Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 50 - The New AI in town

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Returning from the building window, he sat on his bed. When Ned walked out from the Washroom. "What the…" Ned spoke.

Peter quickly removed the mask as it went into the suit. Putting a finger on his lips to make Ned quite.

Ned looked at the New suit. As happiness filled his face, he was barely holding his scream. "Is this the New suit?" he asked in a loud whisper.

Peter sitting on the bed, nodded. "Yes, I am just too tired, Ned. Let's talk about it later." Peter said, lying in bed. The moment his head touched the pillow, he drifted away to sleep.

"Ah… you know you are sleeping on with the suit," Ned said. As his suit started shape-shifting into his clothes. "Cool," Ned said before he too lied in bed.


Waking up, Peter noticed he was a little heavy-headed. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth only noticing then he had his suit on. Even looking himself in the mirror, he looked like he was wearing a Red-Shirt & Blue pants.

But he could feel it when he touched his clothes he felt a metallic coldness from it. "Wo, Mr Stark went all-in with the suit didn't he. It is comfortable. And I don't even need to change." Peter then tried to change his costume. "Is there an on-off button here. Oh, Karen, you in there."

"Yes, Peter." said a well-known Female AI voice.

"Well, how do you change the clothing?" Peter asked.

"The New suit doesn't…." The AI voice made a sound a Radio-screech, making Peter raise his brow before continuing, "There are only default settings for now. It is advised that you keep on the suit at all times on your body. It is still updating and repairing the previous suit. It also has a built-in function to help you with healing."

"He went all out. Is this tech even possible right now?" Peter asked himself rather than anyone.

"Apparently yes," said a Male voice with a British accent.

"Huh," Peter felt confused.

"I am the second AI. Or you could say, I am the New AI for you Iron-Spider suit."

"Oh, Iron-Spider catchy name. Hey, Mister AI, do you have a name?" Peter asked.

"Yes, you can call me MAX. For maximum effort." The cool AI in a British accent proclaimed.


Now you might be wondering how 'this' happened. Well, let's take back exactly 9 hours 48 minutes.

Max's human form was morphing; he suddenly felt hunger. But it wasn't a hunger for Brains or Flesh; it was a craving to bond with a host, just like how it happened when he crash-landed on earth from the Meteor.

'This, shit. Why the heck is this happening now. I need to find a Host.' When his eyes fell upon Peter's unconscious body, running faster than an electric train, he hastily merged with Peter.

What Max didn't know, it was he who triggered his evolution when he consumed another symbiote. His power was changing in a slow way from the moment he gained 'Mystic sense'.

But when he ate a rather powerful symbiote like Riot, it jumped started the evolution process by quite a huge margin.

And as a Klynter is a symbiotic race, it needs a powerful host that can go through with this elocution. Normally a Klyntar would take 5 to 10 years to evolve & gain new powers.

Even for a fast-growing one like Venom, it took quite a while before he unlocked Camouflage & after a significant time, he unlocked his ability to merge with modern weaponry. And it only happened when he merged with Flash Thompson, Becoming Agent Venom.

But in No way was Max normal. Symbiotes don't just gain ability by merging with anyone. The closest thing that could do that was a Knull-Crazed Carnage. And hoped otherwise.


Peter walked out of his room, 'wearing' a red shirt with a spider logo on it & blue pants. He looked rather refreshed, which made him look more appalling. As his eye-bags & tiredness that was almost common on his face was gone, which didn't go unnoticed by a certain someone.

"Oh, Peter. You look good, I mean, are you fine…" MJ spoke with a worried tone correcting herself.

With emerald green eyes, & red hair, she looked breathtaking. Coupled with her Red lipstick & simple clothes, he was stunning enough to be a role model.

Peter stopped right in his tracks, hearing her voice, looking back he was confused as to why she had asked of her well-being. Then remembered Ned & what he told her.

Crushing the man on the chair, he flashed an awakened smile, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Yes, I am fine. Thanks for asking." He said slowly.

'*Whistle, Now that's what I call a Bombshell. If you know what I mean. What' her name anyway.' said Max to Peter.

"MJ" Peter answered unconsciously.

'So, this universe has Mary Jane Watson, not Michelle Jones. Loved her character, though. So, how much does it differentiate from comics & the MCU?' Max asked himself.

"Yes," The girl asked.

"Ah, no nothing. I woke up Ned; he's freshening up. Ok, bye. See you on the bus." Peter said, hurrying through the stairs, almost tripping.

After getting a floor down, he asked, "Max, that was not called for. Why did you do that?."

'Well, at least it wasn't an Awkward Silence,' Max said to which Peter agreed with a bitter smile.

"You like her?" Max asked.

"I thought you spoke British," Peter asked.

"Nah, that was just for the intro. But anyhow, did you tell her. You should; she's an Eye-Candy, you know." Max spoke.

"No, why would I do that. We are still in the friend stage. It should…"

"Oh, my it's much worse than I imagined," Max said with concern in his voice.

"Peter, take it from an experienced AI. There isn't a stage after Friend. It's either you like her 'Like you mean it.' Or you get Friend-zoned."

"Far few men have overcome the boundary of Friendship & actually made it out," Max spoke in a Wise tone rubbing the imperfectness of the situation.

"First of all, I didn't get friend-zoned. Second, I can't believe I am actually taking Advice from an AI." Peter blurred out.

... (A/N) ...

[I will upload another chapter in a few hours. You can Thank my man SAIKO for requesting another chapter.]

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