Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 71 - [26] Negative Mode (3)

Thanks to GildedCloud for proofreading the chapter.

Only 2 chapters till Max's love interest! Not going to challenge you guys, I will upload another chapter if I can today. As you finished the powerstone challenge, with in a few hours.

So a new challenge if you guys can review this work, and make it 100 (it's currently 87 reviews) I will upload another chapter over another chapter. But no promises, I can't pop out chapter every-time.


"By now you should know that as well." Max shrugged, Peter had the more amount of control over his Negative based powers. And unlike Max, when using someone as a host in his black form, he couldn't do that with his Negative Form. The host had full control over it.

"Good answer. I don't know either but I did a couple of adjustments just to make sure it works completely fine." He said. "Wanna take it out for a spin?"

Max raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure about that mister." He said, crossing his arms, smiling a little to get Peter's carefree attitude back. "You are still a minor and do you even know how to drive a bike?"

"Oh, come on. I can't drive it but you can… maybe. And you're not going to stop me… are you?" Peter asked.

Max's lips curled up, "Hell Nah." His powers could be tested later, and he would be lying to say that he wasn't excited, seeing the new bike. As if a wonder had presented itself to him.


"That was awesome. How much speed was that? Anyway?" Peter asked as he parked the Spider-Bike outside the Warehouse.

"Don't know but at least Mach 2, and that's a lot. Even I have to pull a lot of strength to go that fast." Max concluded. "But we probably shouldn't drive that fast. The road may get permanently damaged. It already caught fire a few times."

What they didn't know this incident of Super Sonic speed got noticed by a certain organization.

"Yeah, the last thing we want is the Daily Bugle calling Spider-man the new Ghost Rider." Peter laughed. "Hmm, I wonder how Ghost Rider's bike can move that fast?" he mumbled.

"Well, it's hellfire." Max said. "Didn't you know? He signed a contract with a Vengeful Spirit?"

Peter at Max who just separated. "You aren't lying are you?" he asked, amazed & horrified by the information. That day he promised himself to get involved with Ghost Rider's business if that was possible.

"Don't worry that much, the Ghost Rider won't try to harm you," Max said. "At least the original one." He mumbled as they walked in.

"Not cool man… Stop scaring me." Peter chuckled, thinking it was a joke when there was a large explosion inside.

Max looked at Peter, who tapped his c.h.e.s.t as two times as the Vibranium Suit poured out over his clothing. Not destroying it like other Vibranium suits.

Running with up a storm they both came to the room where Cloak & Dagger were. Only to see them fighting each other.

As Tandy a.k.a Dagger tried to throw Light Shards aiming at Tyrone a.k.a Cloak, started teleporting himself to avoid danger.

"You brought me here." She screamed as she threw a light shard at him, which he barely dodged them.

"Hey, I don't know who you are. Just stop…" He said teleporting away avoiding yet another Light Shard. "Attacking me."

"Ah, Peter you should stop them," Max said.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Well, you are the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man." He shrugged. "And would they believe me if I transformed?"

Peter opened his mouth to argue, but couldn't when he heard an explosion. Taking a glance at the couple. Looking back, he didn't see Max, who bailed on him. With narrowed eyes, he cursed Max, for leaving him here.

"How should I…" Peter couldn't finish when he saw Tandy nearly stabbing Tyrone. Shooting his webs to pull back the weapon when she stabbed, hitting Tyrone with her b.a.r.e fists as Tyrone teleported away.

"Would you two Calm down," Peter shouted, Webbing up as he stood on one of the machinery. Perching from it, looking at the teenagers.

Both teenagers looked at the masked superhero. Shocked and hopeful.

"Hey, aren't you the New Super Hero, Spider-Man?" Tandy asked.

"One & Only." He said. "But could stop your Couples quarrel, your wrecking this place you know."

"Look Spider-Dude, save me from this woman," Tyrone said, pointing at Tandy. "She keeps trying to kill me."

"That I can see," Spidey said. "Care to explain, Miss. No Violence is needed."

"Don't listen to him, he is acting. He will try to kill you the moment you trust him." She shouted. "He did it with me."

"Really?" Peter asked now he was starting to believe that they were actually a couple.

"I don't even know Tandy." The boy said.

"Then how do you know her name?" Spider-Man asked while they couldn't answer as if confused.

"This is getting weird. Max, it would be a good time to help." Spider-Man shouted as his voice echoed in the empty room.

"Well, they are both right, in a way." Max said as he came out from the shadows, as he checked the drone footage as well as the lab videos & files on them. Surprising both the teenagers, while spider-man rolled his eyes.

Max looked at Tandy; she was a 16-year girl with Yellow blond hair, blue eyes. Milky white skin & a figure that was charming. It was no rocket science that she was a daughter of a multi-millionaire model who loved her Carrier more than her daughter.

"So, let me ask you first," Max said, pointing at her. "Do you still have your memories?"

"What?! Of course, I do…" she answered undoubtedly.

"And you," Max said, looking at Tyrone. He was tall for a 17 years old but fit for a basketball player. Even though his clothes were almost torn, with his sharp jawline, he was quite the looker. With his curly hair and Brown eyes, he looked friendly & approachable.

"Yeah, of course, I know." The boy answered.

"And who the hell are you," Tandy asked. Tyrone also nodded, wanting to know the person.

"I will speak about my identity later." Max dodged the questions. "But you guys should sit down, this talk is going to take a while."

------------ (A/N)-------------

Max's New form is similar to Anti-Venom. But the powers are different. And Spider-Man's after bonding with Negative Max, his suit becomes similar to future foundation suit spiderman.

------------ (A/N)-------------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Only 2 chapters till Max's love interest!

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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