Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 49 - Eating Riot & Problems

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Riot received the short end of the stick as in the last moment he had to 'consume' Drake's internal organs to keep himself alive. Almost killing him in the process. But Drake's brain was filled with Adrenaline, so didn't know his losses. As well as Riot cutting off his pain receptors, to not give away his deeds to the host.

Because he knew if the fight continued he would be in a bad position. But at that moment, suddenly the ground shook. Looking back seeing the Rocket was about to take off. Running at all four he started to run towards the Rocket to get off this planate. He looked back at Venom who was still paralyzed by the electricity.


Eddie gaining consciousness, felt pain all around his body. He wasn't injured anywhere in particular. It was just the toll of merging with Venom. It was very taxing for him.

Looking up he saw the Silver Symbiote running, "Yeah… you better run." He said with a weak voice snickering. When his eyes caught the Black Symbiotic Spiderman, who was injured & was lying on the ground.

With wide eyes, he dashed towards him. Kneeling in front of him, "Hey, Peter. You with me." He said slapping a few times on his face. He could see two spikes that were still stuck to his body bleeding badly. "F.u.c.k don't you die on me, Peter."

When suddenly a few strands of black goo, poured out of the wounds pushing the projectiles out of Spiderman's body.

Right after that, the Symbiote separated from Spiderman's body taking Eddie back as his Host. As he started transforming into Venom, but at the same time gaining a big spider-logo on his c.h.e.s.t & Back. As well as becoming much stronger.

"He is All right. We have to stop Riot. If he gets off this planet, it will be worse." Venom said as he took out two Giant Symbiotic Spikes from nearby before running towards Riot.

Riot was close to the rocket when one of the Spikes hit him in the shoulder, pinning him to the rocket's fuel tank. As another directly went through the fuel tank. Making a large explosion. Even throwing away Venom who was several meters away.

Max looked at it and jumped from the roof. At first, he went to Venom to leave him a parting gift. He looked around, not finding Riot.

When Max saw a certain someone fully covered in flame landing in the River, Max quickly flew, turning himself into a raven.

Increasing his size and Wingspan, he picked up the brutally burned body with his talons. And came to the shore.

Turning back human, he crouched down. "You good in there," Max spoke, knocking the crispy burned body.

As a puddle of Silver goo came out of the Burned body. Max pulled out the symbiote looking at it. He could feel the symbiote dying.

And knew if he gave him some of his stored Vibranium he could be saved. But Max didn't need that as he absorbed the symbiote into his body.

As he did, his body started to twitch, some of his muscles inflating in odd ways. But after some time he stabilized.

"Hooo… I could get addicted to it." Max said as he fully digested his body. Unlike when he was a human Max now could fully control his body. Meaning he had a full understanding of how his body worked.

And as his symbiotic body was not complicated like humans who had organs to function, he could fully control his body. So, most if not all, wounds inflicted by sharp objects were useless against him.

But it was only when he didn't have a host. While having a host did boost his powers to a certain extent, it also restricted his movements. Meaning he couldn't shape-shift as well as not have full control over the Host's body.

Meaning he could get stabbed and would need to heal. So, his powers worked in both ways. But he preferred not sharing his body even though his instincts told him otherwise.

"But why don't I feel any stronger? Mah, it will kick in. Now, I just need to…" His thought process was stopped as his human form started to morph, shifting from black-reddish symbiotic goo to human.


"hey, kid… Hey Kid… Wake up." Peter slowly opened his eyes, looking at Iron-Man in front of him. Making him sit up completely awake.

Looking around, he saw Iron-Man, but then remembered that Stark wasn't there. It was only one of his Red-Yellow Suits.

Moving his head towards the light source, he saw yellow & Red flames surrounding the area, where the rocket should be. With wide eyes, he remembered everything, from his fight with Riot to him getting unconscious.

"Ah… where's Eddie?" he asked first.

"Who, Kid I have scanned the area around. No one is present in the 3 miles vicinity except you." Tony's voice came from the suit.

"I… I… need to put out the fire." Peter said, trying to get up. When his left side ached making him fall on his b.u.t.t.

"Kid, go home. I will put out the fire. And take the suit with you. It was taking up a lot of space." Tony said, giving him the briefcase.

Peter wanted to argue back when the Briefcase came alive, turning its cover to reveal the suit that automatically started to go towards Peter.

"Ah… The bots are trying to get me." Peter spoke in shock.

Iron-man, on the other side rolled his eyes. "Teenagers."

The Iron-Man suit took of As it flew towards the Fire-Area shooting Blue Projectiles, that in turn sprayed a Blue mist that started putting out the fire.

Spiderman webbed up, near the Iron-Man Suit, "Thanks for the new suit, Mr Stark. Smells like a new Car in here."

As the Iron-man suit, shot several mini-missiles, he looked at Spiderman in his Iron-Spider suit. "Looks good on you kid. Just go, this will be taken care of. And If I do find anyone I will take them to the Hospital" Tony said.

Peter was about to argue when the missiles detonated into the nearby water causing the water to spray towards the Fire, Putting most of it down.

"Go, Kid. Ned has already called you several times." Tony said.

Peter then noticed that his previous suit was so damaged that it turned off the communicator. Sighing, he webbed away.

[I will upload another chapter in a few hours. You can Thank my man SAIKO for requesting another chapter.]

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