Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 61 - [17] Werewolves?

Max could be seen hastly flying in the sky, in his bird form. 'How much more...' he thought, sighing. 'I don't have any clock on me but I am sure it's been more than 3 days already.'

'What's even worse is that my rations are almost depleted. Now there's only the two symbiotes left. If I don't find any host soon, I will blank out.' Max's 'Sabertooth goods' almost ran out when he used most of them to boost his flight in that Fire Dimension. So, Max was now running on solar energy.

Yup, due to the hard limitations he had found a way to absorb a little amount of sunlight. It was very little but for Max who had little to consume these days, it was gold.

'Finally, The sun is setting! Just where the f.u.c.k am I anyway?' Max asked himself. Frustrated he flapped his wings with full power, creating a glass-shattering sound as he flew at sound breaking speed.

It had been a few hours already & max knew he was flying at least above Mach 1. It wasn't hard for him due to his size being similar to a normal Crow.

And he wasn't going to run out of stamina any time soon as when flying in that speed sometimes his body would catch fire & Max would recycle the energy, not letting it to waste. So, Max had almost infinite flying capability in this small form.

But there was another reason why Max didn't turn big. It was his symbiotic pocket dimension that was being unstable & he couldn't pull out the rest of his body from himself. His instincts told him he needed a host for that. Any time when Max, got a new power or any sustainable damage, he needed a strong host to fix himself.

Even for Max that was another form of weirdness.

As the sunset he the desert becomes filled with the moonlight. Bright stars shining, it would be a very beautiful sight to see if Max wasn't sleeping.

"I am awake," Max said as he crash-landed on the sand. He fell asleep due to the boredom of flying none stop.

Turning back into his human form which he was very comfortable with, he lied on the ground. Even his human form looked like a child, more than a Man.

His body was craving for a host. He was keeping it at bay but he wasn't sure for how long.

This Desert was weird, as he didn't see a single bird or any animals. He was now doubting if he really did teleport to earth. With no life-from seen in three days, he could be in any other dimension.

Only then did he notice there was a rocky mountain a little further, hoping to find an animal that he could bond with the flew towards it with haste. Crossing the mountains he saw a pit-like structure in it, going inside.

He saw something that made him beyond happy, "Yes, finally Humans." He said happily as he turned invisible. He could finally know where he was and also get a host to fix himself.

Flying down, he looked at the residence of the mountain, the people here wore clothes similar to African traditional clothes, but they weren't of Black Origin. As most of there, facial structures were similar to people of India having brown tanned skin.

Most of the men didn't have clothes on their upper-part. Showcasing their athletic body & chiseled muscles.

'Is this a joke or is someone holding a bodybuilding contest here.' He asked himself. Some of the residences looked troubled, it may have something to do with Max flying at sonic speed & causing a lot of sounds.

But the most oddest thing about his so-called village is that there weren't any houses build. He could only see caves in the mountains. Making Max anxious & worried, "I hope, I didn't travel back in time." He mumbled to himself.

He checked the whole village from the air & couldn't find a glimpse of technology in it. No barren lands to grow crops no nothing just a few caves.

"How do they eat? What do they eat? Drink? Or hell what's up with them staying half-n.a.k.e.d in this cold night." Max said. He didn't have any skin but he was sure it was cold, as the night in the desert usually was.

Suddenly Max heard a howl, looking in that direction he saw a wolf standing on a cliff of the mountain. Then several other wolves came to the peak, as they howled together before moving their way towards the village.

Max looked wide-eyed at the pack of wolves, there were at least fifty of them, if they attacked the village he knew the Men & women here would die.

He moved closer to the group, but stopped himself when he saw 'What the F.u.c.k!' Max blurted out. Seeing the Wolves turn into humans.

Only now did he notice the wolves were bigger, he couldn't guess the size before was, as he having been transformed into a small bird, everything looked bigger to Max.

The group was greeted warmly by the villagers, then some of the villagers went behind & started pulling out the carts, the carts were filled with what seemed to be some kind of Tree. Cactus and others filled dead desert animals.

The biggest guy, from the group, looked injured as the wound on his c.h.e.s.t was slowly spreading blue. A few of the villagers came forward & started crying.

"How… did that happen? B'Krur" a woman asked as she touched the wound with her gentle hands. With water-filled eyes. The man in question was a head taller than the woman.

"It was the… Rig-ons." He growled weakly. "They got, K'Reer." He sighed.

'Werewolves, Really!? With my bad luck, I wouldn't be surprised if I was transferred to the Twilight Universe.' Max said at his own misery. 'Wait… how the heck do I even understand them?'

Suddenly the Werewolf B'krur sniffed the air, like a domino effect every one started to sniff the air. As some of them transformed themselves into Werewolves looking at Max who was invisible.

Only then did max realize they couldn't see him, but smell him. Seeing no merit in hiding Max canceled his invisibility Turning himself into a Human.

-------- (A/N) --------- (Read it)

Sorry for the short chapters, it's just that I am not feeling very motivated to write any more. It's nothing serious, I am just to hooked up on the 'Hades' game on PC.

I also may start the process of rewriting my first Marvel Fan-Fic (Hercules/Hela's son one). But no promises. If you liked my previous work. Comment here to share your opinions.

Guys, I was joking. He's still in Marvel Universe. But he being here has it's reasons. It will be explained wayyyy later. I like to hold things off.

But just a hint, only for huge 'Marvel' nerds. It's about a necklace of a powerful individual.

-------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. I have introduced Max's love interest there. Help me reach 35 Patrons and I will upload 14 chaps that week.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity & JaxWolf4 for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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