Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 73 - [28] Black Cat (cliché alart)

Black Cat Image.

Thanks to GildedCloud for proofreading the chapter.


The city was dark & cold, same as the people that lived here. This wasn't how she remembered the city. It was beautiful once, people taking care of each other. Living in a helpful society. But her naiveness had only brought her pain.

She remembered the days when her father would take her on his l.a.p, care for her, love her mother. But like everything, her happiness soon crumbled. Now it only brought her pain, remembering her past, yet her past didn't leave her. It shackled her in chains, forcing her to make tough choices every time she tried to outrun it.

She wanted to be free, happy, but all she found was pain and suffering. It made her lose her loved ones, lose those who were close to her. Now, she was alone, at the empty night. Perching on the top of a building, looking at the factory down below. This place that was supposed to be abandoned was bustling with people, people you want to avoid at night, and broad daylight. Street thugs, they were holding weapons they stood guard.

She sighed, putting on her face mask; she was alone this night as well. People called her bad-luck, avoided her. It felt… lonely, yet safe. So she took it, naming herself the Black Cat of New York.

She was ready, and it would be tough for what she was about to do. But she brought this upon herself self… no her Bad-Luck did. On guard, she was about to jump when she heard a 'meow' making her look at the feline creature. A cat that was looking at her a few meters away from her.

Her lips curled up; it was a black cat. Just like her name. Some considered it bad luck. But she didn't mind; she glanced down bellow to check her target was there. Not finding it, she looked at the Black Cat yet again, this time seeing no sign of the feline creature. Was it her mind playing a trick on her? Various thought came to her head when she suddenly heard a horn. Looking at it she saw her target, with disgust she looked at the man, tall, fat yet strong. She would have skinned him by now if she had the chance, but her bad luck played the trick, making her work for that despicable man.

But she would confront him today, bargain with him, for her freedom. With the nimble movements of a cat, she jumped down from the building. Making as minimal sound as possible.

As she landed on her two feet, crouching down, hiding in the shadows looking at King Pin, her boss, Wilson Fisk. She would have liked to gun him down right then & there.

But like how her Master taught her, everything has its time. Another memory of the old fool's kind smile flashed on her. Her Master, like others, was taken away from her. Taken by her Bad-Luck. She wondered when her BadLuck would take her as well, sometimes hoped it would be sooner.

Taking a deep breath calming herself down, she walked ahead, showing herself to the people of the factory. Only taking a glance at her, the people there recognized her, smiling at her. But there was ultra motive hidden behind their smile, which she had learned to ignore long ago.

The giant of a man looked towards her, smiling. "Ah… how are you, Felicia." He said, making her flinch. She didn't like that he was openly calling her by name and acting to care for her.

"What is it?" she growled. Unlike him, she couldn't call him by his name. It was an open secret to who he was. But like how the police respected the man by calling him Wilson Fisk, the same way the underworld did. Calling him by his more well-known name King Pin.

"Now, now, why the icy stare." He said, walking towards her. "You should be happy, and today is the day you gain freedom." Looking away, moving towards the warehouse, indicating her to follow.

"This is not where we should have this conversation." He said as he walked, folding his hands behind his back. Soon with he opened the door, twisting the door, getting in.

"Sit down." He said as he took his seat on his office chair. He kept everything clean for a man who ran a dirty business, his office, clothes & even his records. That's why he still was off the hook.

Felicia stayed still, crossing her arms, looking at her boss, who was tidying up his desk. "Cut the bull-shit, Flisk." She said, slamming her hand on the table.

"I stole the things you asked me to." She said, glaring at him. "Now, free my mother. She has nothing to do with this."

He looked up, eyeing her, before leaning behind his chair relaxed. "I do keep my promises. Your mother will be released." He said with a pause. "But I would like you to meet my new friend."

Felicia felt confused when she saw someone sitting on a chair next to her. Shocked at how the man got there, even without alerting her keen skills. And one needed to be far skillful than her to do so.

The said man was wearing Japanese style Kimono with a sakura pattern, a thin build, and a sword hanging from his h.i.p.s. Long hair tied in a bun & sharp black eyes that could be seen from his white Oni Mask. The man neither moved, nor did he look at her. She got a dreadful feeling just by looking at him.

King Pin stood up, walking around his desk, standing before her. King Pin was a tall man with a wide body. He looked rather obese, but underneath it was packed with muscles. He was a tall man withstanding 6 feet 7 inches. He was ahead two heads taller than her.

"You see, my friend here has an eye on your skills." He said as Felica raised an eyebrow, moving her hand near her belt.

"He is… oh excuse me, where are my manners." King Pin said. "This is Akuma, a member of The Hand."

Hearing 'that' organization's name, Felica widened her eyes. Her late Master had told her about the Hand Organization; it was people made of society's worst. Consists of Nut Jobs who want to control & conquer the world. It was even older than the Hydra-Organization itself.

She held her utility belt only to find her grappling hook missing. Ignoring that, he jumped forward, drawing out her retractable claws that were on her fingertips. For two reasons, she jumped forward first to get away from the Hand member 'Akuma' who most like had powers & stole her grappling gun. Second, to land a blow at to kingpin's face.

But it was all for naught when she was kicked in her stomach by Akuma slamming on the wall as the air got kicked out of her, as she fell from the ceiling King Pin caught her. Holding her with little to no effort in the air, grinning.

Various thoughts went towards her head, 'Maybe this is my Bad Luck catching up.' She thought, barely conscious, looking at Wilson Fisk. Akuma was standing beside him, looking coldly at her through his oni-mask.

"The Hand has some mystical powers they use to make loyal subjects out of anyone, giving them powers in the process." He said, smiling holding up Felicia in the air, not letting go. "And you see your skills are too valuable to let go."

"And your life is too useless for me to care." Came a growling voice of an Apex Predator, Before a red blur hit on The KingPin's Face with an Audible Crack as his body went through the concrete walls.

------------ (A/N)-------------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Only ONE chapters till Max's love interest!

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity, JaxWolf4 and GildedCloud for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

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Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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