Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 40 - Fooling Wakanda (2)

After some time, Max was in front of a Rocky mountain. Landing down in the corner, he retreated his wings back. Taking a few steps in he found himself in front of a giant rocky wall. It was quite far away from Wakanda's main city. But was still inside the border of Wakanda. So he wasn't worried about others finding this place.

"What's. Here? I thought. We. Hunt?" Bayak asked, feeling confused.

"You always think of Hunting. At this rate, you will be like Hulk or Worse, Thor." Max sighed at the Panther.

It was like a morning ritual for them to go out & hunt. At first, he used to fully corporate with Bayak to hunt, but as of late he was fully giving him control sometimes even not using his symbiotic powers, Bayak could stand against opponents far stronger from them.

But as off lately, the Animals seemed to avoid fighting. So, Max had to deal with a ranting cat, who craved for battle.

Moving forward, Max separated from his host. Taking on his human form.

He looked like a man in his mid-twenties, with Jet black hair light brown eyes. He looked rather handsome, standing at 6 feet, shoulder wide in a thin frame packed with muscles. His light brown skin emphasized his thin muscular figure. He also was rocking a skin fade on the top, making him quite the looker.

With a Brown Leather jacket, a red shirt underneath & navy blue pants. He looked appealing.

In his previous life, Max looked quite smiler. But he changed it up a notch to make himself more appealing.

Max didn't notice it, but his Human transformation was improving. At first, his skin would turn ash black if he did transform into a human, as well as his hair would look like a clump of black, now he looked much pleasing towards the eye. It may have something to do with his recent 'Evolution'.

He walked forward, pressing his palm on a certain part of the wall. As the wall started to shake & a small door was placed on to the corner.

Max walked in, used his Techno-Organic virus to open the door. It was his own personal Password in a way.

As he went inside the room, Bayak followed. And saw something that made the panther Growl. As it howled showing its teeth. It would have jumped on it if Max didn't stop him, placing his hand in front.

"Easy, there. He's as good as a Vagei." Max reassured the Panther as he flicked the switch, lifting the shadows around.

What came into View was Sabertooth. His Body plastered into the wall in a Crucifying position. As a few metal domes covered his legs & Arms, not showing them

Getting near Max, looked at Sabertooth before spitting on his face. "Not so lucky now. Huh, Bub." Max finished the sentence with a smirk. He looked at a nearby clock it was almost time for another round.

"Let's start a little early shall we," Max said as he touched the machinery. Jump-Starting the device. As it made a creaking sound-making Bayak jump back due to It.

Suddenly Sabertooth's body started shaking violently, but his eyes were still shut. After some time. The Machine stopped. From the left side a few contents that had been extracted from Sabertooth came by.

It was his Arms & legs wrapped in a clean plastic. The Arms were cut right from the shoulder while the legs from abdomen down, right where the joints should be.

As a few robotic Hand came and picked up the libs one by one before automatically separating the bones from the Meat.

The flesh went through another machine & came out as packed goods. As the silver Adamantium bone was stored separately.

Max walked near the flesh department picked one up, before absorbing it. As he flashed a small smile due to the energy it gave him.

Max picked up one of the bones. "Didn't know I would have to be a Frankenstein but how does he even grow his flesh back," Max asked himself rubbing his chin.

It had only been a day when he captured the Mutant & started this process. But in that time Max had enough Adamantium to make at lest a dozens of Shield for Captain America.

"18 times already and you still keep regrowing your limbs. I would love to kill you but at least this way you could be something useful." Max said looking one last time at Sabertooth.

Max didn't feed any water & food to Sabertooth but his body still kept growing. As if, it had infinite resources. And when he did feed him, the process would speed up rapaidly.

Max had to take some precaution like putting a Ball of Anti-Metal into Sabertooth's skull not to let him grow his brain back.

It was tough even for Max as he had to mould it the right way to place it in his brain.

Was it morally wrong? Yes. But did he care enough for a crazed killer? No.

Even though he was farming Adamantium from Sabertooth the place looked cleaner then normal as not a single drop of blood was sprayed on the walls. Everything from the table to the blades were clean.

Max had called Griot to bring a few drones & military bots to make this place. He chose to make it as a bunker. So that it would be kept hidden, from the outside.

Waking a few more steps, Max entered another room. "Bayak be careful." Taking a glace as the Panther also was sniffing 'something' in the flesh department. Going a little further he saw Yellow-greenish liquid was constantly boiling. With large glass containers holding various liquids.

Looking closer you could see a few silver sticks, they were the Adamantium bones. There was also a brick mould made out of Vibrainium.

"Now, lets see..." Max said before pressing a few buttons on the screen. As the Yellow liquid separated as it went through a filter, then the mould. Creating a nugget sized Adamantium Brick.

"They don't just say Adamantium is indestructible for nothing," Max mumbled.

"If I could only produce organic Anti-Vibranium." Max sighed. Unlike how he could produce a little amount of Vibranium from his body. He couldn't do that for Anti-Vibranium or Anit-Metal. His body would mix it up with his Acid Spray making it more dangerous.

"But oh well. It's only been a month before I came into this world so in term of achievements, not bad." He spoke to himself.


Making his way back to the City, Max went into Shuri's Medical ward. Only to see it as a mess. Max would have thought the hell fire club attacked the second time if he didn't see a Girl firring a gun.

With minimal sound, the gun shot at the wall. As the girl nodded her head in appreciation.

"What are you doing," Max asked making the girl jump up. Spinning around looking back as she hiding her gun.

"Oh… It's you. You scared me for a second." Shuri said as she walked towards the wall & with a pliers took out the bullet from the wall.

"Nice bullet by the way. The Invisibility is a new thing & it works automatically. You used something organic I could see some enzymes in it… but don't know what." Shuri said to which Max shrugged. Closing the door, taking on his human form. Leaving Bayak who was chewing something in his mouth.

"I didn't know you had such dangerous things in your backpack." Max said looking at a gun and a few other tools such as a laser cutter & a few other Advanced Tech. "How's the bullet by the way?" Max asked.

"Ok, I will be straight, you ripped it off my design for from the suit. Didn't you?" Shuri asked teasingly.

"*Cough *cough. No, I was just got 'Inspired' from it." Max spoke totally avoiding her gaze.

Shuri chucked at that "Ok, I get that putting the energy absorbing material on the outside & creating a fuse is a great Idea. But how did you put in side a small bullet." She asked looking at Max's human form.

"Take a guess genius," Max spoke with a light smirk plastered on his face, which seemed to annoy Shuri.

"Well, You either had to manually out it together or make it directly from it…" Shuri said looking at Max with wide eyes.

"Yup, I made a Vibranium Printer" Max said with a grin.


Another Chapter before Wakanda Arc ends, Max gets to meet Venom. It will be very similer to the Venom (2018) movie. Then will meet our boy Spidey.

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