther VS Sabertooth (1)

T'Challa came back, but this time it wasn't grand like the previous time. As he returned empty-handed, W'Kabi & the border tribesmen were not happy.

While they were dealing with their Political Shenanigans, Max was searching for Ororo. 'Well, this is unexpected.' Max thought as Storm didn't return.

Then looking closely, Nakia & even Okoye the Royal Guard was hiding their injuries. Max looked at T'Challa, who looked completely fine.

It looked as if, he was hiding his injuries, 'Hmm, 2 Ribs fractured on the left side & maybe a wound in his Right side.' Max calculated his injuries only by looking at it.

He was experienced in fighting in his previous life & coupled with Symbiot's enhanced sense, he could see many things that normally would get unnoticed. 'But the unusual thing is who could injure T'Challa, to this extent. Either he was fighting Hulk, or he was fighting without his suit.'


T'Challa laid down, on one of the beds in the Medical Ward. As T'Challa waned to keep his injuries secret, Shuri had to operate on him. And she was more than qualified to do so.

When T'Challa's clothe's were removed, there was a deep injury on his right side. 'I don't like it when I am right in… these types of situations.' Max grimaced, looking at the wound. Looking at his Right Side, there were 5 claw marks that went deep. It was almost unbelievable that T'Challa's guts were still holding with these dier wounds.

'Ok, time out. T'Challa should have a good amount of healing factor, & Judging by the dried blood, it should have been more than a few hours. And that should be enough to heal.' Max was getting a bad feeling looking at the claw marks.

Shuri looked at the serious injury & was horrified, taking a step back she asked, "Brother, how did you…"

"Can we talk later…" T'Challa showed a weak smile; he was barely holding on.

With wet eyes, Shuri nodded & started to operate on the injuries.

Outside, The Queen asked Nakia about what happened. Max was them outside to listen.

"Queen Mother, it was a guy named Sabertooth. We had Klaw. But he, along with a few others, came & extracted him." Nakia said weakly.

The Queen was rather strong than she let on to be, sighing she patted Nakia's shoulder. "Get some Rest, Cub." Nakia only nodded & left. She hated her self for being weak.

The queen looked at Okoye, "Miss Ororo, is gone. She knew him. He sometimes… made problems where she 'worked'. She has gone to see if she could do something about it" The queen nodded.

Okoye hit her spear on the ground as a salute & left. "Sigh… not even the first day as a King & he returns with Injuries." Rubbing her forehead, The Queen said with a weak smile remembering her late husband.

"Ok, Sabertooth? Why? I needed answers & I am only getting new questions." Max went into the Medical Ward. After some time, The procedure to remove the Adamantium poisoning was finished.

Adamantium is a mixed version of Vibrainium. And it was poisonous towards the Black Panther who got his powers from the Heart-Shaped herb.

"Will you tell me now what happened. And Brother, Another White Boy Colonizer, Really?" Shuri asked she didn't like it one bit. She wanted to connect Wakanda with the rest of the World. Yet now she was thinking this through.

T'Challa sighed, looking at Agent Ross with gratitude in his eyes, "Well, he saved Naika."

"And about the attack, a guy named Sabertooth. He is… like Ororo, a Mutant." T'Challa said as he played footage from a few nearby security cameras.

The Attack was almost as same in the movies, except, this time T'Challa was hard to deal with, even with Killmonguire throwing frags from time to time, he had a way to deflect them. It was almost a wonder how Klaw got released.

When T'Challa was about to follow the Vehicle, he was attacked by a bulking guy, who looked rather animalistic with canine teeth & claws out.

The moment Sabertooth jumped on T'Chall kicked him in the face holding back his powers; he didn't want to kill him. But to his surprise, the Beastly looking human didn't get kicked off.

Rather with his adamantium skeleton bonded to him, Sabertooth was able to take the hit without any damage.

Sabertooth smiled, thinking that he was the better than him, he grabbed T'Challa's head, and with a 'boom' gave T'Challa a headbutt. But to Sabertooth's surprise, The Black Panther wasn't injured, but rather he showed a smile underneath his mask.

T'Challa returned the headbutt releasing the stored up Kinetic energy with it, sending Sabertooth Backwards. Before jumping back, gaining some distance.

Felling dizzy Sabertooth supported himself on a nearby pole getting up to his feet. Glaring with hateful eyes.

The Black Panther pulled out his panther claws from his suit. Sabertooth smiled at the challenge pulled out his own Adamantium Claws from underneath his nails.

They dashed forward, Sabertooth slashed his claws diagonally, which the T'Challa ducked upon. Stabbing his panther enhanced claws to the Beast's c.h.e.s.t. Only to find heard bones that even his Anti-Metal claws couldn't break in easily.

Sabertooth was surprised when he felt his bones get damage by the Black Panther, he kneed the panther right in the face, sending him backwards. Before T'Challa's body could fall, Sabertooth grabbed him and used full force to smash him into the ground creating an Audible Crack & spider web-like crater where the Black Panther was.

Before the Black Panther could away, Sabertooth jumped on him, trying to finish him off with his extended claws.

But then T'Challa unleashed his stored up kinetic energy from his suit sending him flying. Getting angry Sabertooth toppled a nearby car, that was speeding by.

T'Challa cursed underneath his breath moving towards the car. He saw a family of four inside the flipped car. Running at full speed he pulled out two ball-shaped objects, from his suit & threw it towards Sabertooth who was running at him.

The two ball-shaped objects, separated going in different directions before they got connected by a blue electrical construct, going around Sabertooth's legs.

Sabertooth was about the fall when the Black Panther jumped above him grabbing him by the shoulder before throwing him, with full force. Sabertooth crushed into a nearby building, going through it.

T'Chall hurried towards the toppled car, He pulled out the driving seat ripping it off taking out the passenger's one by one.



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Now, gime me Power Stones.

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