Marvel: A Symbiotic Life

Chapter 74 - [29] Enter Max (cliché alart)

Thanks to GildedCloud for proofreading the chapter.

---------------------------------- (Here are two chapters as promised, don't know if I will be able to upload another tomorrow.)

Max was swinging through the city when a certain Cat caught his eye. Frowning, he remembered their last interaction.

Black Cat was one of the known criminals throughout New York. She was well known for stealing from the rich, but now she was stealing from everyone. Max didn't have any long interaction with her, but he followed her nonetheless.

'Well, she did help me and Peter. Might as well say hi.' Max thought as he remembered what happened the first night when they went to the Underground Club.

After Peter won his fight with Kial that day, Felicia took him to the ring leader. Not before warning him that the Ring-Leader might try to kill him. Max and Peter didn't need the help, but she still tried to help, so that was why she was on Max's good side.

That night Max brutally beat the ring leader as well as his men. Breaking some bones to make a point, as to not mess with him. Black Cat was visibly surprised when he saw Max took them out with ease. But, she fled from her spot, not letting the hero thank her for the warning.

Max frowned when Felicia stopped in front of a building. Checking the records from his Komoye Beads, he found that this was supposed to be an abandoned factory. And judging by the thugs that were guarding the area it wasn't a 'good' place to be in.

He knew that she was beautiful, but never imagined that she was-That Beautiful.

Max didn't know what got into him as he started to walk near her forgetting that he was a cat. But came to a halt, when he saw her shading a tear from her mesmerizing eyes. It was like a pinch that he had never felt, directly on his heart. This was probably his first time feeling this much pain.

'Really now. Me and my stupid messed up feelings.' Max sighed, knowing what this disturbing feeling was. 'Well, she does look like a better version of Chloe Grace Moretz, and Its not like Thanos is going to come tomorrow.'

'I should say hi.' Max thought, forgetting he was a cat. So he meowed at her, catching the attention of the girl. Max was so embarrassed because of the catcall that he froze on the spot, cursing his stupidity with passion.

Hearing a car horn nearby the girl looked away, taking the chance Max was able to turn invisible. He sighed in relief; he was visibly sweating, which was more confusing because his symbiotic body wasn't supposed to have sweat glands.

'Why am I getting a schoolboy crush?' he asked himself, frustrated. 'Heck, I can't even move from this spot.' He thought as his body refused to move.

The girl soon jumped down and went along with a man; it was King Pin. Max wasn't surprised seeing him in New York. But when the King Pin said something about her 'freedom'. Max frowned as he started digging on public records. He had access to more information than the NYPD, so it wasn't hard to find out information related to Felicia Hardy. What surprised Max most was that her mother had gone missing not too long ago.

'King Pin did blackmail people to do his bidding. Maybe he is…' his thought was cut off when his spider-sense flared up. He didn't see any danger near him but got the feeling that something very wrong was happening inside the factory.

Rushing, he went inside when he saw Felice through the glass window getting kicked. Looking at the situation his body reacted before he could. By instinct, he used Azazel's power to the fullest teleporting inside. He wasn't supposed to sense when someone else was in danger with his spider-sense. He shouldn't be able to teleport using Azazel's power entirely. Yet here he was, standing a head taller than King Pin in his Beast form, pissed off for some reason. He didn't know what he heard, what he said, just that he was pissed off enough to punch the man through the wall, cancelling his invisibility.

His spider-sense flared up yet again when he saw a sword slashing coming his way, but Max didn't even dodge let the sword hit him, right on his neck. Only for the blade to break at contact, making the swordsman was visibly surprised.

Max looked at the white Oni mask-wearing swordsman; he wasn't going to let him get away. He grabbed him by the face or so he tried when the swordsman teleported away. Knneling near King Pin, as his first objective was to get himself & King-Pin out of the danger.

Seeing another teleporter made Max recall some terrible memories. He wasn't going to let another teleporter get away.

As the swordsman touched King-Pin ready to teleport, he felt sudden pain from his forehead as the smell of blood tickled his nose. As his oni-mask broke from his face, crumbled due to the pocking hole on his forehead.

When the swordsman's face was shown, he looked less human and more machine,, yet he still felt terrified of the bullet wound that was on his forehead. It penetrated through his steel-modified body. The only reason why he was still alive was because of not being fully human. He wanted to use his power get away, when the bullet that was still inside his head exploded with a loud 'bang'. Taking out a massive portation of his upper body in the process as blood splattered around the office, even his arms got detached because of it.

'Who needs guns when you can spit out bullets with more speed.' Max thought smiling, strangely satisfied. He was thinking how clever he was to make that bullet, praising himself. When he saw two green objects looking at him.

Moving his head slowly, he looked at Felicia, cursing his bad luck as he was still in his beast form. Expecting a horrified reaction from the girl, yet it never came.

Not afraid, not scared, just curious. Curious as to why this 'thing' saved her. When the 'thing' started to change, turning into a human male she was surprised. More so when he looked rather—charming.

----------- (A/N) ---------

Fellow Reader, tell me if it's rather cliché. Or if you enjoyed it.

(By the way Image not mine. I am thinking of making a Fan Art of Black Cat using Chloe Grace Moretz, but I am not free now. You can join my Discord, I will upload there If I ever do.)

------------ (A/N)-------------

If you want to read ahead (20+ Chapters) join my Patre0n. Only ONE chapters till Max's love interest!

And thanks to FlowerOfEternity , JaxWolf4 and GildedCloud for proofreading my new (Patre0n) Chapters.

Change the '0' to 'o'

Join me on my Discord to let me know, what direction my story goes.

You could long press and copy the link or just type ( drjVZt8H3g ) in Add server, Discord.

Don't forget to gift me the Power Stones before Knull eats them. And advanced thanks to who will.

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