Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 48 - Black Spider-Man?

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Spiderman was a little late saving a few crimes on the way. He looked at the Two Symbiotic Beasts that were fighting creating massive destruction.

"Ah… Ned, how far are you to Informing Mr Stark?" Peter said a little anxiously looking at the monsters. 'He wasn't lying when he said it was Aliens. Hope Mr Stark will get here soon.'

"It will take another 10 minutes or so. Why what happened?" Ned asked behind his laptop.

"Karen, could you send the live feed to Ned," Peter asked as the AI did.

'Done Peter.' The AI in his suit said.

Ned got the live feed & was a little shocked, "Ah… Peter, I take it back. Just return. We can inform Mr Stark together." He said horrified.

"NO, Ned If I go then these two will probably cause a lot of destruction on City. Let's see what I can do." Peter said before jumping off. "Karen active the Instant Killer mode,"

As Perter's suit's eyes glowed red. "And try to find any weaknesses, if you can." He said to Karen before landing in between them holding his hands out.

"Hey… Hey… Stop. Why don't we talk like civilized people." Spidey said to the two.

Venom's symbiotic face mask peeled off, showing Eddie's face. "He's the bad guy, that's going to come with an Army," Eddie said.

Peter looked at Eddie with wide eyes, "Eddie, how did you end up… in there?"

"No time for that dodge" Eddie now fully Venom said before jumping back avoiding the Symbiotic Spears that Riot launched at them.

Spidey's spider-sense went off, jumping back to avoid the danger, before webbing up near Venom.

"Eddie how the hell did you get into this mess," Spidey asked getting near.

"No, time for that. That's Riot; the guy inside is Drake. A very… very… bad man. He's bonded with another Nut-Job like him." Eddie said as he Created a shield blocking the incoming Symbiotic Spikes.

"Thanks, but is there any Weaknesses to these things?" Spidy asked.

"Yes, there are Fire & Sounds between 4000 and 6000 hertz." Venom said moving forward, making his fists larger slamming it on Riot's head before giving him a massive uppercut sending him back a few meters.

Peter Webbed a bench from nearby before swinging in and smashing it on Riot.

"Okay, Eddie. I will try to make something. There's a lab nearby right. I will bring something. Just hold him off for a few minutes." Spiderman finished, webbing to the nearest building.

Eddie nodded, "Get back quickly."

'Eddie be careful, Riot's angry. His strength will increase.' Venom said to Eddie.

'F.u.c.k, anyhow, how do you know so much about him?' Eddie asked in their shared mind-link.

"…" Venom didn't say anything. 'quickly dodge' as they barely dodged the spike that Riot threw.

"Things are taking a bad turn, and did he just get bigger? Hey, can't we do that?" Eddie asked.

"Yes, but you are not Angry." Venom said as he charged at Riot.

"Oh, Shit." Venom Blurred out when massive spikes sprouted from Riot's body penetrating Venom, but at the last second, he jumped back avoiding fatal wounds.

"He could do that?" Eddie cursed as he felt his wounds getting healed. Riot retreated all the spikes charging at him with heavy footsteps.

"It's a New One." Venom growled.

Peter quickly left the scene & went towards the Lab, 'Please be something good. Please be something good. Yes.' Finding a chamber filled with Chemical Peter webbed them up into a Web Sack.

As he dragged them out of the Lab, he saw Venom & Riot brawling out of the area towards the rocket. 'No, No. I have to act fast.'

"Ned, did you inform Mr Stark," Peter asked.

"It's Me, Kid. What type of mess did you get yourself into this time." Said a very familiar voice.

As a holographic version of Tony appeared inside his mask.

"Oh, congratulations on getting engaged. And… Giant Space monster thingy." Peter said, pointing at Aliens that were engaged in fighting.

"Yup, well Ned updated me on the situation. Lucky for you kid. I sent your New Suit, along with one of my suits." He said. "I am currently in a situation of my own. Ok, be careful. If the Rocket does leave the atmosphere… we will destroy it."

"Yes, but that's a freaking alien." Peter blurted out he wasn't in New York City when the Citury invasion happened, so it was relatively new for him.

Tony laughed, "You will get used to it. Tony out." He said giving a salute shutting the hologram off.

'Here, goes nothing.' Peter said as he jumped out from the Nearest balcony with the sack of chemicals.

"Eddie, move out of the Wayyyy." He said in true spiderman fashion as he dumped the sack of chemicals onto Riot's head, while Venom jumped behind.

Still in Air, "Karen active electric Webbing." As he gave the command, he shot forward streaming blue web, filled with electricity. Making a large explosion right on top of his head.

Burning the Monstrosity, landing with a crouch he went towards Venom. Who looked in bad shape. "You okay in there Eddie."

Eddie's mask peeled off, revealing his face. "Good thinking Petes. That guy was hard to deal with."

Peter scratched the back of his head due to the praising. "Oh & man. I am really sorry about the last time…" He couldn't finish his sentence as the Monstrosity tackled Peter. Also setting his suit on fire.

Riot glared hatefully at Spiderman as he started to beat him up. He was still in pain due to the fire but was angry enough to forget it.

Riot was stronger than Venom in many ways, while Venom couldn't handle any fire. Riot having steel-like skin due to his mutation could shrug off most fires, but he still felt pain.

Seeing that, Eddie jumped on Riot. As the three burned on fire, they clashed with each other. Peter & Eddie landing hit's on Riot & Drake from time to time.

Before Riot was pushed back, separating all of them. But something unexpected happened.

As in the last moment Venom accidentally bonded with Spiderman. As a layer of Black goo surrounded Peter's Spiderman suit. Turning his Red & Blue suit to fully Black.

Peter felt stronger than ever as looked at his Foe, darting towards the Monstrosity with great speed. Kneeing him right in the face quickly him flying backward. Before grabbing Riot's Leg mid-flight whipping him towards the grown, creating a crater.

"I could do that?" Peter asked himself.

'Yes. You are a strong host.' A hoarse voice spoke to him in his mind.

Peter moved his head like a whip looking around. 'I am inside your head. Let's end this quickly Eddie's injured." Venom spoke as he ran towards Riot, jumping on him as he started punching Riot left and Right. Each with enough force to break through Steal.

As Drake Face came into view, Riot's bond with its host got weakened. Venom took the chance as he started peeling it off.

"No… Get of Us" Riot & Drake said with unison as they were separated from each other. Venom was half was through when in a last-ditch effort Riot Made a blade from his hand slashing at Venom.

Making Spiderman doge & get off the crazed symbiotic beast. Before Riot could too far Far The Black Spiderman webbed at him, catching him from behind. Before pulling him back.

As he did Riot tried to throw spikes from his back to injury Venom & his New host.

"Not Going to Fall for that twice." Venom said as he ejected one of Spiderman's power batteries a few other things at Riot.

When Venom bonded with Peter, unlike Max who could communicate with Technology he couldn't so wasn't able to use Peter's Spider Equipment. But he knew how to work around it.

As Venom could mass-produce the Spider Fluids, he didn't need the web-shooters or the High Tech Battery that supported it. So, he just threw them at the Silver Symbiote.

When the web fluids made contact with air, it started to inflate creating massive Webs from it. As it spun around Riot's body. At the same time, the batteries exploded, creating cracking blue lightning, burning Riot. Also creating booming Shock-wave right beside Riot's symbiotic body. Making the Symbiote Morph, not to get separated from the host.

He screamed at the agony as he got shocked & burned from lightning as his weakness from sound separated him. Making him almost separate from Drake.

Almost is the keyword as in the last second, he ditched out every ounce of his power to Rip away the webbing. Before he pushed out hundreds of hand-sized spikes towards Spiderman. As the Spikes was blasted it also caught the lightning fluids making them akin to lightning spikes.

As Spiderman was near, he was caught by the sudden rush of Spikes, even with his now Venom Enhanced Spider-Sense he still got stabbed on his right shoulder & t.h.i.g.h. As well as getting electrocuted.


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