Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 35 - Telling the truth

It took some time to prepare things, even with Girot helping him the day was almost over when Max finished with Sabertooth. After which, he located Bayak with the AI's help to bond back with.

But found something rather interesting.

Bayak could be seen walking towards the City with something akin to a root of a tree carrying it in between his maw when a crow landed in front of the panther. Bayak recognized it as Max & dropped the 'thing' from his mouth, moving one of his paws forward for them to bond.

'Man, it feels good to be back. But first, how did you get injured?' Max asked as he found several wounds that were on Bayak's body.

'Had. To. Fight. Panthers. For. This.' Bayak spoke in between their mind links, gesturing at the red thing. Looking at it closely it was a tail, but not just any tail. It was Azazel's tail. Max half wanted to crush it into minced meat. But stopped himself.

Max activated his 'Mystic smell' which changed for some reason, giving him another unexpected power.

The world turned black & white when he did. Mostly everything was black, but Max could still see every detail from this new power. Only the tail that was on the ground glowed with white light in the darkness.

'By the Holy Grail of Stan Lee, is that new power? But Shaw & Sabertooth didn't have that. Wait, did my 'Mystic smell' change… no it should be something akin to evolving.' Max head spined all of its gear, on how his skill evolved.

'This should be because of Sabertooth's enhanced animalistic senses. His senses were very much different from my own. Maybe that's why my body triggered an evolving state.' Max had enhanced sense which drove heavily from Bayak's panther senses. But that wasn't the case for Sabertooth as his enhanced hearing, eyesight, and so on was granted by his Mutant Ability.

What Max didn't know along with Sabertooth's mutant ability there was another reason for his so-called evolution. It was due to him taking a huge amount of stress in such a short time along with him taking a lot of Damage from Shaw's self-destructing blast.

'Where. Color. Go?' Bayak asked due to not seeing any color, breaking Max from his self mumbling dream.

Max looked at the tail one last time, 'So, I was right Azazel's power is magic-based. No, it should be dimension magic based. As he drives his powers from the brimstone dimension.' Max then absorbed the tail. He didn't need to 'eat' everything to gain ability. He could also do it by absorbing it. And the fact that it was Human/Mutant's tail that grows right above the A-hole.

But at the last moment, his luck ran out when he 'tried' to use Azazel's power. 'Well, I half expected that.'


Max quickly then left & went towards the City. He still needed to check on Shuri. Luckily after Azazel left a person found her in that state & took her to the Medical Ward Immediately.

When he got into the Medical Ward. Romanda could be seen, sitting near Shuri. Holding her hand as she looked at her daughter softly with wet eyes.

Shuri's face was wrapped up with bandages. There was an X-ray report nearby where it showed he skull fracture in several places along with some of her teeth.

"Mothe…" Shri spoke slowly regaining consciousness but stopped due to the winching pain from her injuries. She looked around to see herself in bed. Romanda looked at her with tearful eyes.

"Don't speak, Cub. Rest." The queen spoke softly barely holding back her tears.

She never felt so helpless before. She knew just by glancing at the X-ray that her face was disfigured. She could only curse her own weakness.


Max watched the family, he wanted to go and heal her face immediately. But he knew there was a better time to do it.

He felt helpless trying to keep his secrets, 'I have to get my shit straight. I am not Clark Kent or Burce Wayne.' He sighed, the comics made it look easy keeping your identity a secret.

The city was still full-on alert. Trying to find the Mutants. The Royal Guards returned, no one remembering what had happened. But kept it to themselves until the King returned.

Soon, T'Challa came. And Crowned himself as the undefeated King. The people cheered seeing their King return unscathed. Some, even came out to say Their King was the one who defended their city alone.

The Elder wasn't happy, from what they saw some English men came and tried to 'liberate' their land. T'Challa as the new King tried to deal with them as much as possible. But he too was sick of these political Shinanigans.

The only good news he received was that 'someone' had saved Okoye & other Royal Guards' life. The guards themselves told it someone was there to get them to a safe destination. The whole of Wakanda city heard the large explosion. But found only a small burned crater, in the waterfall cliff.

Some of the more extreme groups wanted to take the fight to them, meaning invade Canada, Australia & Britain from the Mutants originated.

The elders also agreed but at the same time, the old fossils didn't argue much, as they were amazed by T'Challa coming out from the battle without any Injuries. For they thought Bast had helped the King dealing with the threat, meaning the Panther goddess was pleased with the new king. And the priests only confirmed it. Balancing out much of T'Challa's problems.


As the day finished, Max went into Shuri's room. There was Zuke who was inside the room. So, max had to subdue her.

Making the cameras inside the room to play a loop sequence. Max bonded with Shuri. It wasn't hard for Max to deal with Shuri's injuries. Even while he was fixing the cracks on her skull. He was envisioning ways to torture the Red-Prick.

Her skull was bashed pretty bad, as one of her eyes had received permanent damage. Luckily there weren't any blood clogs in her brain, so he didn't need to worry about it. And also the fact that Max wasn't sure of himself to try fixing a s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e area like the brain by his untrained power.

He fixed her face along with regrowing her hair, which had to be shaved off due to the stitches. As he separated from Shuri, he took his human form.

With Jet black hair that had skin, gray eyes that emphasize his light brown skin. He looked rather average only his rigged beard & slightly muscular body gave him a rather charming appearance.

This was how Max looked like before he died. He even kept the eye bags that he was so used to seeing for overwork.

'Fu… Here goes nothing.' Max was trying to pump himself up for what he was about to do.

Max moved forward one of his hands and placed it on Shuri's head. And removed all of her facial bandages, absorbing it.

He was about to say something when Shuri's eyes slowly opened. He quickly pulled out his hand.

Shuri looked at him & was about to scream when Max stopped her. "Shuri, it's me. You were I am… Ok, First don't scream. It will take a while. Okay?"

Shuri nodded nervously still on her guard, for what she saw a person was in her medical room And her personal guard was on the floor unconscious or dead maybe.

Removing his hand slowly, "What did you do to Zuke." She asked quietly too afraid of the intruder.

Max rubbed his forehead, 'This will take a while.'

After some explaining, Max looked at Shuri nervously. "So, let me get this straight. You're an Alien. That I had picked up, so your Bayak?" she questioned as she looked at Max and then the Panther that was sitting beside him.

"No, I bonded with Bayak, to save myself. But you were there & picked up both of us. And my name is Max."

Shuri looked at Max & Bayak rubbing her temples, it was quite hard to take even for her. She had a guess Bayak was different but not this. When she suddenly realized she was touching a part of her face & that she wasn't feeling any pain from her injuries, looking at it there weren't any injuries.

She then quickly, touched her face hastily. And looked at Max for an explanation. Who suddenly made a silver sheet in between his hands, that reflected her face.

Tears shed from her face as she threw herself on Max giveing him a hug, and also to hide her crying face. Even Max got emotional.

After some time Shuri let go, trying to keep off a smile from her face. She wiped her tears, even her breathing was off due to all the crying.

"Thanks… Ba… I mean Max." I gotta get used to that name."

Max looked at her and was glad it wasn't that hard.

"Wait, did you control the Surveillance System?" Shuri asked.

Max's eyes became wide for a second as he pondered if he should tell her or not. Taking a leap he did, "Well… Yes, I did actually. It was you guys didn't know what you were up against & If the Surveillance was in Auto it could have made matters worse."

"Ha… So, that's why all the Mother & Elders were praising me. But, How did you do that?" Shuri asked.

Max was reluctant about it. "Come on, tell me," Shuri asked as her 'Scientific Nerd' kicked in, trying to understand the new Alien that was in front of her.

Sighing, Max Shapeshaped his face to look like Shuri.

Shuri looked with wide eyes. "Can you copy anyone's face?"

"Even their Voice?"

"Even their Voice" Max said the words copying Shuri's voice.

(A/N: Mystique)


A/N: Another Epic Chapter done.

Shuri will be more of a relaxed character & some comical relief. To make Max grounded. She is not a love interest for him. So, sorry if you guys got another hint.

If you want to know who I am writing to be Max's love interest, then join my Discord.

or just type ( NqrV83Uw6d ) in Add server, Discord.

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