Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 39 - Fooling Wakanda (1)

Storm quickly went towards the medical ward to visit Shuri.

Shuri was on her bed, she looked weak & frail, with bandages wrapped around her face. There was an oxygen mask that was on her as well as a health monitor constantly checked on her heartbeat & other functions.

Storm sat near Shuri with tear-filled eyes. She was like a little sister to her. So, she couldn't stand the sight. Digging her fingernails into her palms, biting her lower lips she felt helpless more than ever.

"Shuri… I am really sorry. I couldn't be there." Storm said breaking into a Cry. Nakiaya was with her as she supported the white-haired princess. Romanada the Queen also shed a few tears.

After some heart-filled moments, they left.

The moment they left, She looked at Bayak. No, she was looking at Max exactly who was bonded with the panther.

" I almost felt bad, doing that you know," Shuri said tossing away the bandages & breathing fresh air once again.

"Really, the excitement in your heartbeat says otherwise," Said a voice that didn't hide the Sarcasm.

To which Shuri rolled her eyes, "You can even hear that, must be handy."

"Well, yes. It does feel good to know when people are lying to you or not. But I am still figuring this out." Max shrugged. One of his other abilities he gained from Sabertooth was his hearing capabilities. Even Max was surprised that that freak could tell if people were lying or not.

"You know, If I wasn't a good actor. We would get caught." She didn't rebuke the claim she did have some fun acting like a damsel in distress. It had been a day since she got healed by Max. And she was getting annoyed at her situation. She was stuck in the medical ward & had to stay here do nothing even though she was completely fine.

Max made a symbiotic head from Bayak's neck & said, "Well, what excuse would you give them? Anyways, is there any Wakanda tech that could solve that, situation?"

"No, My skull 'should' be fractured, a few of my teeth 'should' be missing. It's even shocking that I accidentally spoke with them." Shuri remembered when she spoke a few words & surprise was visible on her mother's face. While the others didn't notice that much.

"Well, I do have something. But that's not applicable to my case." Shuri said.

"Mind telling me," Max asked as the subject picked his interest. As he also wanted to know what it was that could rival advanced healing factor.

"It's a serum, no a Virus actually. Called Extirimis Virus" Shuri said as she stretched her body.

"Hmm, well. That can help with the getaway. Why don't you go to the lab & take a sample? I can probably do something with it." Max said as he started to envelop Bayak with a layer of his Symbiote.

"Wait, you know about the Extremis Virus?" Shuri asked noticing the changes that Bayak was going through.

"Well, yeah I did take full control of the Surveillance System." Max lied through his canine teeth. He just threw 'The Movie' knowledge at her.

"For a Symbiotic Slime, you know quite a lot & can do even more. No Offence." Shur said raising an Eyebrow. She was surprised when she heard that Max knew about some of the top-grade information & also knew how to 'fix' the Extremis Virus

"None taken. Let's talk about my accomplishments later, rather than how you can hide that… Also, I am not sure If I can do anything with the Virus."

"Well, anyway the Extremis virus isn't completed. And suppose you can it would raise more questions. So taking that would create more problems" Shuri sighed.

"Hmm, well. This will be a problem." Max said.

"Yeah, I could just walk around with a mask if things need to be, But it will have to wait..." Shuri said.

"Yeah, but are you sure. Wouldn't it be suspicious?" Max asked.

"No… other than Mother worrying a bit no one will find out. And we do have techs that can 'improve' my condition. So I will most likely I will have to pretend my Bed-ridden scene for another week or so, It's so Boring, here." Shuri said. There was soundproofing in the room so she didn't have to speak quietly or anyone eavesdropping on their conversation.

Shuri used 'improve' not 'heal' because even with Wakanda's technology that quick. It would take at least 3 to 4 months to fully heal.

"Oh, why don't you just go to your room, there is a lab attached there. You can work on it. Maybe on the Extremes Virus, I am curious how that thing generates Fire, me" Max said.

Shuri sighed, "Well that makes two. But, Even if I did they would have put a Barrier on it. And cracking the code would take too long."

Max's symbiotic head smiled at that. "Just somehow manage to get into your room. I will think about it later."

As Max started to walk away with Bayak, "I will be taking Bayak with me. Will be back in a couple of hours."

But Shuri rebuked, "Wait, what will I do. I will just be bored to death…"

Shuri couldn't finish, as an object hit right on her forehead, cutting her off. "Aww," she said as she rubbed her forehead.

"Work on that. You might find something interesting & also there should be a few tools on the backpack that you smuggled in from Zuke." Max said before leaving with Bayak.

Shuri was about to Rebuke when Bayak jumped through the window.


Max quickly exited the city & went towards the WaterFall hills. Standing right on the edge, they looked bellow.

"Ah… Max. What. Are. We. Going. To. Do?" Bayak asked getting a bad feeling.

"Oh, you wanted to fly right. Let's Fly then." Max said controlling Bayak's body by jumping. Making the panther Cry for his life as he fell.

As they fell, Max concentrated on the Panther's back, trying hard to materialize wings. As Red liquid goo started gathering around Bayak's back it started to Form Red flesh & black bone-like construct.

Before fully materializing into a Bat's Wings. But with the Red accent, it looked more of a Demon wing. As the Wings spread, each at least 1 meter (3'4") long and wide enough to carry the weight. Max started gliding.

After getting used to it, Max started to flapping the wings fully flying. Felling as if he had been freed from some unknown shakels.

"Ah… We. Falling. We. Fallin… We Flying?" Bayak looked at him gaining height only then did he notice the wings behind the back.

"Yeah, see we can fly. Well, Guardian Angels do have wings." Max joked at the expense of the poor Panther Cub.


Another Chapter out, and will upload another if I get Power Stones. ????

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