Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 31 - Hunting Begins (1)

Seeing the explosions in the sky, Shaw's expression turned grim. He didn't like his odds.

Killmongre kicked forward which Sabertooth dodged before grabbing him by the leg and throwing him off the Clif.

Or Sabertooth Tired as in the last moment T'Challa jumped forward catching him by the nick of time. Making Erick Killmongre dangle by his life.

Killmongre was rather surprised by seeing his cousin's affection. Was it the same people that took away his father when he was but a Child, he questioned himself?

Sabertooth was about to go forward and push both of them off when he was shot in the face. It destroyed his face taking out his eyes & nose, showing the silver adamantium skeleton underneath. Max set up a few drones to take care of Sabertooth.

He was pushed back, as the pain hit him. Even with his sharp senses, he couldn't see or hear the bullet's coming. Another two explosions hit him in his knee, making him drop to the ground. Sabertooth girted his teeth as he covered his face with his four arms. He didn't want to take another round on his face. And also he needed his eyes to see, so he let him heal.

T'Challa held onto Eric Killmongre when suddenly his internal injuries flared up. Gritting his teeth, he pulled his cousin out. Eric looked at T'Challa with mixed feelings.

When suddenly Sabertooth tackled them, T'Challa pushed Eric back as he took the full hit. And fell off the Clif with Sabertooth.


This time the Royal guards stepped forward with their Spears in front and charged at Shaw from different angles. Some of the Guards stayed behind and took the Queen & Elders to safety.

"W'Kabi, go along with Zuke. Take care of the Queen." Okoye said. W'Kabi wanted to argue, but he was the first one to make things worse, so he only nodded.

Okoye was about to charge against Shaw when suddenly he heard a ping from his bracelet's Koyome Beads. She tapped it & saw some information on how to deal with Shaw. But she was sceptical about the rather said information.

As it said, [Don't use any energy blast & electrical weapons against him. And also don't try to hit him with any blunt weapons, he can absorb all energy even your hit may power him. You can't harm him with sharp Weapons as well, he has a barrier around him. Hold him off for now]

But it was tough to believe it. 'How can you fight a guy that you can't hit properly.' Okoye asked her self. And also who was controlling the Surveillance System. It should be Shuri, right?

Right on cue, One of the guards hit Shaw in his c.h.e.s.t with her spear, trying to impale him. But to her surprise, Shaw was just pushed back a little, before he lifted his head showing rather charming a smile.

'Of all the things they could have invented, a lightsaber would be nice to deal with Shaw. If I go through this that is the first thing I am going to work on.' In the comics, T'Challa did have energy daggers but Max couldn't find them. It's possible it wasn't invented yet.

Max's first priority was that no one could send backup. So he had to jam the communications, he wanted to hide from as many people as possible.

Looking back Shaw saw, Sabertooth take the Black Panther for a swim. He regretted his decision to come here. Klaw sold him the location of Wakanda & how to deal with the problems along with it. For a seat in the Hell-Fire Club.

So he thought it would be rather easy if they could strike early. But now seeing, Two of his Club members were out of the picture, another one was out teleporting to different locations to avoid the constant bullets. He Regretted his decision for the first time in a while.

Shaw was rarely used to fighting, he only relied on his powers to do his work. Luckily for him, he had enough energy stored up to make a couple of blasts to take out the Guards.

Three Royal guards pointed their spears at him, they looked at him worriedly. They saw what happened, and asked themselves how they could deal with him.

Okoye ran forward, She moved her spear in a stabbing motion. Shaw tried to punch forward when Okoye crouched down kicking horizontally. Making Shaw fall to the ground face first.

'This is the second time.' Shaw's hands glowed red as he smashed both of his fists on the ground. Creating a Web-Like Crater as it destroyed the surrounding area. Sending the guards flying as Dust filled the air.

Max was on the waterfall cliff when that happened. 'Bayak, go somewhere else.' Max spoke with the cub through their mind link, before separating from him. Turing himself into his human form. He didn't want to hurt the Cub in battle.

Grabbing them with his invisible tendrils, he discharged some Bio-Electricity to knock the sub-conscious ones. He didn't want them to see him. Pulling his invisible tendrils back along with the guard he crouched down.

With his strength, it was easy to do it. But he wanted to get things over fast. So he bulked up, and the moment his tendrils pulled them into a certain distance he Jumped with bulking legs.

Creating a crater on where he was. He then took the guards to a nearby cave. Putting them down he was about to, get out of the cave. When Giriot's message popped up.

Opening up the communication tab, he saw something that made him horrified as well as make his Blood Boil.

Subconsciously he was getting bigger due to his anger, he jumped out of the cave. His size still growing, as the circular pattern on his back started to spread like ruins across his back. Eyes growing bigger, into a Coma Shape as his mouth opened wide, showing his canine teeth and long red tongue.


As the dust began to settle, Shaw got up dusting off his clothes. He smiled at his destructive powers. After the dust fully settled making his surroundings visible, seeing no one he raised his eyebrow.

When suddenly he heard a crashing sound from behind as if a large Boluder had crash-landed behind him. Making the ground shake where he was. He was about to look behind to see what it was.

When suddenly he felt, it became hard for him to breathe, almost as if there were less oxygen in the air. His legs became stiff & his brain warned him not to look behind. Shaw recognized this feeling. It was a foreign feeling to him, but he remembered it from his childhood nightmares. It was FEAR.

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A/N: Want to see what Shaw saw from behind, well join my discord. I added the Image there, in character-ill.u.s.trations.

Guys, I know by now you want Azazel dead. But sorry to say, he will live. And hide in New York. It would be one of the driving forces that will make Max, chase after him & destroy the Hell-Fire Club.

And I wanted to kill off Emma in the beginning, but some of you were against it. And also I like her character. So, she will live also. And for Shaw, even without a Light-Saber, he is good as dead.

Same with Sabertooth. I don't know what to do with Eric Killmongre, so I will make him an Anti-Hero. He didn't do any damage in Wakanda, so yeah.

Again this is an Alternate Universe, so some Characters may act differently & also have different powers.

Want to see what Shaw saw from behind, well join my discord. I added the Image there, in character-ill.u.s.trations.

or just type ( NqrV83Uw6d ) in Add server, Discord.

Let this story reach 750 power stones & get the next chapter early. I may slow down the releasing schedule.

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