Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 32 - Hunting Begins (2)

When Shaw looked back what he saw made, his skin crawl with fear. The thing in front of him was at least double his size, with arms thick as logs. Body big as the Hulk but with Dark Skin, with shades of Red. Shaw subconsciously gulped down his saliva.

The monstrosity in front of him looked humanoid with four limbs, but its face gave off other thoughts. With big Coma shaped eye & mouth wide open as if ready to take a bite out of him.

Shaw flared up his power, in a last-ditch effort to get away from this monstrosity. As he tried to push the Beast back. Surprisingly, it was hard to get away from it. Strenght was never an issue for Shaw, as with enough energy he could do anything.

But finding him in this position, he felt helpless, but still tried to push away the monstrosity.

Max had to use all of his strength to hold off Shaw. He needed to keep him steady, for what he was going to do.

He opened his mouth wide, before releasing a yellow like substance from his mouth right on Shaw's face.

Shaw was horrified seeing the monstrosity open his mouth wide. Thinking that it would try to bite his head off. He used his energy manipulation ability to create a dome-like energy field to save his head.

But when he saw the beast regurgitating some Yellow liquid, he felt anxious. Until, one drop of it reached his face it started eating away Shaw's flesh, revealing the skeleton beneath it.

Pain hit him hard as the liquid went through his defenses burning his skin alive. In a last-ditch effort to survive, he tried to push back with all of the energy he had.

Seeing Shaw glow Red like a light bulb wasn't a good thing. And Max had been observent enough to know what he was going to do. So Max opened his mouth wide enough to gulp Shaw fully.

Max had seen Shaw when he used the attack against Okoye & the rest of the Royal Guards. But even that time, he gave off a slight almost invisible Red light around his body.

But seeing Shaw Glow like a light Bulb, meant this attack could may as well be enough to be considered a small nuke. He kept the Unconscious Guards nearby, T'Challa was also near if he was not wrong.

So Max did the stupidest thing in the book. After opening his mouth wide, he fully poured the rest of the Yellow liquid, then, he enveloped his body to create a dome-like shape around the Self-destructing Mutant.

He coted the inside of himself with a thick layer of Vibrainium, to absorb the energy that Shaw was going to release.

The moment Shaw released the energy, Max used the Vibrainium to soak up the energy like a sponge, but it still created a muffed explosion inside the Symbiotic dome. As well as inflating it like a balloon.

After some time few holes appeared around the Symbiotic dome, releasing black gas from it. Before Max took his human shape. Consuming Shaw along with it.

The Yellow liquid per say was Antarctic-Vibrainium, also known as Anti-Metal. It's was the bane of all metals. But it also reacts oddly if contacted with exposed human skin. It would burn away the Carbon inside the skin, so it was a type of Acid per say.

Max had consumed various animals, gaining many abilities. And so he also had taught himself how to produce, Toxins-Venoms & Acids. And to make them more potent.

While mixing all of them with Anti-Metal he took before coming, he hoped for the best result. Before drinking one of the Capsules, it didn't give him any boost in strength like how it did with normal Vibrainium but.

Rather it gave him an odd mutation. As the red parts of his symbiotic body became brighter. But when he produced Toxins from his body did he know the effects of it. As it could even break energy fields, but he didn't know if it would work with Shaw's power.

'Was it stupid using a non-experiment weapon against him? Yes, but was it worth it. Defiantly.'

Max did take damage from Shaw's energy blast, but due to him having Vibrainium. It wasn't bad enough to knock him out. But he was barely holding on.

Only his anger gave him enough strength to continue, he still saw Shuri's face bandages up, lying down in bed with medical equipment attached.

Soon, his digestive system kicked in, digesting Shaw to replenish his energy. He had just calmed down when he saw a certain Red Mutant form the corner of his eye.

His Anger flared up, as Max took out the rest of the bullets that he had stored. Then Throwing them with all of his might towards Azazel. The bullet moved at fast speed leaving behind a trail of Blue light.

And hit the target at the same time, creating an explosion. Max was also moving towards the Devil. He was out for some Devil Slaying.


A/N: Short Chapter sorry. Just woke up & wasn't feeling it.

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