Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 62 - [18] Fools Desert

After some time Max could be seen sitting on top of a pil of bodies,some of them humans others were gigantic wolves.

"I said I come in Peace." Max sighed, he didn't kill the villagers it didn't felt right to him, apparently Peter had rubbed up on him.

B'Krur who was supposed to be the village's chief looked at Max. He tried to turn himself into his Wolf form but the wound on his c.h.e.s.t was stopped him as silver vines spread from his wound canceling out his transformation.

Max sighed moving forward, as the rest of the villagers moved out of the way, standing in front of the Pack Leader.

B'Krur was a husky man standing tall at 7 feet, Max in his human form looked small compared to him. He had brown hair with brown eyes, long hair tied into a bun & a face full of patchy beards. No notable features except his bulking muscles. And his brute attitude.

Max didn't say anything as he touched the wound, B'Kuru seeing the unwanted guest trying to hurt him Clawed the Man in front, turning his Hand into a Paw with razor-sharp Claws.

With a 'Thud' he landed the blow, but to his surprise, Max didn't even leave the spot, only his head was slightly tiled.

The unwanted guest looked at him with cold eyes, even colder than the winter desert Night. As B'Krur unconsciously took a step back, gulping down his saliva.

Only then did he notice the wound on his c.h.e.s.t was gone. He looked surprised at the man.


A few moments later,

Max was then seen sitting near a fireplace as the Werewolves were dancing with joy around the fire. As skin made drums were used to play music. Looking at his situation, it wasn't a bad decision, to heal his foe.

"We, say our sorry," B'Krur spoke his language barely understandable, even after Max had semi-bonded with him. Did he fully understand him. Apparently one of Max's previous host knew their language, but even Max didn't know which one. Having way too much memories can be bad sometimes.

And even after Max bonded with them they weren't that fluent in speaking. They mostly used signs or howls to communicate.

"Don't be, I was the one who came into your Village like a thief?" Max said. "But why did you attack me?"

"We thought you were a Rig-ons, by how you looked." He said a little embarrassed. "Even though, your Smell was telling us not."

Max frowned, "You mean Humans?"

"No, bad Humans. Call themselves Rig-Ons. Hunt us down and takes our children?" he growled as his face unconsciously started turning due to the anger.

"Then, why don't you guys just get out of this place?" Max asked.

Rig-Ons or who it was, must have been a group of Smugglers Or Hunters, he concluded. Maybe that was why the Chief was hostile towards him.

"We, Can not." He sighed. "We have to come here", he said pointing at the Cave that had several ancient markings on it, similar to pyramids.

"Only our Children can get out if they are not of Age. And that's why we send them to gather food."

Max frowned, Activating his Mystical Senses, only to see a blinding light coming out of the Cave. Hastily deactivating his powers due to it.

"But those bastards, took them." he growled, sighed. "They always do. We can only throw rocks at them, as we can't cross the barrier."

Exchange some information, he came to know a lot of things. The most important thing was Max didn't time travel & he was on earth. There was a cell phone that the Pack had retrieved recently and Max personally checked the data and infto to reassure himself.

Max wasn't fast believing enough to take the Werewolves' information for granted so he had used his advanced hearing power to detect if they were telling any lies. Then he half-bonded with some of them to check their intention & memories, only then did his paranoia settle down & his morals kicked in to help the poor beasts.

"Hey, what's your name?" Max asked, kneeling down in front of a 14-year-old kid who he was healing. The surrounding was filled with Bodies of the Werewolves hunter or better known as Rig-Ons by the locals.

"I am K'Reer." He said as he gave a half weak smile. Judging by the whip marks of on his back, he could tell. He wasn't 'handled' pleasantly by the Hunters. But, At least he was lucky.

As his sister wasn't as lucky as him. She was r.a.p.ed and too brutally at that. Even while Max healed her, he had to pump adrenaline inside his brain to make her wake up. But even then her mental health was broken. Only time could fully heal her, it's pathetic what humans can do. If they are out of leash.

"You guys take care. I will handle the chaps inside and come back." Max said as he waved at the group with his hand showing a kind smile. But the rest of the werewolves were experienced enough to know that his smile was hiding the pure brutal rage.

Getting inside the Tent, he crouched down in front of the lying soldiers discharging a generous amount of electricity jolted them awake. He applauded gaining the half awake soldier's attention.

"Now, care to explain why is the Russian & American War criminals are working together," Max said as he glared at the group. "And a friendly advice, don't lie."

"Now, let's start with you," Max said as he knelled down in front of the man who is on command. "Start with the top one, he said." Max said quoting some one from his last life. "It's good for breaking morals.. So let us enjoy this together." Max said showing his Symbiotic sadastic Smile, which made the hunter's skin crawled with fear, as a frozen shiver ran down their back.

"We were…" the commander tried to speak but was stopped midway.

"Wrong move, chief. You were going to lie to me." Max said that even before the commanding officer could finish the sentence. As Max held his head with the left hand, pulling him closer as he inserted the other hand into the man's mouth.

The rest of the hunters looked horrified but they didn't dear to move. And even wondered what the person was doing, ripping out his tongue maybe.

"Oh, by the way. This isn't a deep-thraoting, by the way." Max said chuckling. "Me and my bad jokes. Oh! Found it."

He said as he pulled his away from the mouth, taking a lump of flesh, that was still beating. The soldiers were experienced enough to know what that was. And paled at the thought that might be happening to them.

Max then tossed the beating-thingy to the garbage bin with his precise tossing skills, "And that's a score." Max cheered as his hand was still dripping blood. Max then healed the Officer, even regrowing his heart back. He wasn't going to just let him off that easy.

"Now, I am a kind person, so I kept him alive so...he can rest." Max said standing up. "But don't get any other ideas, young folks." he said showing a cruel smile. "The night is still young they say."


Max 'extracted' some valuable information about this place. It is that, this place is impossible to find in the day. Even if you place a tracker inside you won't be getting any signal. And only when it's night can humans or other creatures can enter this place.

For its unique settings, this place was named the 'Fools Desert'. Max wasn't worried he could leave any time, but he wasn't in a hurry to go back. For what he knew, if he did return now, he might just lash out and attack the sorcerer. He needed to clam down, before he would make any move.

He was barely holding his rage. It helped that he could release his pent up frustrations on the Hunters. But it was still not enough. Rage wasn't an issue in his previous life, but it was now.

-------- (A/N) ---------

Sorry, guys for not uploading the last two days. I had to take care of my mom, she's was ill. But now I can continue.

Don't worry, I am not thinking of drooping the story anytime soon. If you see any mistakes point them out.

-------- (A/N) ---------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. I have introduced Max's love interest there. Help me reach 35 Patrons and I will upload 14 chaps that week.

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity & JaxWolf4 for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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