Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 38 - Patient 88

Inside a Dark Lab,

"Finally, this is Done. Now all I need is a Test Subject." The old man with a scar on his face said looking at the Black vial in his hand. "Bring me one."

Following his command one of the Men in Gray, the old man's lab assistant pressed his communication device. "Bring Patient 88."

Soon a man was dragged into the room by two soldiers wearing Jabari Custom clothes. The man who was being dragged was badly beaten & by the scrawny look on his face you could guess that he was starved for many days. As even his cheekbones could be seen underneath his skin.

"Water…" the man spoke with all of his strength. Which seemed to annoy the Old Man.

"Water is it. I will give you something even better." The Old man gestured the guards to hold him tightly and go into the glass room.

The two soldiers obeyed his order. After the soldiers went, the old man followed with a metallic Syringe & with one of the red vials.

"Put him there." The old man said pointing at the metallic bed.

The soldiers followed and put him on the bed face first, while his back was showing. The old man quickly came forward, "This is going to sting a little." He said before pushing the long needle through his neck, pushing the contents of the vial in.

As he did, the scrawny man was too weak even to let out a scream

The old man hurried and pulled out the syringe immediately, before exiting the room & closing the door. The two soldiers looked at the Old General with wide-eyes when they heard the sound door locking.

They could still see the General through the glass walls. One of them was about to ask why the general did that.

But Suddenly the man that was on the metallic bed started to bulk up, his muscles started inflating, as his skin started to turn white. He started to scream in pain as foam started to come out of the Patient's mouth. As he started struggling.

The guards that were holding the Patient were barely holding on, as the Patient started to get fully covered in white-fur. A few moments later the Patient's movement stopped, letting the guards take a breath in relief.

But suddenly The Patient's eye started becoming pitch black as he resisted for one last time, shaking off the guards. Throwing them back several meters. The Patient sat up in a crouching position as he started to scratch his skin, there was an unbearable itch he needed to get rid of.

When his hunger kicked in. He looked around seeing the fallen guards, who were still shaken.

Jumping out of the metallic bed, He got near one & remembered the man's face. He was the one who Tortured him one night. With visible Anger showing in his face He held the man's face before slamming him into the glass wall.

Before pulling the guard's head back & slamming it again this time with much force, shaking the Glass walls, he kept repeating himself until the Glass wall was fully painted by Blood & gray matter.

The white monstrosity, felt hunger kick in. He then ripped off the Dead Soldier's arm, before taking a bit into it, easily riping away the Meat from the bones with his now sharp canine teeth. Even after eating the arm fully he still felt empty, Not getting satisfied he looked at the other guard before pounding at him.

The guard saw what happened & wanted to get out. But the white Beast pounded on him, he tried to kick him off. But the later just bit into his leg. With an Audible crack ripped a part of the leg along with the white bone. Chewing it.

The guards screamed as he cried for his life, Calling his last pray to Hanuman. Before his screams stopped as he was being ripped apart & eaten alive.

On the other side of the wall, the men in grey looked horrified at the white monstrosity, while the old man smoked his pipe calmly. Glancing at his wristwatch from time to time.

After the beast was finished he looked at the people that were on the other side & started punching the glass wall. Making the Glass wall shake violate, as other than the old man every took a step back unconsciously.

"Fascinating, his Digestive-System is highly advanced. It only takes a minute to digest & regains his strength. How many days did we starve him?" the old man asked looking back with cold eyes towards the rest.

One of Grey man quickly fixed his glasses, "2 months without food & 3 days without water, but he did drink his pee. So, 2 days of water deprivation." Said as he read the report.

The Old man nodded as he rolled his slive showing an odd bracelet that looked more like a rusty chain more than anything. He then moved his hands forward as it glowed purple. Forming some kind of Purple light construct around the Bracelet.

And when it did the best's eye also turned purple & it clammed down... But after some time the light on its eyes started flickering & it returned to pitch-black. As the Beast started punching the wall again.

"Tch… Another failed attempt. But at least this one 'turned'. Now let's see what happens if I do this." As the old man pressed a button on the computer screen.

A robotic arm took a vial that was filled with blood like content & tossed it towards the Beast. The vial bounced off its head falling. The beast picked it up wanting to throw it back when the glass on the container broke releasing the red liquid.

The besat suddenly looked at his hand and shifted it. And started l.i.c.k.i.n.g it. With a satisfied look on its face, it clammed down.

As its eyes turned back to when he was a human, white eye with a black pupil. As if it came to its senses it looked at its hands, "What did you do to me…" it said with a harsh yet weak voice looking at the old man.

"I gave you water." The Old man said with a cruel smile.

Soon another guest came, it was Storm. She was visibly shaken by what The Hell Fire Club did. And wanted to go & confront the remaining members herself.

"Queen Mother, they caused trouble for The X-men before. We can deal with them." Storm said. She felt very helpless not being there when Wakanda needed her most.

The Queen looked at her, didn't speak. She could understand Ororo. She was feeling helpless, well this was a common occurring thing these days.

"Calm down, Ororo. We pay our debts equally. They craved wealth & attacked Wakanda. Greed blinded them, so let's not be blinded by rage. There is always time for everything," T'Challa spoke with a wise tone as he entered the room.

"But at first We need to improve the Surveillance System. If superpower individuals could come in that means our city isn't that safe. Wakanda prioritizes its people, But you have my thanks for the last minute Information" T'Challa said, he knew his unknown benefactor might have used the information against the mutant.

Ororo came forward hugging T'Challa. "I am sorry, that I couldn't be there. How… how are you?" She asked with wet eyes, as she touched his face.

"I am… fine. But, I can't say that for all of us." T'challa said looking disheartened.

"Sorry, did someone get injured?" Ororo asked. To which the Black Panther slowly nodded, "It was Shuri."

With wide eyes, she asked, "Where is she…"

Sorry for the late update, this chapter was a little boring (for some people) but it's for plot build-up. The Next one will be fun... Maybe.

Ok, Does anyone know how to make the Font Bold, in ?

I have been stacking up chapters & have already written through the Venom movie & continuing to Spider-Man, will be setting up a ******* later. But if you want to see the Character Ill.u.s.tration of Max + Spider-Man. Join my Discord server.

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