Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 33 - Hunting failed

Azazel was teleporting from one place to another avoiding bullets. The bad part was he couldn't locate the drones easily, as they were teleported. But that wouldn't be an issue for him as he could have easily dodged the bullets.

But the bullets themselves were another thing, 'Who made these damn bullets, these f.u.c.kers are not only invisible & I can't even pick up there sounds. Just my luck, here I thought I was given the easy task.' Azazel cursed his bad luck, he could smell the bullets with his sharp sense but it didn't help in avoiding them.

He had to constantly teleport to avoid getting hit. He located a few of the drones but also had to take damage if wanted to destroy them.

As the moment Azazel teleported to a nearby drone it discouraged high-volts of Electricity. So, he had to get creative.

Teleporting a few meters above the drones he would drop trees or boulder on the drones destroying them without taking much damage. But even with that, he could only destroy eight drones.

Sending another large rock on top of another drone, he searched for his next target. When he saw a blinding flash of Red light coming from where Shaw was. Thinking something was wrong, he looked at the place from Sky.

And saw Shaw getting burned by Acid alive. He teleported there immediately trying to help his fellow partner. "Shaw is too valuable for me to lose. I didn't escape that damn place for nothing." He cursed at the damn beast.

Looking at the creature closely, he discovered an odd pattern on it's back. He froze not daring to take another step forward. He had been to hell enough times to know what that was.

Seeing it, drained the blood from his face first time in a while. And his bad luck would have it, the beast noticed him. And threw several small objects, Azazel had enough of those bullets & he couldn't take them.

So, he used his powers to teleport Emma's unconscious body. Using it as a meat (Diamond) shield he survived from most of the bullets. But unlucky one got near his head & exploded taking out a part of his skull along with it, one of his eyes.

He didn't have the luxury of screaming, because he saw the monstrosity gaining speed with his only remaining eyes.

Azazel quickly teleported away with Emma. After teleporting several times constantly did he stop to catch his breath. Before continuing to teleport away from Wakanda.

After being far enough, he stopped at one of the nearest jungles in Africa to hide. 'What are 'those' guys, here for. They don't come here.' Azazel cursed at the monstrosity, what made his afraid was the Circular Odd Pattern on it's back. Azazel's eye was still healing.

Claiming down he looked at Emma. 'Still not dead. Good atlas. The Club lost the Black King, but at least me getting the White Queen out would earn me some benefits.' Thinking that he moved his hand towards Emma's c.h.e.s.t. Groping her.

She was still unconscious, so she didn't know. 'Tch… Even her b.o.o.b.s hard, in the wrong way. And here I thought I could enjoy myself.' Azazel cursed at how hard Emma's skin was. He remembered the time he had done the deed with a rock troll & couldn't pee for an entire day.


Max looked back tiredly around. No one was there, he sighed a relief that no one saw him.

'*Sigh… At least no one saw me. Hmm… Am I forgetting something?' Max asked looking around finding no one. Then he remembered, 'Wait, where's T'Challa?'

Pulling out his communication device, it looked almost broken but was still working, 'Griot, where's T'Challa?' and Griot played footage of Sabertooth pushing T'Challa off the cliff, as the Black Panther pushed his cousin away.

"Stupid Heroes & their stupid morals." Max cursed the black panther before jumping away towards the location.

Max jumped down, shape-shifting his body to be similar to a bird. As he dropped down, he was getting worried as to how deep the fall is.

Getting down, he saw Sabertooth's body. A rock was above his head. And trails of blood & footprint of someone. From the footprint, one could tell the person was limping on one leg as he dragged the other.

Following footprint, he saw T'Chlla lying face-first on the rocky ground.

Max hurriedly got near him, checking his pulse. Finding no way, he bonded with T'Challa.

As he had deep wounds of various sizes on his body, by merging with him, Max shared his powers. Healing his wounds, but still, T'Challa's heartbeat was getting slow.

Cursing his bad luck, Max took out the Heart-Shaped herb. But unlike the Communicator, it didn't handle the explosion well. So it became mostly liquid.

'F.u.c.k, my luck. Will this Heart-Shaped Smoothie even work?' Max was skeptical about feeding it to T'Challa. But he had to.

In XSHOA, the Anscerial Plane,

T'Challa finished speaking with his father. Suddenly, T'Chaka looked towards the Horizon. And kneeled. The Black Panthers that were on trees also got down and moved to a bowing position transforming into their human forms.

T'Challa looked towards the position, only to see a Lady Dressed in Ceremonial Outfit, walking towards them. She looked like a young maiden barely in her twenties. With pitch-black hair with light golden eyes that emphasized her chocolate dark skin. Her voice was silvery & her body had the never-ending energy of youth.

T'Challa knelled immediately.

The lady smiled, "You T'Challa, have been given a second chance… But not by me, no someone else." She spoke with elegance as she looked at T'Challa walking towards him. Putting her hands above his head, as it glowed.

"Be careful my child, with how you deal with this certain someone. Because in turn, he could be the savior or the agent of destruction." She spoke in riddles, a habit she picked up from a certain Asgardian.

T'Challa had a suspicion, that someone was helping them. Suddenly the drones knowing what to do, where to hit. It was as if someone else was pulling their strings from their side.

T'Challa wanted to ask the goddess, what she was meant by the last part. But he was sent away. Not before hearing, "I will give you something else, use it wisely." from the panther goddess herself.


A/N: Hey, guys, I am going to upload one chapter per day, as I need to do research & watch some old movies. So yeah, sorry. And If you like my work I would appreciate a Review.

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