Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 24 - Black Panther VS Sabertooth (2)

Another Camera showed what happened in the building, while T'Challa & Sabertooth was fighting.

Ororo woke up finding her head injured, she saw Nakia who was calling out to her. Getting to her she saw Agent Ross injured. Thinking in time she looked for Okoye & found her unconscious.

She got near her & took out a circular bead-like object that was the size of her thumb. She got near Agent Ross, ripped his shirt off, and pushed in the bead where the bullet wound was.

Getting out of the building she saw T'Challa pulling out the family one by one. At the last moment when he was going to pull out a little kid from the now flammable car.

Back to the Main Camera,

T'Challa was pulling out the little kid who was barely 10, when he heard a growling sound looking back Sabertooth was charging at him with white eyes. He was in his animalistic Frenzy.

Hearing Sabertooth getting close, The Black Panther was in a hard spot. T'Challa not knowing what to do hastily pulled out the kid before throwing the kid to his family members. Taking the full force of Sabertooth's attack.

Sabertooth kicked him on his left side sending him flying to a nearby building. Before he could get up, Sabertooth slammed his claws on the right side. But still couldn't penetrate the Vibrainium Suit. The Black Panther was constantly elbowing him.

Scoffing at his attempt, Sabertooth pushed all ten of his claws on the right side of T'Challa trying to rip out the Vibranium Suit. And with full force, damaging the Suit, on right the side. Taking the opportunity, Sabertooth dug into T'Challa's flesh with one hand before twisting it, with a sadistic smile.

The Black Panther in pain snapped, not holding back any more clawed Sabertooth with full force with his left hand towards his face. Sabertooth was thrown back with huge parts of his face missing still sticking on the Panther Claws, showing his adamantium skeleton with claw marks underneath.

'Black Panther was much stronger & a better fighter compared to Sabertooth & when you add up his Vaibrainum Suit he is the best there is.' Max thought, 'But the question is why would he be working with Killmongure. Did he still run as Mercenary? Shouldn't he be recruited by Magneto by now?' The Video Continued.

Sabertooth was about to get up & resume the fight when with a 'bamf' red smoke a Red like humanoid creature appeared beside him & teleported him away.

The video ended, it was almost ironic that a security camera could capture so much.

'If it wasn't for Sabertooth, lunging from a nearby roof & catching the Black Panther off guard did Klaw & Killmongure got a chance to leave.

And even with catching the Black Panther off guard, T'Challa in less than minute dealt with him. This version of Black Panther is stronger than Sabertooth. If I am not wrong, it's similar to when T'Challa became the King of Dead in Marvel Comics. At that time T'Challa became much more stronger. If so, he should stop holding back.' Max felt it was too easy, 'Something bad is going to happen'

"What do we know about him & the red guy?" the Suri asked worriedly looking at the video footage, she, along with everyone in the room was more shocked by the Teleportation Red guy, who looked like a Red demon.

"We, don't know a lot. Ororo only knew the Sabertooth guy, because he constantly caused trouble where she 'worked'. But the red guy was new, something like a teleporter. And she mentioned something about a Club..." T'Challa finished.

T'Challa then pulled out a small vial out of his suit. "I collected some of his blood & flesh. I will run some scans to see if I can get something…" his speech was cut off as Shuri snatched away the vial.

"You will do no such thing. Get some rest, let Suri deal with it." Ramonda the Queen came into the room as she said, T'Challa was about to say something but stooped because of his glaring mother.

"I will rest."


'But was Adamantium this toxic? And please don't say it's Hell Fire Club.' Max sighed at so many unknown probabilities, but at least with his new powers, he could do something.

Before leaving the Medical Ward he collected some of T'Challa's blood. 'Well, you don't know when you might need it.' He also wanted to collect Sabertooth's blood. But, it would take a lot of time, before Shuri was done with her scan. And he knew how to get it later with his new friends.

Max quickly left with Bayak, the room as he needed to do something important.

He went to Shuri's room, he gave Bayak full control of his body & tried to do research on the blood he collected.

Max then tried to use his powers to see the Blood he collected, he saw Venom & other's could alter DNA or even make something like a Codex. He wanted to know if he could do something like that as well.

And surprisingly he could, he could see even the tiny Duble Helix bond with the DNA. It was almost a wonder as to how he could do that.

And the thing was T'Challa's DNA constantly gave out a Blue pulse from time to time. 'Is this because of the Heart-Shaped Herb?' Max asked himself.

'Well, this is Prep time' Max thought entering a room that was supposed to be locked.


After taking Sabertooth from the spot, the Red looking teleporter moved away, as Sabertooth tired to Claw him.

"Now, Now, this is problematic. Are you still in daze?" the Redman asked, teleporting away with a red mist & appearing a few meters away avoiding the blow from Sabertooth.

Sabertooth growled, "Why, the f.u.c.k did you get in my way. Azazel." He spoke showing his animalistic canine teeth & Fangs.

"I was ordered by Shaw. I will teleport you to Klaw, you keep him safe." Azazel the red demon looking Mutant said.

Before Sabertooth could say anything, Sabertooth was teleported inside an Ambulance where two people were making out. It was Killmonger & his Girlfriend.


After some awkward moments, Klaw introduced Sabertooth as a new Body Guard. Klaw was beyond happy to make it back alive, the others didn't mind. Except for Killmonger.

"Why was that thing, out to get you life?" Sabertooth asked now fully healed as he took out a cigar lighting it up.

"Oh… Well, for a thing called Vibrainium." Sabertooth ears perked up. While he was bonded to Adamantuium he heard Striker, talk out it. So it gave him a surprise when Klaw mention it.

Seeing the other party interested, Klaw continued, "Well, you see. That Thing is called Black Panther, he has a sit ton of it back in his home. So, they don't like it when we, No I take it from them." Klaw said showing his scar on his neck.

Sabertooth just nodded before drafting away to sleep.

When Sabertooth woke up, he was in the Ambulance still burning, he felt something was in his left eye. Putting his fingers in he pulled out two bullets from where his eye should be.

Remembering back, he growled as he got out of the flaming car. Still burning with his exposed injuries constantly healing. "You will Pay for that…"


A/N: I try to release 2 to 3 chapters at a time, because I don't like leaving people in Cliffhangers.

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

Now, gime me Power Stones. Let this story reach 500 power stones & get early chaps.

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