Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 72 - [27] Future Goals

Thanks to GildedCloud for proofreading the chapter.

Only ONE chapter till Max's love interest! Another chapter as promised.

So a new challenge if you guys can review this work, and make it 100 (it's currently 99 reviews) I will upload another chapter over this chapter. But it will be tomorrow, do me a favor make the reviews 120, I will upload anyway. But I would most appreciate if you do.


After that, Max explained to them what happened, how they were locked up, experimented on, how they were brainwashed to lose their memories. Trained each week to gain control over their power. It was a long talk & a hard one at that.

"You mean I lost my memories? But it doesn't make sense. I just remember running away from home and you're telling me I was 'there' for 6 months." Tandy a.k.a Dagger asked as she hugged herself tightly, fearful of what they did to her. She was still but a child who ran away in rebellion. It was hard to accept that she was held captive for that long.

Everyone became silent, looking at the girl. It was hard for anyone to accept that they were experimented on. And being a girl didn't help, several disturbing thoughts ran into her mind as she started to weep.

Tyrone was hesitant but embraced the girl as she cried. Their powers reacted to each other's embrace, shining white & black soothing each different feelings.

And when they did, they started to recall their memories. As if their power was regenerating their lost memories, it brought them pain remembering their suffering, helplessness to not being to do anything for each other, horrifying seeing people die left & right used as guinea-pigs and then finally relive that they fell in love with each. And a promise to never separate.

Their powers had removed the temporary amnesia that they had. Remembering their life before the experiment, how they met each other, how fell in love, how they survived through the pain.

It was a heart-filled moment for them, and Peter & Max didn't disturb it. When the light settled down, they became fearless. As Tandy wiped away her tears, looking determined to get revenge on the perpetrator for what they did.

They looked towards Spider-Man. "Where are they?" Tandy asked. "Where are those!"

"In one of the most highly secured prisons on the planet," Max said. "They are Hydra Agents, the moment someone is accused of being one, they get no hearing, just jail. And even if they get to court, they are as good as dead by how much Information Spider-Man & I Submitted."

Peter sighed, looking at the couple, "I wish I found that place sooner, then you wouldn't have to go through those horrible experiences." He said, looking down.

Max patted him on the back before looking at the couple. "Don't get any Ideas for Revenge." He said, looking at the couple. He could sympathize with them, and he had walked a mile on this path to know how bloody it gets.

"Why?," Tandy asked as her power made her shine. "You are going to stop me." She said as she pulled out a light-shard.

"Please, with your powers, you could hardly break into a normal prison. Not one specialized for Hydra agents." Max said. "And I am going to stop you; you are still kids. So, you're still my responsibility. I know the blood-l.u.s.t of revenge more than you do, but I also was lucky enough to survive.

"You guys don't even know how to control your power & you want to get revenge at who?… Hydra? Did you think they survived till now without any preparation? Believe me, you are one of the lucky ones to survive and not get 'fully' brainwashed. I know a certain someone who did their bidding for over 5 decades because of that Brainwashing." Max finished as he let the information seep in.

Hearing the news, even Peter looked at him eyes opening wide. He didn't know Max had met other people, who had also suffered from Hydra.

"So, I ask you?" Max said, his voice neither bold, not soft. "What do you want to do?"

Tandy opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came up, Tyrone took the lead. "We… We don't know." He said stuttering. "But will you help us… Help us, taking our revenge."

Max smiled, "I can't promise you, but I will try with the best of my abilities to help." He said as he took out his Komoye Bead, making a holograph of a particular person. Who Cloak & Dagger immediately recognized.

"Dr. Simon Marshall." He said. "You should know him, he was the one who was in the lead. We could secure you guys & all the doctors, but he is still on loose. But is hiding & won't be returning anytime soon. We did take out his lab."

"Then how… how can we get back at him?" Tandy asked with a quiet voice; she was still emotional.

"First, you can get used to your power & some combat training wouldn't hurt. But, you aren't the only ones who have a bone to pick with them." Max said as he swiped the holograph, showing profiles of various peoples. Some recognizable & some unknown.

All of their eyes opened wide, seeing the profiles. "But…" Peter was cut off.

"Yes, we will help them," Max said, smiling. "This time choosing the opposite side."

The holograph showed profiles of Steve Rogers, Bucky Burns, Wanda Maximoff, Sam Wilson(Falcon) & so on.

Max then left the teenagers to their own devices, as Aunt-May already knows about Peter's so-called 'Stark Internship' she didn't mind when Peter explained their situation. It was big news that Spider-Man took down a sleeper Hydra Super Soldier base. So, she connected the dots even before he explained.

After that, Tony called to check on Peter when he got the news, and Peter explained the situation to him, and Tony agreed to help if the kids need any. Max had nothing to do; Peter was busy, Shuri was super-busy tinkering with Iron-Man tech.


The same night, Max stood on top of the Empire State Building. As the chill of Winter wrapped around him, he felt comfortable. Enjoying the view from above. Even at night New York was a busy place, cars jamming the street, office lights still peaking through the building windows, Smoke, gas, pollution, and everything.

It was the opposite of Wakanda. But New York had a charm of itself.

Max jumped down, spreading his arms as the violent winds brushed around him. Moving his hand forward, he shot a web towards a nearby building. Webbing to a building, swinging his way towards the city.

—————— (A/N) ——————

Tandy Bowen a.k.a Dagger is 16 years old in this story.

Also, this was the time when Captain America broke out the rest of the heroes from Prison. It was supposed to be early, but for a specific reason (It will be revealed later in the story) it was delayed. And Max will help him; it will be quite fun to write about him.

------------ (A/N)-------------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Only ONE chapters till Max's love interest!

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity and GildedCloud for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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