Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 37 - Talk with Shuri (2)

"Shuri, you & your brother too kind for your own good. Almost stupid actually." Max said.

When Shuri heard the first part she became happy, but quickly ended with a frown. "Hey, that's mean."

"Name one thing, that I did"

Max looked at her expressionlessly.

"OK, name one thing my brother did?" she shied away when she remembered the stupid things she did in her lab & Bayak was there, meaning Max was as well.

"Huh, fought an Animalistic-Half-Mad Mutant, without his Suit or his powers. Saved the life of his Cousin that was going to kill him just a moment ago." Max then remembered the so-called Cousine.

He didn't see him, after the fight. The last drone footage was that he went towards the city. He didn't bother to look for him, as he left Wakanda with some weapons.

"Wait, were you the one who. Healed him?" Shuri asked.

"Wow, you connect the dots too fast for my liking."

"Then why didn't you tell my brother that you saved him. He would listen." Shuri said.

"Ah… He kinda knows about me. You could say." Max finished.

"How exactly?"

"Well, long story short after he woke up. He started talking about me. So, yeah… some pretty lady told him in the Anscestorial plane or something." Max shrugged he didn't know what the Panther goddess told T'Challa but he did see her when T'Chlla imagined her.

"Pretty Lady?" Shuri said before widening her eyes, "That's Goddess Bast. She knows about you. How?"

"How would I know. It's her domain & I did a lot of things in here so she should have noticed me sooner or later." Max shrugged.

"That's a big deal a goddess noticed you," Shuri said a little anxiously.

"Please, there's Thor already if Wakanda was more like New York. Then maybe she would also wear a Spandex & fight villains." Max suggested imaging the goddess wearing tight spandex & fighting villains. "That would be an eye-candy." Max blurted out.

"I am not gonna even speak to about her in front of you from now on. Oh, Bast Forgive me." Shuri spoke the last part holding her hands together in a prayer position. To which Max rolled his symbiotic eyes.

"Oh, how did you heal me & my brother exactly?" Shuri asked.

"Well, I gotta bond with you first."

"What, you can even bond with me. Ok, I want to see…" Shuri said holding his hands forward.

"Don't get panicked," Max said holding her hand & bonding with her.

Bayak jumped up in bed seeing Max bond with Shuri.

At first, Shuri didn't feel anything other than feeling a little strong. "Ah, how will I speak to you?"

'This way' Max spoke in their minds link. Which made Shuri look around the room.

"We can speak through our mind. That's so cool." Shuri said jumping out of his bed. 'Am I strong?' she asked herself before lifting up her bed without breaking a sweat.

"Wohoo… This is awesome." She said as the Panther on the bed was clinging on for his life.

'Ah… Max could you do that Mirror thingy…" Shuri asked wanted to see her self.

A strand of symbiotic goo came out of Shuri's toe that soon started to grow into a thin silver shaped mirror.

She looked at herself, checking herself out. "But I thought I would get a cool transformation," Shuri said.

'Really, you want to be a power ranger?' Max spoke in their mind link.

Shuri blushed at that, 'Oh, forgot you can read my mind & all. But can you?'

'Well, it is hard for me to transform myself with a host. I am not very proficient at that. But I do have one transformation. But I think you won't like it.'

"Come on please, I will even make you a suit… If I can." Shuri tried to bribe the Symbiote as she did with her brother.

'Sure… Freebies for me.' Max said transforming into his fool host form. Trying to make it look as intimidating as possible.

But unlike when he bonded with humans, this time Max's Full-symbiotic had long Raven Black hair. Meaning the SYmbiote kept the hair-like 'Scream'.

But that didn't make her look less intimidating at all. As Max opened their mouth showing the canine teeth & lounge drooling tongue.

"That's creepy," Shuri said as Max laughed, removing the mouth, some other changes to look her more appealing.

"Wow, I look like Cat woman," Shuri said. Max checked the memory to find out she is speaking about DC comics. Not a real superhero from this universe. 'Huh, this world is messed up already the last thing I need is it to be a mixed Universe.'

"No I am Batman" Max spoke from the Symbiote as he transformed himself similar to Batman. And took his cape to hide his face.

Shuri laughed at the joke.

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